
標題: 聯署要求徹换Gary Lam [打印本頁]

作者: Dela    時間: 2004-7-27 10:57:18     標題: 聯署要求徹换Gary Lam

作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2004-7-27 11:33:24

"聯署要求徹?Gary Lam"

作者: stephenyeong    時間: 2004-7-27 11:37:01

"聯署要求徹?Gary Lam"


作者: Dela    時間: 2004-7-27 11:38:00

fire  :em13:
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2004-7-27 12:13:23

Fire Gary Lam??

為何?  佢有問題咩?
作者: dick queenie    時間: 2004-7-27 12:19:34

撫心自問,Gary Lam份人冇咩野。
作為物業管理 ,佢算守本份。佢夾響中間,上面無能、下面廢柴。
要聯署,不如聯署要求清拆藍澄灣好過。 :em07:
跟本藍澄灣就係.....和黃跟地政署的"業"種(批地錯誤)。 :em06:

作者: H and H    時間: 2004-7-27 12:39:19

[quote:b0c55610b5="dick&queenie"]撫心自問,Gary Lam份人冇咩野。
作為物業管理 ,佢算守本份。佢夾響中間,上面無能、下面廢柴。
要聯署,不如聯署要求清拆藍澄灣好過。 :em07:
跟本藍澄灣就係.....和黃跟地政署的"業"種(批地錯誤)。 :em06:

p.s...陳偉業議員真人好高大 [/quote]haha good! I agree!!!
作者: cshenryhk    時間: 2004-7-27 12:51:16

[quote:548b1d9f4e="dick&queenie"]撫心自問,Gary Lam份人冇咩野。
作為物業管理 ,佢算守本份。佢夾響中間,上面無能、下面廢柴。
要聯署,不如聯署要求清拆藍澄灣好過。 :em07:
跟本藍澄灣就係.....和黃跟地政署的"業"種(批地錯誤)。 :em06:

p.s...陳偉業議員真人好高大 [/quote]

If No 藍澄彎 I had already bought 海欣花園 last year.
Now the price of 海欣花園 is higher than 藍澄彎
作者: vivian    時間: 2004-7-27 12:58:24

好明顯Gary Lam只係一隻傀儡
Gary Lam都愛莫能助!


作者: Dela    時間: 2004-7-27 15:02:20

Actually I think Gary Lam is no management skills.  My point of veiw as "Business is Business".  Even He is not a bad guy.  I don't think he can supervise a good team to provide services for us:
Maybe I should say "change" is more suitable.

For example:
1) He should ask their staff to reply all calls at the same date and not 3 or 4 days after we leave voice mail.
2) He should arrange their staff on shift duty when lunch time Sunday and Holidays.  (now all of them will have a lunch time around 1.5 hours during the time all of their support is down
3) Asked him to call back NO REPLY.
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2004-7-27 15:45:29

作者: stephenyeong    時間: 2004-7-27 15:59:36

作者: Dela    時間: 2004-7-27 16:03:38

Thanks for your agree: Now problem has encountered.
Actually I don' think Gary Lam is a bad guy but he don't reply calls.  I just not believe he is a suitable supervisor to handle a complicated case such as RC.

Of cause may "a lot of" owners think he is a very good supervisor.
So I just can pay for the bad management services month by month.
作者: Koala Bear    時間: 2004-7-27 16:33:05

我對執漏服務一樣不滿,但怨有頭、債有主,GARY LAM只係管業經理,執漏責任應在HWL及PY,不能責怪管業經理一個人身上,另個人經驗是GARY LAM未試過唔覆電話。
當然物業管理上確有好多改善空間,如村巴、保安問題(但之前GARY LAM已話會發臨時住戶証)、住客緊急按鈕、大堂冷氣不夠、走廊無人清潔、郵箱及大門常有宣傳單張、3至5座照明不足、蛇仔路加建上蓋、清潔玻璃窗、CLUB HOUSE開業等等﹗但亦有一些問題已有改善,如住客專LIFT,不過希望GARY LAM加快效率,不竟已是入伙高峰期了﹗
作者: Dela    時間: 2004-7-27 17:08:51

執漏服務 I never think is Gary Lam's responsability.
想是我英文太差 大家都誤會了我的concern.
Property Management 是 Gary Lam 的”主打” Y珒N連最基本的電話查詢也攪不好 我還那敢對他有期望哩?
執漏我就早已用自己的方法攪掂了 – 直接落L1””d判頭..

Gary Lam 就如孔慶翔 : o吾怕佢騎 最緊要有人射!! 有 Fans就有生存空間..
當然我不是他的 Fans 所以有野我都係zM佢老頂.

今日佢老頂話zM左個Senior Manager落RC study 下 點解Management Office d operation 有禁多問題..
作者: Tomato    時間: 2004-7-27 18:55:35

我唔認同拆藍澄灣 我覺得應該拆左9號貨櫃 咁樣對我地 對長青村居民 對香港 (保護維港)都係一件好事 ..............
作者: diedsee    時間: 2004-7-27 19:15:13

作者: KK and J    時間: 2004-7-27 20:01:42

[quote:176c01f1f3="Dela"]Actually I think Gary Lam is no management skills.  My point of veiw as "Business is Business".  Even He is not a bad guy.  I don't think he can supervise a good team to provide services for us:
Maybe I should say "change" is more suitable.

For example:
1) He should ask their staff to reply all calls at the same date and not 3 or 4 days after we leave voice mail.
2) He should arrange their staff on shift duty when lunch time Sunday and Holidays.  (now all of them will have a lunch time around 1.5 hours during the time all of their support is down
3) Asked him to call back NO REPLY.[/quote]

同意。唔係話佢唔好人,而是另一個好心做壞事的例證(有點似董伯伯)。既然佢無能力領導班部下去做事,對於一個身處管理層o既人來講,已算失職。唔好話"fire",不如話"Job rotation"。可能會有改善

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