遲 D 1同3座酒店開埋既時間,就會聽到。可能只係高層先受影響。作者: zoensw 時間: 2004-12-16 13:43:13
yes ar I heard in this 2 days and I have complaint for this in EP dept. This noise is extremely unacceptable. Much noisy than the terminal's sound.作者: grassman 時間: 2004-12-16 13:51:54
Which floors have been affected?作者: Hotcake 時間: 2004-12-16 14:59:05
I live in 39/F tower 5 also severely affected by the noise. I have made a complain to the management office. Mr. Lee of management office told me yesterday that he will follow up the complain and will check with the engineering dept of the Hotel.
The noise was stopped last night (Thursday). I think they have switched off the air-conditioning plant temporarily. However for your long-term interests we must fight for removing the plant.
We should point out this problem in next meeting..... :em13:作者: zoensw 時間: 2004-12-17 11:08:00
yes complain complain complain until they solve the problem. SUPPORT!作者: G-NET 時間: 2004-12-17 15:36:04
環保署打電話來 話噪音投訴一定要關窗 他們不肯在酒店項層走廊或房間量噪音. 一定要在我們這邊 點算?作者: Billy 時間: 2004-12-17 15:44:59
關於該問題,我一直同管理署的李先生聯絡,所以如果大 家有問題可直接找他。..........我哋一定要有一個長遠的解決方法,對嗎?.......:x作者: Little Alice 時間: 2004-12-18 22:54:26
today I see some men are repairing or checking it ar..........I hope it will operate quietly after the repairing/checking......... :roll:作者: leebrian 時間: 2004-12-20 00:13:50
Today the Air-conditioning Plant switch on again in the morning. I immediately went to the hotel to complain the noise verblly and to express our concern. However they said the responiable person (Hotel manager) was left so that I have asked them to give my the contact of the hotel management.
"Mr. HO - 2129 7888"作者: Solskjaer 時間: 2004-12-20 00:31:42