
標題: 請問你地駛唔駛買火險??? [打印本頁]

作者: YY and KC    時間: 2004-9-8 11:31:24     標題: 請問你地駛唔駛買火險???

其實為左呢件事 我已經同發展商 / 銀行糾纏左成幾個月勒 今日銀行同發展商分別都俾左答案我 ------- 就係呢個係HSBC對火險之要求較其他銀行高 所以一定要買 而發展商亦無野可以協助.

我想問其他業主 仲有無其他銀行有呢個情況呢? 禁對一班用匯豐銀行做Mortgage既業主黎講 咪要多俾一筆囉? :em01:

作者: Robert    時間: 2004-9-8 11:47:39

作者: YY and KC    時間: 2004-9-8 12:02:44

我地就HSBC送半年 依家10月到期勒 銀行要我地俾錢買.
但我地覺得 點解其他銀行可以接受發展商已提供既保險 但我地又要再俾錢呢? 須知道 其實火險係包在管理費內 禁換句話講 我地咪要俾兩份錢?? 真係激氣呀.......... :evil:
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-9-8 12:05:56

Well Right now I'm also got the same case as you and not come to a conclusion. But before I join the Mortage with HSBC (because Standard Charter no need to buy Fire Insurance for RC) I asked them and they checked with Hutchison and said that no need to buy too.
Have you ask them if you buy from HSBC and MO brought the insurance as well. Touch wood ! If you need the compensation can you enjoy double benefit or not ? Even though it's a must to buy Fire Insurance I didn't think I need to buy from HSBC. Moreover the policy from HSBC is very standard. Anyway keep in touch and share the information.
作者: Cora Kwong    時間: 2004-9-9 02:21:44

[quote:c65b8d9fee="YY & KC"]我地就HSBC送半年 依家10月到期勒 銀行要我地俾錢買.
但我地覺得 點解其他銀行可以接受發展商已提供既保險 但我地又要再俾錢呢? 須知道 其實火險係包在管理費內 禁換句話講 我地咪要俾兩份錢?? 真係激氣呀.......... :evil:[/quote]

我都係呀! 不過我嬲得滯自已係出面買 HSBC擺明係貴過人 但係我都打咗去和黃反映 佢係咁道歉 其實火險係唔應該包在管理費內 我點知你係管理費內攞咗幾多嚟買應該用者自付及有選擇權 呢的CASE試過係消費者委員會喥投訴過啦! 不過結果係點你都明呢啦! 你有冇精力同時間呀?! 唉! 咪得个"嘈"字
作者: Cora Kwong    時間: 2004-9-9 02:36:12     標題: Re: 請問你地駛唔駛買火險???

[quote:943396f25f="YY & KC"]其實為左呢件事 我已經同發展商 / 銀行糾纏左成幾個月勒 今日銀行同發展商分別都俾左答案我 ------- 就係呢個係HSBC對火險之要求較其他銀行高 所以一定要買 而發展商亦無野可以協助.

我想問其他業主 仲有無其他銀行有呢個情況呢? 禁對一班用匯豐銀行做Mortgage既業主黎講 咪要多俾一筆囉? :em01:


無奈都要買 我都CHECK 哂啦! 打咗幾十個電話 不過唔會幫襯HSBC 佢要成仟呅 貴過人 但HSBC話咗要係17/9 前SETTLE 就算唔幫襯佢 唔明可以PM我!
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-9-9 10:19:52

Me Too !! I called them and got the same result. They promised to re-valuate the amount of insured address then the premium will be decresed since some of items are included in our master policy. Normally the client need to pay for the revaluation fee but this time the spending is on their account. That's the thing that they can help.
Anyway I do ask the quotation of other insurance co. Remember this co should be on HSBC list of acceptance.
Keep in touch.
作者: YY and KC    時間: 2004-9-9 10:31:42

但我問過恆生 價錢同匯豐一樣 你地知唔知邊間會平d呢? thx.......
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-9-9 12:27:50

Well once I'll get the quotation which is cheaper than HSBC and on their list as well I will let you know.
作者: YY and KC    時間: 2004-9-9 12:36:15

Thx a lot Hello Kitty.......... :wink:
作者: eric_818    時間: 2004-9-9 13:19:13

作者: YY and KC    時間: 2004-9-9 13:59:37

我地頭3年唔轉得架 要罰息............ :?
作者: SEVEN    時間: 2004-9-9 15:39:29

我問了做保險的朋友 他說火險銀行一定要買的 但有些屋苑管理費會包括的
不知道RC是否有包呢 ??? :shock:  :roll:
<有無知道請回應下 ! :idea:
作者: SEVEN    時間: 2004-9-9 15:41:09

YY & KC 寫到:
其實為左呢件事 我已經同發展商 / 銀行糾纏左成幾個月勒 今日銀行同發展商分別都俾左答案我 ------- 就係呢個係HSBC對火險之要求較其他銀行高 所以一定要買 而發展商亦無野可以協助.

