我都係,佢比咗三塊地磚叫我自己換,你都叫佢比你,好過裂咗唔覩仔,磚免費作者: KK and J 時間: 2004-8-3 11:25:02
如果基本結構無變,可唔可爭取保養維修呢 :?: 唔係有6個月嗎(現已改延至9個月) :?:作者: Billy 時間: 2004-8-3 15:06:18
Wa they are so crazy.
I am sure all people will have decoration before move in.
If they said there is no maintainance after decoration.
It seems the maintainance period is totally no use.作者: Stephen@RC 時間: 2004-8-4 10:09:08
i havent done any decoration and the toilet water pipe is blocked after living 2 weeks.
they also rejected to repair. i dont think the period is useful作者: mickeypopeye 時間: 2004-8-4 19:20:32
thanks you ki- ki作者: mickeypopeye 時間: 2004-8-8 16:12:57