[quote:cf623f2241="smallpotato"]1. 大家條水喉出水有冇"疾疾下"...唔知點解呢排出水會...之前都好暢順
2. 電視接收某d台仲係唔清楚...(翡翠明珠本港國際)全部有橫紋干擾
3. 恆昌傢私d床足3尺....但係就比張床褥得2尺半...剩返果半尺用黎做咩呢
4. 廁所個轉轉鏡架...跌完一塊又一塊....我只係放左一個杯同一支牙膏牙刷...唉...跌爛左兩隻杯[/quote]I have the first problem too. Have you call the property management?
After I have copmplaint the 2nd problem and they have some people come to my flat and fix it . So the problem have gone. But some times it still not so stable and those repair people said they are trying ti fix the block 3 TV receiver.
The third problem is clearly a defect and ask HangCheong to exchange it.
My friend have the same problem too. He fix the glass by himself by using the glicon. It's better now.作者: FireFire 時間: 2004-7-8 15:53:00