
標題: --* D/E 冷氣跟進報告 (July 12) *-- [打印本頁]

作者: liuh    時間: 2004-7-12 16:10:39     標題: --* D/E 冷氣跟進報告 (July 12) *--

今天繼續跟進 D/E 冷氣問題 和黃回應如下:

1. 現階段仍測試多種解決方案 方案都圍繞住如何為客飯廳增加室外機和室內機. 測試牽涉一些新機種須要由日本進口 因此測試須時較長. 本人認為解釋合理 相信和黃並非拖延時間.

2. 和黃將盡力於本星期五(July 16)前完成測試 並提交書面報告解釋解決方案.
如星期五收到任何消息將即時通報 星期六將召開冷氣關注組特別會議以商對策.  

作者: Koala Bear    時間: 2004-7-12 17:51:37

liuh thanks a lot!  Just waiting for your good news!
作者: 532    時間: 2004-7-12 21:50:55

how about other flats?
作者: fkf    時間: 2004-7-12 23:42:21

thanks for following up liuh!!! :em11:
作者: liuh    時間: 2004-7-13 00:09:08

[quote:1a8cbb3325="532"]how about other flats?[/quote]

I have post couple of times in this forum to have repsentitives from other flats to discuss the detail of aircon probelm. So far I haven't heard any active feedback. My impression (may not accurate) the cooling capacity should be enough for other flats but with some installation probelm. If you think there is design problem please PM me your contact and we can work with you to carry out the similar study we have done for flat D/E.

作者: PT    時間: 2004-7-13 01:53:05

Thank you Herry!
請所有D/E flats 同覺得冷氣唔夠既單位都快些去報defect,否則唔知佢會唔會幫你換修。

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