我直情就覺得你朋友係唔抵得妳買左樓。我好懷疑佢自己本身有無樓,就算有樓都係未負資產個隻。呢D不斷對自己潑冷水的朋友,真係有無都罷了。作者: kk and hiromi 時間: 2004-5-27 12:30:03
I love RC but I promised I will never purchase the flat developed by Hutchison or LEE Ka Shing. :em20: :em20: :em20: :em20: :em20: :em20:作者: H and H 時間: 2004-5-27 12:30:52
[quote:9b642fea90="kk-in-hk"]>> 又話前面有一大塊空地 可能會再起樓
選 "e-法定圖則" :em16:作者: H and H 時間: 2004-5-27 14:41:59
[quote:2f8e6268a1="dick&queenie"]流過無數淚水,咁多心血[/quote] why ar???作者: Jess and Burns 時間: 2004-5-27 15:18:56
[quote:39e1b4acdd="kk&hiromi"]I love RC but I promised I will never purchase the flat developed by Hutchison or LEE Ka Shing. :em20: :em20: :em20: :em20: :em20: :em20:[/quote]作者: devin and fanta 時間: 2004-5-28 02:47:31