...唔知點解對面長青邨又會有隔音牆 我地條大路反而冇...
According to your attached letter 因為政府無預計原本"只有酒店"的藍澄灣地段忽然多左住宅出來. 和黃改變了土地用途 令政府失預算.
我地係米應該嘈 :
1. 批准和黃售樓部門 - 無人批就無事啦
2. 申訴專員公署- 因為有部門俾和黃售樓 但又有部門話失預算-唔起隔音牆
3. 和黃 - 不過只怕無用作者: unicorn 時間: 2004-7-9 10:02:34
current planning practice 係唔係有力咁enforce發展商要做足成個eia
至少而家環保署一廂情願用current planning practice來張佢地監管土地環境
如果而家冇條例監管 pollution impact after land use change
咁佢地收咁多人工做mud鬼civil servant
同highway department
尤其佢地highway department epd全部係lui秀冬馬仔
Dear Ms Lui
I am one of the member members who are requesting the help for the estate called rambler crest.
I got a reply from kelvin liu for chief eng/major works 1-2 of highway department.(see attached)
I am the resident of a land located 1 tsing yi road.
The EIA has been performed 1999.
The land use changed from HTL/OU to residential area after 1999 and it was approved lands department.
Mr. Liu told me that any noise mitigation measures arising from subsequent changes of land use should be borne by the developer according to current planning practices.
Can you tell me which department and which ordinance will enforce the developer to provide adequate facilites to protect the resident after from subsequent changes of land use?
Among the government department which should I contact? Please give me the name and phone number of the officer.
If no action and no help could be seek from the government I will seek help from the massive media and Legislative Council.
Thanks作者: kenykl 時間: 2004-7-9 10:54:10