
標題: 業委會會議 [打印本頁]

作者: G-NET    時間: 2005-1-11 01:29:37     標題: 業委會會議

我都不記得大部份討論事項 只係記得幾點.

1. 選了主席同秘書.
2. 於各座設立業委會意見箱.
3. 清潔公司合約三月到期.
4. 可能安裝智能卡出入.
5. 下次開會是二月初.
作者: Suzuki    時間: 2005-1-11 10:54:12

Thank you so much for your meeting minutes!

Is there no one to take the detail meeting minutes for record?
作者: Tomato    時間: 2005-1-11 11:53:30

~ 仲有管業處承諾會加強保安 例如嚴厲執行閒雜人登記身份証、仲會放置座頭名牌 等我地知道保安員個名.....

~遲d會派垃圾袋 因為環保 所以唔會逐戶派 想要ge去座頭登記領取...

~1座&5座保安員位置將會有調動 1座張梳化已經搵左人整 5座大堂冷氣亦會整過......

會中仲有討論自由人衛生、抹玻璃、老鼠、自由人&酒店職員&工人從1樓搭方便lift上5樓平台等問題 但係未有定案 所以我唔講咁多lu......
作者: vivian    時間: 2005-1-11 12:07:59

咁邊個係主席?  邊個係秘書?
作者: kk and hiromi    時間: 2005-1-11 14:09:26

is the commitee meeting tonite or yesterday? what time and where is the venue?? thanks.
作者: 肥度    時間: 2005-1-12 00:02:51

想問點解個會無6座人. 咁我地有野 可以向邊個反映 ?>_<"
作者: Tomato    時間: 2005-1-12 00:08:06

無6座居民做委員都唔緊要 因為佢地會綜合我地d意見向管業處反映...同埋尋晚開會 所有居民都可以列席 佢地會比時間我地發表意見,所以唔會因為無6座人做委員 而6座居民ge意見因此被忽視
作者: 肥度    時間: 2005-1-12 01:23:18

作者: eric_818    時間: 2005-1-12 08:51:42

出左 notice 喎.
作者: calvin and mei    時間: 2005-1-12 09:01:18

仲有管業處承諾會加強保安 例如嚴厲執行閒雜人登記身份証、仲會放置座頭名牌 等我地知道保安員個名.....

~遲d會派垃圾袋 因為環保 所以唔會逐戶派 想要ge去座頭登記領取...

~1座&5座保安員位置將會有調動 1座張梳化已經搵左人整 5座大堂冷氣亦會整過......

會中仲有討論自由人衛生、抹玻璃、老鼠、自由人&酒店職員&工人從1樓搭方便lift上5樓平台等問題 但係未有定案 所以我唔講咁多lu......

作者: Tomato    時間: 2005-1-12 09:47:32


我平時趕住搭lift 都唔會睇notice 但係notice係有貼ge.....我都係上呢個網先知 所以多d上來啦..... :mrgreen:
作者: vivian    時間: 2005-1-12 10:26:06

[quote:6e5b4e85dd="Tomato"]無6座居民做委員都唔緊要 因為佢地會綜合我地d意見向管業處反映...同埋尋晚開會 所有居民都可以列席 佢地會比時間我地發表意見,所以唔會因為無6座人做委員 而6座居民ge意見因此被忽視 。[/quote]

咁 我地d問題點樣告訴業委會?
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2005-1-12 10:28:22

[quote:0e33207520="vivian"][quote:0e33207520="Tomato"]無6座居民做委員都唔緊要 因為佢地會綜合我地d意見向管業處反映...同埋尋晚開會 所有居民都可以列席 佢地會比時間我地發表意見,所以唔會因為無6座人做委員 而6座居民ge意見因此被忽視 。[/quote]

咁 我地d問題點樣告訴業委會?[/quote]

2. 於各座設立業委會意見箱.
作者: diedsee    時間: 2005-1-12 13:29:24

why there will be a change of 1座&5座保安員位置將會有調動??

仲有...係唔係所有人都出席得 ga??
作者: Tomato    時間: 2005-1-12 13:56:05

[quote:7ecd2689da="diedsee"]why there will be a change of 1座&5座保安員位置將會有調動??

仲有...係唔係所有人都出席得 ga??[/quote]

因為1座同5座ge保安位置係縮左入去 睇唔到門口 d陌生人入左來都唔知....

個會係所有居民都可以去 只係如果要決定一d事情ge時候 只有委員可以投票...
作者: diedsee    時間: 2005-1-12 17:15:09

aiya~~比個名騙咗 tim
作者: vivian    時間: 2005-1-12 17:20:07

個通告有沒有說 : 業主可同時列席嗎?
作者: Wilkins    時間: 2005-1-13 09:27:57

Did the 業委會會議  discussed anything about Cable TV installation?
作者: Tomato    時間: 2005-1-13 11:55:58

[quote:737ce1a7e2="Wilkins"]Did the 業委會會議  discussed anything about Cable TV installation?[/quote]

作者: Charlie Brown    時間: 2005-1-13 12:47:44

[quote:f03c654f25="Tomato"][quote:f03c654f25="Wilkins"]Did the 業委會會議  discussed anything about Cable TV installation?[/quote]


Any confirmed items to be shared?  Thanks.
作者: Tomato    時間: 2005-1-13 12:55:42

[quote:d471eae0e7="Charlie Brown"][quote:d471eae0e7="Tomato"][quote:d471eae0e7="Wilkins"]Did the 業委會會議  discussed anything about Cable TV installation?[/quote]


Any confirmed items to be shared?  Thanks.[/quote]

作者: Charlie Brown    時間: 2005-1-13 12:57:21

[quote:dd4939eeba="Tomato"][quote:dd4939eeba="Charlie Brown"][quote:dd4939eeba="Tomato"][quote:dd4939eeba="Wilkins"]Did the 業委會會議  discussed anything about Cable TV installation?[/quote]


Any confirmed items to be shared?  Thanks.[/quote]


Thanks.  So what're actually discussed ; last night?
作者: Wilkins    時間: 2005-1-13 13:43:18

未有定案???...which means we will not have cabletv in the near future !!
What a bad news !!!
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2005-1-13 16:43:04

Not really !! The point is Cable TV want RC to pay amount of $1XX000 for part of the installation which is out of our pocket. The committee right now is working on the document that the amount who should pay?
Hutchison ? Cable TV ? or ourselves ?
Hopefully we can get the document before the next meeting from EMO.
作者: Wilkins    時間: 2005-1-14 13:32:27

[quote:079c5a5875="Hello Kitty"]Not really !! The point is Cable TV want RC to pay amount of $1XX000 for part of the installation which is out of our pocket. The committee right now is working on the document that the amount who should pay?
Hutchison ? Cable TV ? or ourselves ?
Hopefully we can get the document before the next meeting from EMO.[/quote]I think this matter will settle down soon. Thanks for your info.

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