我想問其他業主 仲有無其他銀行有呢個情況呢? 禁對一班用匯豐銀行做Mortgage既業主黎講 咪要多俾一筆囉?  


我問了做保險的朋友 他說火險銀行一定要買的 但有些屋苑管理費會包括的
不知道RC是否有包呢 ??? :shock:  :roll:
<有無知道請回應下 ! :idea:
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-9-9 16:08:05

MO has already brought Master Fire Policy that most of the bank are aceepted. (That is paid by our Mgt Fee)  However HSBC required a higher standard policy which includes explosion; Earthquake; Typhoon windstorm & flood; Landslide & Subsidence. That's why those have mortgage with HSBC will need to buy the Fire Insurance that meet their standard.
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-9-10 16:22:46

Hi YY & KC
In my case I called the branch manager (the one handling my mortgage)
and discussed my case. He kept his word the insured sum (original is the same as mortgage amount) is half of it after the revaluation. Therefore the premium is also half of it.
However I asked another insurance co the premium will be 15% less than HSBC. At present I'm still comparing the quotation if you need any information please PM me. Thanks.
作者: tony and carmen    時間: 2004-9-10 23:37:26

我問過匯豐RC份火險用唔到要再買千幾蚊 :em06:
再問自己保險700-800 就ok
我地可以點啊  :?:
作者: 維也納    時間: 2004-9-13 13:27:21

我都係hsbc 架 有決定選邊間保險 請通知 thanks
作者: alankle    時間: 2004-9-13 20:19:09

好咩囉~~~~ :em03:  :?:  :shock:
作者: cola    時間: 2004-9-13 22:23:58     標題: Fire Insurance

銀行己经退回火險费 即係今年唔駛比.
作者: Tang see    時間: 2004-9-13 22:40:19

作者: YY and KC    時間: 2004-9-13 22:41:20

HiHi Hello Kitty

我都係同匯豐交涉緊 希望有好消息啦 我地再聯絡啦............
作者: tony and carmen    時間: 2004-9-14 00:09:16

[quote:19be15aa57="維也納"]我都係hsbc 架 有決定選邊間保險 請通知 thanks[/quote]
我問過保誠683呎  $700-$800   
作者: alankle    時間: 2004-9-14 09:22:37

Dear Tony&carmem:
       It is true~~~my home is also 638feet and have to pay $14xx ar~~~
       So expensive~~~~~
作者: H and H    時間: 2004-9-14 13:19:17

me too 683 sq. feet also $14xx what can we do??? really need to buy??? why only HSBC need but other mortgage bank not???
作者: kk-in-hk    時間: 2004-9-14 13:23:42

你地可以自己出去買火險的 問多幾間保險公司 有買開人壽保險的可以問個agent quote 價 簽之前再回頭問下bank "間保險公司係唔係on list" 係 on list 就可以了. 一些中資 保險公司 或有可能會平D. 經 相熟agent 的其實可以講價的.
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-9-14 13:25:36

I've checked with MO that our Master Policy is handled by The Ming An Insurance Co. The premium of Ming An is around $0.85 per $1000 insured sum and HSBC is around $1.1.  BUT the most important part is the insured sum = replacement value not equal the mortgage sum. In my case my replacement value is less than half of the mortgage sum therefore the premium will be much much lower. (Less than $700 originally from HSBC is around $1800.
I may suggest that ask like Debenham Tie Leung to revaluate first then  find another insurance co to buy Fire Insurance.
If anyone need the contact please PM me.
作者: alankle    時間: 2004-9-14 15:27:28

I have ask the staff of HSCB~~~
But she said the critieria of the bank is much higher than other bank
so I think we have to find another bank of insurance company to do the Insurance~~~~~ :cry:  :em18:
作者: Kiliyan    時間: 2004-9-16 15:37:11

