我都聽過朋友例子 新屋近海貼牆紙都無事 所以我都會貼牆紙呀~ 作者: Ric and Ren 時間: 2004-5-31 23:24:47
We planned to have a wall paper. Cost arround 9800 per workmanship and ~4500 for wall paper (683 feet unit). My friend advise me don't used the downstair co. They provided good price but raw material quality and workmanship poor. The first few house very good for demo but it also will down after a year. My existing house is a example in TW.作者: JNA 時間: 2004-5-31 23:37:50
我地都係貼牆紙 問過做室內設計friend佢話牆紙比較襟新
我都覺得係 以前居企油漆 一high花左 條花痕真係好覺好難睇!作者: Y and T 時間: 2004-6-1 00:30:17
我係油油的 現在牆身花的地方已有10+處 非常後悔ya. 所以千其唔好油油.作者: John and Esther 時間: 2004-6-1 12:09:08
If you want to use wallpaper better to choose those "thick". 最好要厚身的.
薄身的wallpaper 不好處理 牆身一定要夠平 否則小小缺陷也掩蓋不了. 薄身在貼的時候易破 就考你師父手工同你運氣 破了的當然可以補膠水 但時間一長就容易出問題 eg. "撲"出來
另一方面 小心太便宜的裝修公司"不一定"好 最好找 曾有friend光顧過的(=有口碑/comment)
:em16: 貼wallpaper 前一定要make sure they 剷走原來"全部" (must "全部") 的油漆 然後補平牆身 再上3層底油 (forget what "底油" is but it is used to "dry" the wall and it should be 3 layers ie. paint 3 times) 完全乾透才可以貼wallpaper. 有些"騙人的" :em13: 就 "是但" 剷走原來的油漆 or not wait the 底油 to dry(=save time) or only 上1層底油 or 底油開"禧"d. :evil: At the first moment the quality is ok but 1 or 2 years the wallpaper will be dropped... :em06:
:em16: So you must always visit your flat to make sure they will not lazy on these.
A large flat in RC my decoration company ask me $18k~20k (not include wallpaper) to fix wallpaper.
For your easy reference a decoration worker earns $700~$1000 per day. Easy to find out which price is "too low".
Good luck! :