You can call me my email address:作者: 豆腐人 時間: 2004-10-2 15:05:02
[quote:ad220296a7="Choi Family"]Hi
I have Two also
You can call me my email address:[/quote]
作者: kk and hiromi 時間: 2004-10-2 21:37:57
I saw a lot of tiles at the lobby of Blk 3 L1....more than 100...don't know u can take or not wor...just dump it outside the lift 8)作者: POON 時間: 2004-10-6 17:03:17
我無呀我都係崩左廁所D磚叫執灟幫我換佢話唔會幫我整但我由六月入伙己經報咗之前要我等依家又話唔換我問點解佢又答唔出於是我問係咪佢地收受利益先有得換因oU隔離簞位換左喇如果係我就會揾廉署.之後先有人打嚟跟進但都係無貨要等喎如果班粉皮有貨比我我再上嚟話你知作者: BLUE 時間: 2004-10-7 14:12:52