我剛剛才發現呢個問題呀!!!! :evil: 激死我!!! 要成$1039.50一年 所以我都問緊我個保險agent!!!!激死!!!!!HSBC扮晒要求高!討厭!!!就算保險公司都係差唔多錢既話 我都照買 點都唔會同HSBC買! :twisted:
作者: SEVEN    時間: 2004-9-16 16:02:28

[quote:c4b7bd2b61="Kiliyan"]我剛剛才發現呢個問題呀!!!! :evil: 激死我!!! 要成$1039.50一年 所以我都問緊我個保險agent!!!!激死!!!!!HSBC扮晒要求高!討厭!!!就算保險公司都係差唔多錢既話 我都照買 點都唔會同HSBC買! :twisted: [/quote]我有份"AXA"火險資料..可以比較一下 :em07:
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-9-16 16:08:48

Today I called HSBC again. The lady repiled that the Management at present is discussing RC may not need to pay an extra fire insurance they may accept our Master one. BUT if you buy from them they may refund it. While if you buy from other insurance co is better to wait until Sept 27 for their finally decision.
作者: BLUE    時間: 2004-9-16 17:13:33


我剛剛問了朋友"AXA"價格 :
1) 火險每年 HK$ 750.00 <樓宇結構 701-1000尺>
2) 火險連家居保障每年 HK$1180
3) 家居保障每年 HK$560.00
作者: Kiliyan    時間: 2004-9-16 17:26:44

So it's better to wait HSBC. But my case the expiry date is 1 Oct. But i think i will wait till 27 September and i will also call them again and again. As the guy he talked to me this afternoon also claim that they are still discuss with RC but not yet have any confirmation. Did the lady tell you they will have final decision on 27 Sept.?
作者: Kiliyan    時間: 2004-9-16 17:31:31


我剛剛問了朋友"AXA"價格 :
1) 火險每年 HK$ 750.00 <樓宇結構 701-1000尺>
2) 火險連家居保障每年 HK$1180
3) 家居保障每年 HK$560.00[/quote]

I just ask my agent(AXA) already but the price is higher than you and the price she quoted me is based on the mortgage amount not the area amount. Why it's different?
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-9-16 20:01:38

Hi Kiliyan
My insurance expiry date is also Oct 1 04. Today I called them because I've already asked Ming An to draft the policy to HSBC for their approval. Right now I just wait for their reply rather need to buy or not. I think we have sufficient time to arrange it.
How about your permium ?? Mine is around 1/3 of original of HSBC.
Anyway keep in touch !
作者: SEVEN    時間: 2004-9-17 10:42:29


我剛剛問了朋友"AXA"價格 :
1) 火險每年 HK$ 750.00 <樓宇結構 701-1000尺>
2) 火險連家居保障每年 HK$1180
3) 家居保障每年 HK$560.00[/quote]

I just ask my agent(AXA) already but the price is higher than you and the price she quoted me is based on the mortgage amount not the area amount. Why it's different?[/quote]

晤好意思 !  ops:  ops:  應該用mortgage amount   :arrow:  :arrow:
例如果層樓大約一百萬 火險每年 HK$ 750.00  :em07:
作者: BLUE    時間: 2004-9-17 10:49:35


我剛剛問了朋友"AXA"價格 :
1) 火險每年 HK$ 750.00 <樓宇結構 701-1000尺>
2) 火險連家居保障每年 HK$1180
3) 家居保障每年 HK$560.00[/quote]

I just ask my agent(AXA) already but the price is higher than you and the price she quoted me is based on the mortgage amount not the area amount. Why it's different?[/quote]

晤好意思 !  ops:  ops:  應該用mortgage amount   :arrow:  :arrow:
例如果層樓大約一百萬 火險每年 HK$ 750.00  :em07:[/quote]晤該晒你 SEVEN 我會問返"AXA"  :em09:
作者: vivian    時間: 2004-9-17 10:56:01

她告訴我 業主不用買火險 因為管理公司已經買左
但呢d火險只包外牆 不包室內
作者: SEVEN    時間: 2004-9-17 14:33:12     標題: 請問你地駛唔駛買火險

她告訴我 業主不用買火險 因為管理公司已經買左
但呢d火險只包外牆 不包室內

作者: BLUE    時間: 2004-9-17 14:40:39     標題: Re: 請問你地駛唔駛買火險

她告訴我 業主不用買火險 因為管理公司已經買左
但呢d火險只包外牆 不包室內


我都好想知道究竟駛唔駛買火險  :?: <HSBC 只係送半年比我... :em05: >
作者: vivian    時間: 2004-9-17 15:00:21

