
標題: Hang Cheong furnitures agreement [打印本頁]

作者: LW    時間: 2004-7-16 16:46:02     標題: Hang Cheong furnitures agreement

Already over 60 days ... only 3 furnitures came :cry:  ... xyz@$%@&* :twisted:

Anyone has the same situation?

What action can be took?  Ask for compensation? or Ask for refund and reject the remain furnitures?  Join together to go to Consumer Council?

Please comment.  Thanks! :wink:
作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-7-16 17:05:33

去consumer council la .
one 街坊asked them for help before .
it seems useful
作者: KMKO    時間: 2004-7-16 19:03:33

Yes go to the consumer council.

I am going to cancel the package even though the 60 days is not met.

By the way who make the agreement that we need to wait for 60 days.  We are the customer and we did not sign any agreement with Hang Choeng that we need to 60 days.  It Hang Cheong said that we need to wait for the unreasonable 60 days ask them to provide the contract.

Otherwise just cancel the contract and get your deposit.
作者: Billy    時間: 2004-7-16 20:12:44


I have similar situation with you.
I just pass 60 days deathline last Thursday.

I will go to Hang Hoeng tomorrow morning and see what I can do.
I am planning to ask them for compensation or just cancell the contract.

Otherwise I will go to consumer council.

作者: Billy    時間: 2004-7-16 20:18:00


When I bought my apartment I have a contract needed to be signed.
Inside the contract it stated that you have to leave the key to Hang Heong. and Hang Hoeng have to finish all and return the key to you wiht in 60 days. Please be remenber you have to leave to key to Hang Hoeng.

作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-7-16 20:55:46

Can anyone advise me what to do ??
Because I just paid $1.00 for the funiture package. I only got the light fixture and sofa it already passed 1.5 month. :em01:  :em01:
作者: gp    時間: 2004-7-16 21:01:54

有日搭車聽到有人話投訴成功 可以問恆昌退錢. 不如你打電話去恆昌大o下佢先 睇睇點 :wink:
作者: Billy    時間: 2004-7-16 21:05:33

Are you now living in RC?
Before I go to Hang Hoang every saturday and pushing them the exact day they can finished everthing. Two weeks before the reply is 11~12 July. Last week they said before 15 July because it is deadline. Today I have only one more funiture in my apartment if compare to two weeks before. I am now very angry.

Please be understand I sale my old apartment have to live in RC already three weeks but without bed ..... I can said pushing them is no use. I planing is once 60 day pass ask for compensation or cancel contract. otherwise go to consumer council immediately.
作者: KMKO    時間: 2004-7-16 22:38:39

I think my situation is not as you because my package was separated from the mortgage.  I didn't sign such agreement with them.  

But in case you sign the agreement but they break it can you sue them for breach of contract.  However the worst thing in your case is that you had incorporated the package in your mortage.  I do not know if you can cancel the agreement or not because it is the mortage agreement with the bank (not Hang Cheong now).  I think you can only get compensation with Hang Cheong if they break the agreement after 60 days.

作者: Billy    時間: 2004-7-16 22:54:31

Yes my situration is ready different with you.
But  inside my mortage  there is nothing related to the funiture package.
It just added $39000 in the apartment price to get the funiture contract.
Hence I don't needed to concern about the mortage agreement.

I will try on tomorrow morning.

作者: KMKO    時間: 2004-7-16 23:10:18

If you don't need to concern about the mortage agreement.  Go ahead and fight your right.

I will also go to RC and get back my key tomorrow and then cancel the contract with them.

作者: LW    時間: 2004-7-17 01:04:47

Thank you for all your comments.

I think I should consult with Consumer Council about my situation to see what can I do according to the agreement ... such as what compensation could I claim from Hang Cheong ... or can I ask for the refund and reject the furnitures etc.  Then I am able to plan what action to be take for Hang Cheong. :em17:

作者: KMKO    時間: 2004-7-17 07:07:02



Consult the Consumer Council and see what they can help you first so that you can plan your action.

