琴日我先收到第一張渣打Mortgage One的月結單發覺張單冇show已縮減的年期數目和節省的利息
(*Mortgage One的計算方法是
Mortgage Interest = (Principal-balance in C/A) X Interest Rate)
(例如 = $1000000
Monthly Payment = 5000 (P+I)
Terms = 20 Years
Additional Cash save in Bank (Monthly) = 1000
由於Mortgage Interest = (Principal-balance in C/A) X Interest Rate)所以最終利息會減少而年期亦可縮減.)
[quote:5e6939fc55="藍澄小海豚"][quote:5e6939fc55="lamlam"]恆生o既mortgage link 同渣打o既 mortgage one 的concept 其實差不多.但恆生係唔需要每年比o個 $500 admin. fee.[/quote]
但恆生 mortgage link o既儲蓄部份最多只可以去到 mortgage balance o既一半,儲多左個 d 都唔會俾番息你,而 渣打 mortgage one 好似無呢樣野,但渣打有個 $2000 o既開戶費![/quote]
Mortgage One also have the limitation of saving balance (half of mortage amount). As I know the calculation method of mortgage interest in HS is different from SC. In HS the mortgage interest will not deduct the additional saving amount. It only provides high int. rate.
I only know this difference.作者: Sharan 時間: 2003-8-29 09:16:03
bear in mind that for the traditional mortgage you will borrow fewer money from bank.(In the case that if you place 100 thousands dollars in mortgage account that mean you borrow more from bank and pay more interest)作者: AgnesSarah 時間: 2003-8-29 10:30:21
bear in mind that for the traditional mortgage you will borrow fewer money from bank.(In the case that if you place 100 thousands dollars in mortgage account that mean you borrow more from bank and pay more interest)[/quote]
Why :!: ??Whatever I choose which plan I still borrow same amount.作者: Sharan 時間: 2003-8-29 11:07:55
Why :!: ??Whatever I choose which plan I still borrow same amount.[/quote]
mutual benefits ! :作者: Tako and Sukie 時間: 2003-10-7 00:05:26
http://service.standardchartered.com/hkmoa/index.jsp?version=CHI作者: H and H 時間: 2003-10-7 00:09:46
咁每月最少可唔可以儲under $1000 你知啦供樓後起碼頭個幾年會辛苦d 唔會有太多錢儲嘛!作者: Tako and Sukie 時間: 2003-10-7 00:18:16
恒生o個隻好似叫"置息按"假設你借五十萬要存一半即係二十五萬先可以有prime rate咩咩豬既契爺契媽做恒生都話個plan唔著數存到二十五萬不如借少二十五萬啦~~
經過佢地兩個既專業分析最後我地揀左中銀~~~ :em12:作者: Tako and Sukie 時間: 2003-10-18 02:38:00
Hi all I wanna to share my experience on the Mortgage service of my RC flat.
Please correct me if I am wrong. I also have shopped around the 渣打's "Mortgage One" package the advantage of "Mortgage One" is the cash fixability. However this fixable service is NOT free. In the Banker point of view we need pay to buy/purchase this serice such as the year fee.
Beside after the half period of our whole mortgage period in "Mortgage One" package. The interest rate will be the planned interest rate plus 1% ....
One of my friends asked me if I am sure that will have spare cash for tempory store (such as 1-2k per month) then better find the traditional Mortgage with shorter payment period ...... "Simple is the best simple calculation contains less additional charge"
To me I have joined the BoC traditional Mortgage with P-2.625 in 20years period.作者: Agnes Henry 時間: 2003-10-18 22:45:58
總之銀行就冇死錯人啦.... 呢d新招係佢地用已有的專業知識而設計出黎.......
我絕對同意.... "simple is the best"... 所以...我都係用 全期p-2.625的mortgage....作者: bunnud 時間: 2003-10-18 23:03:26
雖然係每個月要俾多少少咪當係買個保險囉.將來邊個可以估計到預多個錢傍身都冇壞丫.(我並不是用MortgageOne的)作者: H and H 時間: 2003-10-18 23:10:51
Only 0.7% rebate
3 years 罰息期 3% 1st year then 2% & then 1%作者: 貓貓仔 貓貓女 時間: 2003-10-19 03:14:31
[quote:411a5e25bb="H&H"]Only 0.7% rebate
3 years 罰息期 3% 1st year then 2% & then 1%[/quote]
咁你收o左佢水oYo麻 d 銀行全部都係吸血鬼o黎o架!! 小心!!小心!! :evil:作者: bunnud 時間: 2003-10-19 11:18:05
[quote:5df0e713af="貓貓仔&貓貓女"][quote:5df0e713af="H&H"]Only 0.7% rebate
3 years 罰息期 3% 1st year then 2% & then 1%[/quote]
咁你收o左佢水oYo麻 d 銀行全部都係吸血鬼o黎o架!! 小心!!小心!! :evil:[/quote]