我買左E3000 奇勝開關制3個掣位果隻 想買黎換廁所 廚房個掣。 旦電氣師父話有個"曲架"制 所以不可以換。有沒有人知道點換啊﹖
:cry:作者: P and R 時間: 2004-7-13 23:54:37
Not a major problem. Just tell the electrician to make the black cable conceal in the base box.
Not affect the electricity. :em02:作者: boyboy 時間: 2004-7-14 00:10:13
我都叫左電氣師父換E3000 奇勝開關制3個掣位果隻 所有燈和廚房抽气扇沒有問題 但電氣師父話唔知點解個廁所抽气扇 和廚房個熱水爐已駁好線都唔著?? 個電氣師父話唔知點解會無電到廁所抽气扇所以唔著 但廚房個熱水爐已駁好線都唔著??請問是什麼問題??作者: P and R 時間: 2004-7-14 01:08:08
Kitchen heater have no individual fuse supply to fuse board. That means your electrican have to get power from lighting which inside the same lighting plate.
I think if your 電氣師父 must know and check this before take the cable out. Take care your electrician whether is a professional one.
Same case as Toilet exhaust fan. Get electricity from lighting.
Told him forget the black cable. Join two black cable together and seal it in the box.
I think exisitng switch plate is too ugly...I also replace it all.
:em02:作者: chloe 時間: 2004-7-14 02:43:40
thank you very much. actually i asked him many times and told him many neighbours had changed. i have no idea why he said can't do it. Anyway i will ask him again tomorrow.作者: boyboy 時間: 2004-7-14 10:49:44