唔知道你們CCTV9收唔收到?我只有畫面無聲?仲有一台仲係黑白 還有你們水喉有沒有一時好大水一時好少水??? 唔知道係我家的問題定係大家都係一樣??作者: Billy 時間: 2004-7-17 10:09:52
I can receive CCTV9 with both Video and audio. Do you have audio before? How about your video signal quality.
My old apartment have same situration the video quality very bad and no audio it is due to received signal too weak.
About the water support I don't know because I seldem use it. I am not all the time living in RC because Hang Cheong is not yet finished by apartment and right now still in very bad situration.作者: smallpotato 時間: 2004-7-17 19:06:38
有啦 水喉時大時細..."疾下疾下"咁
tv signal 都係一時好一時壞咁
...之前都post過作者: stephenyeong 時間: 2004-7-17 21:45:30