d sales d 料都唔update
1. 不是用電纜
2. 可以用router 來 share.作者: Y and T 時間: 2004-6-21 01:02:11
我現在用緊hutchison 上網 我覺得同之前netvigator 差不多 我用作一般止網
而我老公話hutchison 慢過netvigator . 之後 剛改 setting from "auto" to "10m". 會再留意留意有無改善.作者: leebrian 時間: 2004-6-21 01:06:48
Not bad very fast.作者: PT 時間: 2004-6-21 01:27:28
d sales d 料都唔update
1. 不是用電纜
2. 可以用router 來 share.[/quote]
Thanks for your info!
咁究竟RC管理費係咪包埋寬頻上網?If yes....係用邊間?您係咪用緊?速度如何?作者: PT 時間: 2004-6-21 01:29:51
[quote:b9b43a53a7="Y&T"]我現在用緊hutchison 上網 我覺得同之前netvigator 差不多 我用作一般止網
而我老公話hutchison 慢過netvigator . 之後 剛改 setting from "auto" to "10m". 會再留意留意有無改善.[/quote]
The ISPs are pretty similar in terms of local and international connectivity. Only Hutchison use Ethernet direct to home. Even PCCW provides just ADSL which will introduce 10~20ms delay due to the encoding on two wire links. So for online interactive games Hutchison is the best due the direct Ethernet hand off. In term of the download speed I don't think any ISP can gaurentee too much and performance varies from time to time and also depends on your neighbours as well. Even in PCCW's case all users will share same ADSL infrastructure still you are competing with others.
In short HGC is not a bad choice at all.
liuh作者: dracula 時間: 2004-6-21 22:36:28
而家用o緊....不過我只係用o黎上網睇網頁 所以都唔知快 or 慢作者: peterboy 時間: 2004-6-21 22:57:24