我好仔細問過我間銀行 她說我不用買火險
因為她說 RC管理公司已經買左
但強調 呢個只係包外牆大圍的保障
that means :

(1) 如有火災 室內的賠償是不保障在內
(2) 如果要保障室內的損失及第三保 則要自己買一種叫做 "家居綜合保"

希望各位街坊指點!!   :em14:
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-9-17 15:22:14

Most of the Bank will accept Master Fire Insurance Policy brought by RC Mgt Office (which means including in our Mgt Fee). At present we are discussing is HSBC which need the borrower to buy a fire insurance policy that meet their higher standard they charged HK1XXX. In other words if your mortgage is with HSBC you may need to buy another Fire insurance policy which meet HSBC standard e.g. explosion.
If you have mortgage Bank will need you to buy Fire Insurance. For new development like RC the Mgt Fee has already included.
Therefore we fight for HSBC just like other Bank accept our Master policy. Then we can save the $$$.
I hope you can understand don't mix up fire insurance & home protection insurance.
Moreover as I mentioned the insured amount of Fire Insurance is not necessary to be the same amount of mortgage. It's should be the replacement value = dwelling.
作者: vivian    時間: 2004-9-17 15:37:31

I see. 咁唔關我事 因我不是幫襯HSBC !
Good Luck !   8)  8)  8)
作者: BLUE    時間: 2004-9-17 16:24:28     標題: 幫襯HSBC

[quote:12da616783="Hello Kitty"]Most of the Bank will accept Master Fire Insurance Policy brought by RC Mgt Office (which means including in our Mgt Fee). At present we are discussing is HSBC which need the borrower to buy a fire insurance policy that meet their higher standard they charged HK1XXX. In other words if your mortgage is with HSBC you may need to buy another Fire insurance policy which meet HSBC standard e.g. explosion.
If you have mortgage Bank will need you to buy Fire Insurance. For new development like RC the Mgt Fee has already included.
Therefore we fight for HSBC just like other Bank accept our Master policy. Then we can save the $$$.
I hope you can understand don't mix up fire insurance & home protection insurance.
Moreover as I mentioned the insured amount of Fire Insurance is not necessary to be the same amount of mortgage. It's should be the replacement value = dwelling.[/quote]

即係話幫襯HSBC 要多買一份火險 ?? :twisted:  
其它銀行是不是不用買呢 ?? :?:  :?:  有無人笞到我  :em14:  :em14:
作者: vivian    時間: 2004-9-17 16:29:47

我幫襯中國銀行 我不用買!
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-9-17 16:44:25

It will depend on our Bank. If your Bank accept the Master Fire Insurance you no need to buy a additional fire insurance. A copy of the Master policy is available at our Mgt Office (L-1).
作者: SEVEN    時間: 2004-9-18 10:53:06

我幫襯中國銀行 我不用買![/quote]

:?: Hello Kitty
:arrow: 我已經問了"HSBC"一定要買火險 佢地話管理公司買火險是保障全座大廈外牆 單位內是不包括再內的 :twisted: 佢仲話一般銀行都會要求業主買 :!:

:?: VIVIAN 我就晤明白點解"中國銀行"不用買 ??? 可不可以提供到資料 ???
作者: vivian    時間: 2004-9-18 11:44:32

他們解釋說 因為RC管理公司已買了火險
他們說 我只需買"家居綜合保"便可 因為這保險是保障自己屋內及第三者的保障
如您想問多d please call : Ms. Carroll Lee of Bank of China (Tsing Yi Branch) at 24369298
She may give you more information.
or I could talk to you over the phone if you wish.  Please PM me!
作者: H and H    時間: 2004-9-23 10:53:51

[quote:beb186dfdd="Hello Kitty"]Today I called HSBC again. The lady repiled that the Management at present is discussing RC may not need to pay an extra fire insurance they may accept our Master one. BUT if you buy from them they may refund it. While if you buy from other insurance co is better to wait until Sept 27 for their finally decision.[/quote]hi hello kitty 唔知依家進展如何呢我都check緊我個friend(hsbc staff)

請問知唔知management office經邊間買master fire insurance 呢?
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-9-23 14:23:05

Hi H & H
As I Know is The Ming An Insurance Co (HK) Ltd & master policy No. is HWPG1.
That's why I will buy from Ming An if HSBC required since their rate is lower than HSBC. If you need the contact you can PM to me. Thanks!
作者: SEVEN    時間: 2004-9-23 16:54:34

:em14:  :em14: 有無人知道hsbc是否不用買火險 ???

