我在好百年看到一間叫"哥德 gothic"的床上用品店
試過一張床墊 覺得非常舒服
但價錢好貴 比雅兰貴一倍
但香港未見過 所以唔敢買
thx :em14: :em14:作者: N and M 時間: 2004-8-9 20:38:28 標題: Re: 好百年內的床墊
[quote:d4ceec2630="diedsee"]我在好百年看到一間叫"哥德 gothic"的床上用品店
試過一張床墊 覺得非常舒服
但價錢好貴 比雅兰貴一倍
但香港未見過 所以唔敢買
thx :em14: :em14:[/quote]
How much lei?作者: diedsee 時間: 2004-8-9 21:16:50
4X6 要 $3600 雅兰只係 $2000
不過我都唔知雅兰個價貴唔貴ar!?!作者: N and M 時間: 2004-8-10 16:41:09
It is reasonable.
My old one is Sweetdream 金美夢 cost around the same.
But my wife said it is no good.
She prefers 斯林栢蘭 now but it is really expensive. :em07:
Out of my budget.作者: diedsee 時間: 2004-8-10 19:20:38
[quote:0af9f53578="N&M"]It is reasonable.
My old one is Sweetdream 金美夢 cost around the same.
But my wife said it is no good.
She prefers 斯林栢蘭 now but it is really expensive. :em07:
Out of my budget.[/quote]
但我未聽過 gothic 呢個牌子....冇信心買....
N&M 唔知你聽過未??作者: N and M 時間: 2004-8-12 11:20:27
Haven't heart before
Just found that Slumberland - Lifestyle PPS1200 promo. price at Shatin Seiyu 4'x6' $3720 4'6"x6' $4200. Another band name Vono (another series of Slumberland) even cheaper. Cannot find the price list now. Let me check when return home.作者: diedsee 時間: 2004-8-12 21:12:37
thx N&M!!
不過試咗幾間都唔及 gothic 果張好..............心大心細中~~~~~~ :em08:作者: tony and carmen 時間: 2004-8-13 00:05:11
[quote:b4d411720b="tony&carmen"]8月21日-8月23日(會展)有家居博覧可以去睇睇我張床墊是上次買平D :mrgreen:[/quote]
How much and what brand?作者: tony and carmen 時間: 2004-8-14 01:22:22
How much and what brand?
愛皇健5XXX大約吾太記得價錢60x78送全套床上用品 :mrgreen:作者: keane 時間: 2004-8-14 11:19:46
How much and what brand?
愛皇健5XXX大約吾太記得價錢60x78送全套床上用品 :mrgreen:[/quote]
我地都係愛皇健太空系列$5400 但無贈品
初頭真係唔捨得 但人生1/3時間係張床度
一張好床褥真係好重要 寧願其他慳d
e張床果然冇買錯 好正! :em11: :em11:作者: tony and carmen 時間: 2004-8-14 14:12:07