totally argee with 半伯 and I really hope hutchison could do something on this and I think shuttle bus going to Tsing Yi MTR is essential because
1. it is the nearest mtr station and we could go anywhere from there
2. sometimes we may have to get ourselves some daily essentials and there should be a shuttle bus bringing us to the nearest Shopping mall
what we need is not mini-bus but a shuttle bus with a fixed bus schedule作者: patty and jimmy 時間: 2004-5-15 10:58:54
agree! :em11:
所以我一向都話唔好理果d綠van 我地應該集中火力去爭取shuttle bus
萬一那些綠van真係改到好方便 咁我地就完全冇point去爭取shuttle bus
我真係好希望那些人諗清楚先搞咩簽名運動作者: Purky 時間: 2004-5-15 12:19:53 標題: 不如星期日 一齊簽名啦~
唔知大家有無搭過d van 仔我地足足要20分鐘或以上先可以由藍澄灣去到青衣. d van 仔仲要係6:30am 先開喎~ 上次係van 仔度聽到個業主話~佢老公朝朝都要7點返到觀塘公司~~而家都唔知點算. 我相信我地RC 唔只一個住客要返早班law~
其實講真~當初我地唔係鍾意RC 都唔買佢啦~ 但係今次收樓真令人非常失望 :em16: 唔洗講大家有眼見我地執到幾多漏出黎呀? 都唔知係咪因為d工人無錢收所以搞到起得咁差. 我星期一去完見到RC d 工人掛哂橫額 話被拖欠工資呀~
而家都唔要佢其他服務喇~~單講交通已經同佢最初的承諾有天大的出入. 我地不如星期日發起簽名運動 爭取我地最基本的交通需要 要求有穿梭巴士啦~ 佢話遲d 有van 仔去葵芳喎~~葵芳咁快~~個個都一定會選快的路線~~到最後咪又係因為多人而慢~~唯一根治問題都係有穿巴~~如果唔係~~未來日子我地有排挨架~作者: kenykl 時間: 2004-5-15 13:12:47
Kwai Fong is 100 times convenience than Tsing Yi City as it is more accessible.
- What we should/can do now?
- Anything we can help?
I think we need to go further onwards now right?作者: Penny and Matt 時間: 2004-5-15 13:15:40
TOTALLY AGREE TOO :em11: 鵝地愛豬事家族就脾較贊成好似衣家條駁線一樣由藍澄-青衣地鐵里條循環線起馬同衣家一樣大家就算有意見都吾會太多羅 :roll:作者: diedsee 時間: 2004-5-15 21:53:02
笑死我喇 原來 rc 有咁多文人ga!!作者: joe 時間: 2004-5-15 22:09:28
Totally agree with the suggestion. The reason why I bought RC was due to its shuttle bus service from RC to TY MTC.
Today I arrived at the green van station located at TS at 3:00pm I found I were the only passenger and the weather was really hot. In order not to waste time I took taxi and it took me just 5mins by spending HKD20. But how can we afford HKD20 for a single trip to RC!
By the way for those who are still expecting HWL to fix defects I want to tell everybody that your flat might be treated as public toilets as I received complaints from my hired rennovation workers that those contractors get in and get out of my flat whenever they like and some were telling them that they just wanted to use my toilet. Therefore once the last defect had been fixed today I immediately ask HWL to return the key to me to protect my flat.作者: LO LO 時間: 2004-5-15 22:48:35
冇晒d shutter bus 當然係好唔方便啦,明明話有好多條線,點知宜家一架都冇。
但講真,好似唔係和黃的問題喎,宜係運輸署在數個月前宣佈會大力收緊批出shutter bus 的牌照,佢地如果唔肯批,和黃想遵守對我地的承諾都冇計啦,都無牌。作者: yo and lok 時間: 2004-5-16 01:42:00
For Gov't Dept. issue only voice out to media give them pressure is the only solution otherwsie those lazy pigs will not listen to us ( little citizen)作者: patty and jimmy 時間: 2004-5-16 13:05:45
路程有幾近又點???幾多燈位呀.搭車出美孚可能路程遠但車程最多要7分鐘.去葵芳要幾耐??5分鐘???去青衣機鐵咁近都要超過5分鐘.你去到青衣/葵芳仲要搭多幾個站先到美孚喎....你諗吓條數係唔係咁計.作者: Bear and Miao 時間: 2004-5-17 13:18:10 標題: Re
讚成!!起瑪售樓書有既野一定要有!!作者: Teresa and Fai 時間: 2004-5-17 13:59:16