我問hsbc 保險部門佢地話晤洗買 但按歇部又話要買????
作者: H and H    時間: 2004-9-23 17:25:43

[quote:a2f61e5425="SEVEN"]:em14:  :em14: 有無人知道hsbc是否不用買火險 ???

我問hsbc 保險部門佢地話晤洗買 但按歇部又話要買????[/quote]i'm now still checking with my friend (hsbc staff)
作者: BLUE    時間: 2004-9-23 18:35:43

[quote:e83311cd4f="H&H"][quote:e83311cd4f="SEVEN"]:em14:  :em14: 有無人知道hsbc是否不用買火險 ???

我問hsbc 保險部門佢地話晤洗買 但按歇部又話要買????[/quote]i'm now still checking with my friend (hsbc staff)[/quote]

H&H : 如果有消息 請通知我 ! 我都問過HSBC佢地話要買 但係我朋友一樣係佢地到供樓就不用買

作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-9-24 11:29:28

Hi H&H  Blue
Yesterday I called HSBC again still have no conclusion. Maybe we need to wait until Sep 27.
Anyway once I know I'll disclose the details here therefore you guys please check it on next monday.
作者: POON    時間: 2004-9-24 11:44:36

Hello Kitty :

我都係幫HSBC做按歇 佢地要我再買火險 因為RC管理公司買個份晤夠COVER ??  :!:  :!:
佢地送了半年火險比我..不過我都想知需晤需要買?? :?:  :?:
如果不用買叫銀行送其它優惠比我.... :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:

晤該你 :em19:
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-9-24 12:01:47

I've checked with MO that our Master Policy is handled by The Ming An Insurance Co. The premium of Ming An is around $0.85 per $1000 insured sum and HSBC is around $1.1. BUT the most important part is the insured sum = replacement value not equal the mortgage sum. In my case my replacement value is less than half of the mortgage sum therefore the premium will be much much lower. (Less than $700 originally from HSBC is around $1800.
I may suggest that ask like Debenham Tie Leung to revaluate first then  find another insurance co to buy Fire Insurance.
If anyone need the contact please PM me.

作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-9-24 12:03:29

Today I called HSBC again. The lady repiled that the Management at present is discussing RC may not need to pay an extra fire insurance they may accept our Master one. BUT if you buy from them they may refund it. While if you buy from other insurance co is better to wait until Sept 27 for their finally decision

If you still have any question you can PM me.
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-9-27 15:44:40

I called HSBC again. Still didn't have any conclusion. The lady said if they can't get the conclusion from the Management on or before 28 Sept 04(Tue) they will continue to give us FREE Fire Insurance (of their standard) until further notice (if buy from other insurance co). BUT if buy from them they will charge you first if not needed they will refund it. So please an eye on it.
Any further details I will post here. Thanks.
作者: H and H    時間: 2004-9-27 16:09:06

[quote:27b393cd22="Hello Kitty"]I called HSBC again. Still didn't have any conclusion. The lady said if they can't get the conclusion from the Management on or before 28 Sept 04(Tue) they will continue to give us FREE Fire Insurance (of their standard) until further notice (if buy from other insurance co). BUT if buy from them they will charge you first if not needed they will refund it. So please an eye on it.
Any further details I will post here. Thanks.[/quote]similar answer from my friend told me today we need to keep eye on it.
作者: POON    時間: 2004-9-27 16:32:16

點解HSBC堅持話要買 :evil:  :evil:
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-9-27 16:57:34

Poon at present HSBC still didn't have conclusion.
But they want me to buy from them they said if not needed they can refund $$$ to me.  I 堅持 not to buy from them. Therefore I need their reply on this issue.
My situation is similar like you. At that time the staff from the branch said that no need to buy fire insurance and checked with Hutchison. Therefore I chose others give-away. When I received the renewal letter  for Fire Insurance I called them and negotiated with them. Finally they did the revaluation for me. So that they lowered the premium into half. BUT I still not satified with that I checked with Ming An Insurance. Their premium is 20% less than HSBC. Therefore I told them I prefer buy from other co. All the draft they have been approved. Once they said that not accept our Master Policy I will call Ming An.

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