另外 據說我們的冷氣是環保型 全開都只是"幾百火"... (有待confirm)作者: Wynne and Paul 時間: 2004-5-27 09:05:32
oh I have the same problem as you found the air-conditioner in small room is not cold. Fortress tells me that they will make a hole in small room and re-connect the cable. This will be done on Friday. Luckily I haven't finished painting the wall otherwise Big problem !!!作者: 草龍 時間: 2004-5-27 09:46:57 標題: Re: 冷氣時得時唔得 可能係駁錯 control 線!
當初發現冷氣機有問題係報管理處幫你搵豐澤 定係要自己搵豐澤d 人上黎 Check 架? Thanks :idea:[/quote]
先報執漏 fill defect form then tell "執漏" 幫我搵豐澤.
However you MUST have patient to "wait" 豐澤 師父. For my experience they told me to "wait 15 minutes" on 11am and actually arrived my flat around 2pm!! :em20: :em20:
So suggest you to call 執漏 every 15 minutes : "When will the 豐澤 師父 arrive my flat?"
Hope they earn experience from my case and will solve others' problem quickly.
Good luck every one!! :em11:作者: yautin1 時間: 2004-5-27 13:34:00
Thankssssss very much! :作者: eric_818 時間: 2004-5-28 01:30:31
當初發現冷氣機有問題係報管理處幫你搵豐澤 定係要自己搵豐澤d 人上黎 Check 架? Thanks :idea:[/quote]
先報執漏 fill defect form then tell "執漏" 幫我搵豐澤.
However you MUST have patient to "wait" 豐澤 師父. For my experience they told me to "wait 15 minutes" on 11am and actually arrived my flat around 2pm!! :em20: :em20:
So suggest you to call 執漏 every 15 minutes : "When will the 豐澤 師父 arrive my flat?"
Hope they earn experience from my case and will solve others' problem quickly.
然後24/5 日豐澤先上來 test but until 26/5 they find the reason. 睇豐澤當時表情 好似都係當時先知有駁錯線的機會. 我有提出其他單位有人都好似我case 希望日後佢地不用再估估下 可以加快d進度 fix the problem on others' A/C.作者: qualcomm 時間: 2004-5-28 14:28:35
My brand is Toshiba wor still call Fortress to check?作者: kk-in-hk 時間: 2004-5-28 15:29:51
[quote:16ddb14094="qualcomm"]My brand is Toshiba wor still call Fortress to check?[/quote]
Yes "ar" the air-conditioner installed by Fortress "ma". Installation fault is of course Fortress' job to fix it.作者: eric_818 時間: 2004-5-28 16:33:57
然後24/5 日豐澤先上來 test but until 26/5 they find the reason. 睇豐澤當時表情 好似都係當時先知有駁錯線的機會. 我有提出其他單位有人都好似我case 希望日後佢地不用再估估下 可以加快d進度 fix the problem on others' A/C.[/quote]