why we are spending so much time here is NOT because we are seeking for the right of using the club for FREE
we are under SERIOUS disadvantageous situation whenever there are problem related to the club
(remember i am not assuming and i am not claiming that hwl will do the following action i just mean it is possible)
1. they control our management office + they control large share of our 業權 so they can "arrange" us to pay the fee of clubhouse IF they clubhouse is under accounting lost
2. they control our management office + they control large share of our 業權 so they can "arrange" us to pay many many different types of fee if we use the club house
that mean
我地比唔比150有可能唔掂 <- 我冇話真係唔掂
so we must try to ask them to 交盆數出來
同扮睇唔到你間屋既boardband service 一樣
你估個boardband service係唔係free of charge
你自己估下呢個世界有冇free lunch啦...作者: dragon 時間: 2004-9-12 01:07:23
why we are spending so much time here is NOT because we are seeking for the right of using the club for FREE
we are under SERIOUS disadvantageous situation whenever there are problem related to the club
(remember i am not assuming and i am not claiming that hwl will do the following action i just mean it is possible)
1. they control our management office + they control large share of our 業權 so they can "arrange" us to pay the fee of clubhouse IF they clubhouse is under accounting lost
2. they control our management office + they control large share of our 業權 so they can "arrange" us to pay many many different types of fee if we use the club house
that mean
我地比唔比150有可能唔掂 <- 我冇話真係唔掂
so we must try to ask them to 交盆數出來
同扮睇唔到你間屋既boardband service 一樣
你估個boardband service係唔係free of charge
你自己估下呢個世界有冇free lunch啦...[/quote]我講下咋唔好咁大反應 :wink: 唔啱聽當我無講過 ops:作者: CSC 時間: 2004-9-12 01:31:10
一個月$150一年$1800有什麼玩?我一定不入會。其他青衣屋苑是免費入會,設施是遂樣計。而海欣花園連健身都免費。作者: Robert 時間: 2004-9-12 16:41:25