
標題: Hang Cheong Furniture [打印本頁]

作者: KFC    時間: 2004-7-7 00:14:04     標題: Hang Cheong Furniture

Anyone joined the furnture package and the delivery is expired.  I have joined such bad furniture package :em18:  and will expire 10days later.  Can anyone tell me what can I do can I report to consumer council and also refund the money.  :evil:   I really want to refund $$ and also join the outside furniture company to design my flat.   

Did anyone take any action against this bad furniture company OR consumer council already accepted their complaint because I saw someone reported this case to consumer council and accpeted their complaint on Cable TV?.  Please help!! :em14:
作者: FireFire    時間: 2004-7-8 00:17:59

作者: KFC    時間: 2004-7-8 00:27:04

fee of the whole furniture package are added into my mortgage
作者: FireFire    時間: 2004-7-8 11:10:56

[quote:024d624190="KFC"]fee of the whole furniture package are added into my mortgage[/quote]
有線都提過....咁樣情況好難攞得番.......... :em06:
作者: Elly    時間: 2004-7-11 22:01:36

Yes I did. I complain it to Cousumer Council and Cable TV almost 2 wks ago. After that Hang Cheong called me immediately and refund to me without any condition. I got the money back already.  :

However my case is different fm yours I joined the package seperate fm the Morgage so they could refund to me without excuse. May be you could ask Consumer Council's comment first.
作者: Tomato    時間: 2004-7-11 22:41:57

不如你試下"凶"下佢 睇佢會唔會refund比你

因為我個間房櫃十年都未到 尋日又走左去問 我地話如果deadline前都比唔到我地 就算遲一日都唔要 尾數都唔會比........個黃生記左落張紙度 仲話"尾數當然唔駛比 仲要賠返錢比你!!" 我當時真係覺得好奇怪........雖然我唔係好信佢 但係不如你試0下0Y!!!!要惡d......佢實會話"你可以告我....." 唔好比佢地大到呀 要惡d不停咁同佢地理論..........試左好過唔試
作者: KFC    時間: 2004-7-11 23:08:46

I have already urged Hang Cheong yesterday :evil:  a man Mr. Chan (he said he is Hang Cheong's boss :idea: ) promised me they will complete fixing of all furnitures not later than next Wednesday.   I really hope they can help me to complete all furnitures this Wednesday.  If not I will consider to get back the key report to consumer conunil and refund $$ .
作者: ROCKAN28    時間: 2004-7-12 16:53:07

[quote:34c4da9760="Elly"]Yes I did. I complain it to Cousumer Council and Cable TV almost 2 wks ago. After that Hang Cheong called me immediately and refund to me without any condition. I got the money back already.  :

However my case is different fm yours I joined the package seperate fm the Morgage so they could refund to me without excuse. May be you could ask Consumer Council's comment first.[/quote]

我而家等左一個月零3日 係咪要過左期先去consumer council n cable tv? what"s the cable contact no?
作者: vivian    時間: 2004-7-12 17:44:12

最好是業主聯盟發起集會 限恆昌於最多3個星期內完成所有業主的order 否則聯絡傳媒直擊報導 大家認為可行嗎?
作者: KFC    時間: 2004-7-13 22:44:52

I totally disappointed with the Hang Cheong Furniture :evil:  :evil:  the bad package will be expired two days later.  I trusted they cannot complete the furniture within these two days :cry: .  Therefore I will report to consumer council and let all people know never join the furniture package :em16:  :em06: .  If I have any news i will post here again.


Cable TV Miss LeeTel:21125606
作者: ROCKAN28    時間: 2004-7-14 14:06:31

[quote:f37f034352="KFC"]I totally disappointed with the Hang Cheong Furniture :evil:  :evil:  the bad package will be expired two days later.  I trusted they cannot complete the furniture within these two days :cry: .  Therefore I will report to consumer council and let all people know never join the furniture package :em16:  :em06: .  If I have any news i will post here again.


Cable TV Miss LeeTel:21125606[/quote]

KFC It's a bad news. For my case Mr wong replied me that Ms yuen quited and he will follow my case and delivery should be done before this month. However I have no expectation to HC as there are too many bad bad examples. Therefore I have been asking for the cable contact. Thank you. Moreover don't be disturbed by them please be happy. Move in to a new flat should be fresh and happy!!!
作者: Tomato    時間: 2004-7-15 19:31:25

送左一部份傢俬 拎返條匙 等緊其餘傢俬
但係又未換得鎖.......記得記得記得 拎匙的時候 問0下恒昌有無配多條匙......

話說我今日上返屋企 竟然發現送左個床頭櫃來
原來佢地d師傅配多條匙 方便工作!!!!

只係雪櫃無左3包檸檬茶 其餘所有野都無人郁過
反而如果知道係班執漏工人入過來 我會驚好多.........
作者: FireFire    時間: 2004-7-15 19:40:39

送左一部份傢俬 拎返條匙 等緊其餘傢俬
但係又未換得鎖.......記得記得記得 拎匙的時候 問0下恒昌有無配多條匙......

話說我今日上返屋企 竟然發現送左個床頭櫃來
原來佢地d師傅配多條匙 方便工作!!!!

只係雪櫃無左3包檸檬茶 其餘所有野都無人郁過
反而如果知道係班執漏工人入過來 我會驚好多.........[/quote]
突然走d陌生人入黎...我真係會打左先算... :em08:
作者: Tomato    時間: 2004-7-15 19:59:19

哎吔.......我次次上去都會鎖返條防盜錬 好驚突然有人會入來..........
作者: Simon Michelle    時間: 2004-7-15 21:24:17

[quote:4413d38c70="Mr. & Mrs. FireFire"]嘩~~~如果唔知d師傅配多條匙...
突然走d陌生人入黎...我真係會打左先算... :em08:[/quote]

作者: FireFire    時間: 2004-7-15 22:51:34

[quote:f29cab4650="Simon&Michelle"][quote:f29cab4650="Mr. & Mrs. FireFire"]嘩~~~如果唔知d師傅配多條匙...
突然走d陌生人入黎...我真係會打左先算... :em08:[/quote]


呀~~~ :?
咁...call我...等我幫手... :evil:
作者: H and H    時間: 2004-7-15 23:41:01

火火 咁你收齊d傢俬未呀??? 如果未 仲有幾耐係deadline呀?
作者: Billy    時間: 2004-7-16 23:32:39


I am exactly same situration with you.
Expired on 15 July.
Funiture package fee pay together with apartment price.
If you have any news please post it and let me know.

作者: Billy    時間: 2004-7-17 10:01:08

Hi all

I just coming back from Hang Cheong.
I tell them 60 days already pass they check that the remaining funiture is not yet in Hong Kong Ask me to wait for thier feedback. (Same as before) They needed to check the status in China.

I told them no need to check the status now 60 days passed already I have the right in law for compensation according to the contract. They still tell me they ensure finish everything for me before 25 July. I tell them I needed something more solid for me.

Finally I force them in writing me a letter with company chop if they cannot finished everything for me before 25 July they will compensated me the price according to Market rental price of my apartment.

I will wait untill next Sunday and see if they can finished according to thier promise.


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