
標題: 請大家小心財物-因本人於會所失去手錶一隻 [打印本頁]

作者: MandyG室    時間: 2004-12-25 02:30:48     標題: 請大家小心財物-因本人於會所失去手錶一隻


因為我做完gym后 都仲見隻錶係度


拿了所有東西(除了手錶 忘記了拿)

之後 再check locker  看見沒有東西才走.

接住 我便去了massage了 十五分鐘后

準備離去時發現不見了手錶 認真地尋找也不果.

接著得到會所協助下因為finally 更衣室得一個住戶(在我去洗手間時)

知道那家住戶可能拿了 (雖 不是100% 肯定) 可惜那家住户不認  我也無可奈

何 我想 真係當買次教訓..吧. ..

我不是想透過這兒 想講邊座邊户出黎 希望各住戶小心財物.

人每次離開locker 必定鎖好 但今次都係我大意才會令人有機可乘.



作者: 青衣居民    時間: 2004-12-25 03:54:57

每個地方都有小偷有時都好難防.希望你唔好為左e件事而唔開心錢財身外物.祝"聖誕日"快樂返d啦!!! :wink:
作者: grassman    時間: 2004-12-25 15:42:39


作者: MandyG室    時間: 2004-12-26 01:43:01


經一事 長一智.

唔衰過 點知死丫...

其實會所職員都幾盡心 至少公義地說出他們見到的事情.
作者: 榮仔    時間: 2004-12-26 04:41:53

作者: MandyG室    時間: 2004-12-26 12:57:47


我仲唸住: 平安夜 比次機會佢 大家同住藍澄灣ma...

同埋我已經同埋保安同會所職員直接地上去佢屋企ga la...都有o的氣勢

我比埋台佢落:" 我跌左隻錶 好似跌左係你locker喎 你有冇拾到..."

佢地都知道個師奶好煩 我都只係想平靜地取回隻錶

唉 如果再揀 我會二話不說 乜都唔唸 ...听保安講..報左警先算...

而家唸番起 個師奶講的說話有很多疑點...

前幾天 男朋友仲拾到部數碼相機 都交左去保安度啦...

唉 我實左太天真唸住佢會良知地交番出黎...
作者: Tomato    時間: 2004-12-26 14:37:07

唔駛唔開心 個小偷做埋d違背良心ge事 佢一定會得到懲罰..
作者: 青衣居民    時間: 2004-12-26 22:54:55

前幾天 男朋友仲拾到部數碼相機 都交左去保安度啦...

直得一讚喎!!! :em11:  :em11:  :em11:  :em11:  :em11:
作者: Ricky and Carol    時間: 2004-12-27 00:16:28


作者: 榮仔    時間: 2004-12-27 01:13:51

作者: MandyG室    時間: 2004-12-27 01:51:22

[quote:7f817bd1be="Ricky & Carol"][quote:7f817bd1be="榮仔"]點解唔報警啊?


佢上個月日日都去做gym ga 所以大家小心為上~~~

之前 係會所听到其他人話會所有人o的衫比人偷左...

我都唔明 大家住得咁近 日後見面機會真係多的是丫...

係度食 又係度"all"


報警後 都有少少担心職員因此有trouble ... 怕個煩女人投訴.

.因為佢真係好多口 又煩 我係changing room都听到佢講野大大聲..
作者: dracula    時間: 2004-12-27 01:57:35

佢呢世都唔會開心o架喇~ 因為佢呢世都唔知足~ 可悲~
作者: 榮仔    時間: 2004-12-27 08:04:54

作者: saga    時間: 2004-12-28 17:11:46     標題: Re: 請大家小心財物-因本人於會所失去手錶一隻


黎 弟兄姊姐們 一齊呵返 Mandy  :em21:
作者: saga    時間: 2004-12-28 17:13:13     標題: Re: 請大家小心財物-因本人於會所失去手錶一隻

我同 ice 簡中都去做下 gym
你指我睇佢係咩樣 我叫 ice 監視下佢
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-12-28 17:38:48

MandyG As grassman said they are so many people in the Club House but if she is the one you'd better give her the punishment. If not she will continue "her habit" it will be threatening our assets. If she is innocence then your word isn't  fair to her. Anyway let's police find out.
Don't be so unhappy in this time. Maybe you think in that way if you didn't loose it you didn't have a excuse to buy a new one.
作者: MandyG室    時間: 2004-12-29 00:22:31

[quote:ab6245197d="Hello Kitty"]"怕事唔報警唔得啊‧"
MandyG As grassman said they are so many people in the Club House but if she is the one you'd better give her the punishment. If not she will continue "her habit" it will be threatening our assets. If she is innocence then your word isn't  fair to her. Anyway let's police find out.
Don't be so unhappy in this time. Maybe you think in that way if you didn't loose it you didn't have a excuse to buy a new one.[/quote]

If she is innocence then your word isn't  fair to her


不過 失敗左後來抽黎唔到....


Maybe you think in that way if you didn't loose it you didn't have a excuse to buy a new one.

我都係唯有咁唸  睇中左XC SERIES 但未选定邊隻款..因為隻隻參不多...



作者: MandyG室    時間: 2004-12-29 00:30:00

[quote:b9a3e84c70="Hello Kitty"]"怕事唔報警唔得啊‧"
MandyG As grassman said they are so many people in the Club House but if she is the one you'd better give her the punishment. If not she will continue "her habit" it will be threatening our assets. If she is innocence then your word isn't  fair to her. Anyway let's police find out.
Don't be so unhappy in this time. Maybe you think in that way if you didn't loose it you didn't have a excuse to buy a new one.[/quote]

I have aready made a wrong decision of not calling police at that time...

to certain extent it is my fault for not giving any punishment or warning to her because i just go to her home with secQ and politely ask her .

I dont think I can take any further action that have effect on her.
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-12-29 09:50:08

If no further action can be taken. Then it may be a good way to let others to alert.
Anyway relax forgive yourself of loosing the watch.

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