標題: some photos of my new flat [打印本頁] 作者: John and Esther 時間: 2004-7-16 13:55:38 標題: some photos of my new flat
any comment? :mrgreen:作者: John and Esther 時間: 2004-7-16 14:02:01
next..作者: John and Esther 時間: 2004-7-16 14:03:05
next...作者: John and Esther 時間: 2004-7-16 14:04:12
next...作者: John and Esther 時間: 2004-7-16 14:05:17
next..作者: John and Esther 時間: 2004-7-16 14:05:58
next...作者: Pooh Pooh 時間: 2004-7-16 14:22:12
nice place作者: Hello Kitty 時間: 2004-7-16 14:27:06
Very nice !!!
Only concern about how to clean the A/C because it is not clear in the photos. But anyway I like the design. :em11:作者: Simon Michelle 時間: 2004-7-16 14:27:35
你個仔一定好鍾意張床作者: Tomato 時間: 2004-7-16 14:34:53
我都鍾意你仔仔張床 作者: Robert 時間: 2004-7-16 17:57:04
你仔仔張床幾正喎 :wink: ,是你仔仔的idea :idea: ?
但冷氣機方面...清潔時會有困難嗎?作者: H and H 時間: 2004-7-16 20:08:46
d手工好似好好喎 你搵邊間裝修公司做架?可否介紹一下? 我仲未搵到滿意既公司.... :wink:作者: june and Fai 時間: 2004-7-16 23:07:39
nice...but the fig. so big...see these very difficult... :em18:作者: John and Esther 時間: 2004-7-17 02:12:57
yes the fig. of photos is so big. sorry not enough time to adjust. The problem of cleaning the air-conditioner is not very big as the width is very large around it. We'll move in on this Sunday. Our decortion always delay to finish even the work seems to be nice.作者: John and Esther 時間: 2004-7-17 02:15:49
My son's bed is designed by our decortor. He is very professional.作者: yautin1 時間: 2004-7-19 10:00:21