
標題: 出租單位須付多d利息? [打印本頁]

作者: Sharan    時間: 2003-7-31 00:05:34     標題: 出租單位須付多d利息?

你地簽借貸時有冇這條條款呀 :?:  :?:  :?:
作者: bunnud    時間: 2003-7-31 00:09:43

冇講明但係銀行可隨時更改利息 :em01:
作者: Agnes Henry    時間: 2003-7-31 00:13:24

我男朋友都問過佢個銀行朋友 佢話投資單位係會貴d息 但係你唔好同銀行講咪得囉..佢話咁多單位...銀行點check喎....^^
作者: Sharan    時間: 2003-7-31 00:18:27


作者: kenykl    時間: 2003-7-31 00:27:46

[quote:f4fa847389="Agnes&Henry"]我男朋友都問過佢個銀行朋友 佢話投資單位係會貴d息 但係你唔好同銀行講咪得囉..佢話咁多單位...銀行點check喎....^^[/quote]

Don't try r.....
You don't know the rent who rent your flat will have which bank a/c or credit card it they live there and use the address as mailing address. the bank find the address with people not under the mortgage contract it is a intentional violation of contract the bank has reasonable ground to exercise their right to take back the house (because before you total repaid the mortgage amount the ownership still belongs to the bank). You may need to repay the total amount immediately or charge you a high high interest rate IF the case is discover by them. Because you cheating r....
作者: FireFire    時間: 2003-7-31 00:30:34

[quote:a1c63c24cb="Agnes&Henry"]我男朋友都問過佢個銀行朋友 佢話投資單位係會貴d息 但係你唔好同銀行講咪得囉..佢話咁多單位...銀行點check喎....^^[/quote]
我去律師樓簽約果陣..都話如果單位出租要通知銀行wow... :?:
作者: Agnes Henry    時間: 2003-7-31 00:35:49

我唔知呀 不過佢係某大銀行的manager......內部野...佢知得多過我...再者........租客呢d野...睇你點deal o者...我亞哥層卓爾居...佢可以收足個租客一年的期票...唔駛個個月去追數.....

咁當然...呢d野...係owner breach contract 先啦....打死無怨.... hehe....
作者: Sharan    時間: 2003-7-31 00:41:55

我係港基銀行,佢寫明0.5%,但我問過中銀,佢就話批比你出租時傾,噤佢話mud都得 :em01:  :em01:
作者: Sharan    時間: 2003-8-13 16:10:54

[quote:3acd91a505="Agnes&Henry"]我男朋友都問過佢個銀行朋友 佢話投資單位係會貴d息 但係你唔好同銀行講咪得囉..佢話咁多單位...銀行點check喎....^^[/quote]

我問過銀行了,佢以朋友傾開就話,佢地唔會知,亦都唔會自己專登check,如果你係租比自己人,佢話就可以側側肩,但係如果租比d三唔識七人,就唔好博,有咩事,係我"舌底" :em16:

知多d,係醒d :!:
作者: H and H    時間: 2003-8-13 17:03:55

哦! 唔該晒  :mrgreen:


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