作者: Billy    時間: 2004-7-17 07:34:00


I ask Consumer Council already they said you have to first ask Hang Cheong for compensation if they refused to do anything you can pass your case to Consumer council.

作者: Billy    時間: 2004-7-17 10:00:05


I just coming back from Hang Cheong.
I tell them 60 days already pass they check that the remaining funiture is not yet in Hong Kong Ask me to wait for thier feedback. (Same as before) They needed to check the status in China.

I told them no need to check the status now 60 days passed already I have the right in law for compensation according to the contract. They still tell me they ensure finish everything for me before 25 July. I tell them I needed something more solid for me.

Finally I force them in writing me a letter with company chop if they cannot finished everything for me before 25 July they will compensated me the price according to Market rental price of my apartment.

I will wait untill next Sunday and see if they can finished according to thier promise.

作者: piglet    時間: 2004-7-17 10:15:11

唔只係拖字訣 仲係貨不對辦 :em13:

一於去消費者委員會度投訴佢地   :twisted:

作者: Billy    時間: 2004-7-17 10:21:06

Can any body try to go to consumer council.
I call consumer council already you can complain them. But consumer council can take action only if they refused compensate you your loss.
(government department ma).
I ask them for compensation and they write me a letter what I can do further.
作者: Tomato    時間: 2004-7-17 11:04:35

[quote:e6d5705971="Billy"]Can any body try to go to consumer council.
I call consumer council already you can complain them. But consumer council can take action only if they refused compensate you your loss.
(government department ma).
I ask them for compensation and they write me a letter what I can do further.[/quote]

好似piglet咁講 佢係拖字訣 d貨0黎唔到 又話比多兩日時間佢 咁仲要等到幾時??即使佢25號之前比到你 都可能係將其他鄰居的同式同款的傢俬比你先 咁變相其他鄰居又無左傢俬!!

所以25號都比唔晒傢俬你 你一定要要求賠償 唔好再比機會佢!!!!"螺"番d錢 自己買傢俬 開開心心入伙!!!
作者: LW    時間: 2004-7-18 00:53:46

KMKO and Billy

Thank you for your advice.

Billy your suggestion is good! :em11:   I will also ask Hang Cheong to sign a letter to guarantee delivery within one week otherwise they have to compensate for the rental value to me! :em12:   Thanks!
作者: KMKO    時間: 2004-7-18 06:52:05


Hang Cheong has agreed to send me the furniture on 24/07/04 and 05/08/04 as per my request.  I bring my tape record there and put it in front of them and record all the dialogues with them.  

I don't think they will dare to cheat me in such case as I will sue them if they failed to perform their obligation.

作者: Billy    時間: 2004-7-18 10:27:46


What's happen to your case.

I remenber you said you are going to cancel the package and get back your money.

The Video record is a good idea and same function as my letter.

Have you set any penelty rule with them. With Penelty rule once they fail to send you the funiture on time what kind of compensation they have to give you is not defined. I think it is very important.

I will tell you all on 25 July if they can delivery me all the furniture. Gather more people send the case to newspaper or magazine is more easy to get thier attention ma.

作者: KMKO    時間: 2004-7-18 21:48:42

Hi Billy

When I went to Hang Cheong and said that I wanted to cancel the contract they immediately said that I could have all my furniture at any time I specified.  Mr. Chan of Hang Cheong (I think he has the authority to decide things and he gave me a direct number to call him as I needed) promised to delivery the furniture to me at my request date.

I did not request compensation but my tape has recorded that his promise and I insist of cancellingl the contract if they still failed to delivery the furniture to me on next Saturday.  Actually I have no agreement with them to meet the 60 days deadline and I think I cannot ask for compensation for exceeding the 60 delivery days.  Moreover th delivery date of my furniture is not exceeding the so called 60 days in my case and I can also disregard what they claimed that I need to wait for 60 days and demand the furniture immediately.

