我們有冇通宵車去雅蘭中心? 因為我知有通宵小巴去屯門 (不過忘記幾號只知係雅蘭中心上車)[/quote]
但要先出旺角再入屯門咪仲迂迴[/quote]Dearest all RC neighboor:
1. Do we have any overnight mini-bus to go to kwai fong in order to take n260?
2. Where (the bus stop) to take n260 at kwai fong?
2. How long is the 車程?
4. Is it better (faster) to go to tsuen wan and take n260? If yes any overnight transport to tsuen wan?
Thank you very much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!作者: diedsee 時間: 2004-6-30 21:51:09
n260 pls refer to this
http://www.kmb.hk/chinese.php?page=search&prog=route_stops.php&route_no=N260&bound=2&select_from=&select_to=作者: koo仔 時間: 2004-6-30 22:04:41
[quote:27ee73a278="diedsee"]n260 pls refer to this
http://www.kmb.hk/chinese.php?page=search&prog=route_stops.php&route_no=N260&bound=2&select_from=&select_to=[/quote]Thank you diedsee.
1. Do we have any overnight mini-bus to go to kwai fong in order to take n260?
2. How long is the 車程?
3. Is it better (faster) to go to tsuen wan and take n260? If yes any overnight transport to tsuen wan?作者: abo and keung 時間: 2004-6-30 23:20:57