I am \Blk 3 too...3x/F hope my window already changed when I back this week end... then I can get back the key :>[/quote]
我諗三座今日都應該換得7788.... 作者: kenykl 時間: 2004-6-3 23:17:39
[quote:4fa0732725="Mr. & Mrs. FireFire"][quote:4fa0732725="kenykl"][quote:4fa0732725="Mr. & Mrs. FireFire"][quote:4fa0732725="Vanessa"] 嘩....咁好呀...唔該哂你呀..Mr and mrs. fire
你係咪3H 呀? 我係5C 喎 我個窗對住你個窗喎..
very disappointed... Today I went to my flat all windows have not changed yet. I went to their office but thet said all problems discuss in the meeting have not "file" in their records thus don't know the schedule.
I "fired" them in the office they still ask me to wait for the responsible person to call me... I am angry to die. :em13: :em13: :em13:作者: Stephen@RC 時間: 2004-6-4 21:24:27
起初又係叫我留電話 我話我落過黎百幾次次次都係留電話之後又放飛機 直頭問佢想點 玩夠未!!
佢之後仲話聽佢講先 我話講詳諸...依家我講你知呀! 4月等到依家等乜呀! 等你再放飛機呀.
"小"完一輪之後 佢仲於去左影印又打電話 搵左個Mr. kwong 打比我 話一個星期內clear problem 但window未有schedule 但我要佢一定要兩日內覆我schedule.
今晚有個 Mr. ho 打黎 promise 一個星期 clear up problem and change window before 30-June!!
各位 努力呀!作者: wychan 時間: 2004-6-9 22:21:49
呢個故事教訓我地... 有d人唔"小"唔得 he he...作者: eric_818 時間: 2004-6-10 00:39:07