I thought if I can have the furniture by next Saturday it would be more appropriate and convenient for me to plan my moving instead of taking time to source the furniture again (this is also my wife wishes).  Thus I do not insist to get the refund.  In any case I have reported to the Consumer Council about my case and I can take any action immediately if they cannot delivery the furniture to me on 24 July 2004.

I will also tell you if Hang Cheong has delivery me the furniture to me on 24 July.  You are right we need to gather more people to fight for our right.

作者: KCs    時間: 2004-7-19 00:39:39


I also want refund money.
I PM my mobile to you. Could you give me a call to share your situation?
作者: LW    時間: 2004-7-19 02:32:55

Hi KMKO and Billy

I will insist Hang Cheong to sign the letter (regarding the deadline and compensation) to me today.  If they don't sign the letter to me I will go to Consumer Council immediately. :em17:

Actually is it possible to claim refund rather than compensation? :?:   What do you think? :roll:   Thanks!
作者: Billy    時間: 2004-7-19 10:21:04


Yesterday the guy who sign the letter to me call me he said the room partition cabinet will be arrived this Wednesday. And will be installed this Thursday.

Yesterday night when I back to RC all the furniture which was not yet installed are installed. And two more furniture have been arrived and installed including 4" cloths cabinet and one light furniture.

I checked almost everything already receive except the bed and the room partition cabinet.

It seems they pay attention and take action on my package now.

Some furniture have some defect and not yet repair (mainly some Scratch). But as agreed they cannot promoise alll furniture without defect on 25 July. (It can be understand if there is some big defect on the furniture they have to order again the parts from factory one week is not enough for them.) Of course I will continues flight them for defect repair ASAP.

By the way I lost 4 can of Coca cola in my refrigerator I already hear similar case from this web now I move and hide all my drink from the refrigerator.


About refund or compensation I think Hang Cheong will prefer compenstion rather than refund you can try to negotiate with them.

Same as KMKO my main purpose is also push them to finish me everything ASAP.

作者: KMKO    時間: 2004-7-19 13:32:27

Hi Billy

Congratulations!!  You have got your furniture now.  I think if we can push them harder we can have our furniture more quickly.  

By the way you really did great job to serve as a good example to our neighbours that they have to force Hang Cheong to send them the furniture on time.

作者: LW    時間: 2004-7-19 23:27:19

Hi Billy and KMKO

Originally I want to ask Hang Cheong to sign the letter to me tonight ...... but I called them about the status of my furnitures ...... suddenly they said many of my furnitures arrived and arranged to install tonight.  So I went to my flat to see ... now ... only the one bed desk & chair and the carpet are still outstanding.

So I didn't ask them to sign the letter to me tonight.  I will keep chasing them tomorrow about the outstanding items and ask them to install all of them this week-end ... if they cannot make this promise ... I will ask for the letter!

KEEP IT UP! And hope that all of us can get all our furnitures within this week la! :em11:
作者: Billy    時間: 2004-7-21 20:45:31

Hi LW and KMKO

I receive both Partition Cabinet and the bed yesterday night. Partition Cabinet already installed today but not yet finished. (Mainly the gap between the cabinet and the Wall is not totally close. The quality is not bad. The bed is not yet installed. Now all my furniture are arrived. Still needed chase for some defect repair.

I think Hang Cheong don't needed to pay me compensation la.

Hope you two receive all you furniture soon especially LW you ready wait for very long time la.

作者: Tomato    時間: 2004-7-21 23:51:52

我尋日裝左張床 今日裝埋間房櫃喇!!
佢原本今日淨係送d間房櫃組件到我屋企 但係尋日問佢 明明話會裝埋喎!!我地今日仲特登請假入rc等 個姐姐話送貨工人同裝櫃師傅唔同 要再約過日子.......即刻勁鬧佢 要佢今日一定要搵師傅上來裝!!終於搞掂晒 都係等緊執下d傢俬defect.....成形喇間屋!!

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