
標題: 藍澄灣又有工人拉起橫額 [打印本頁]

作者: candy-cheung    時間: 2004-5-13 16:15:09     標題: 藍澄灣又有工人拉起橫額

d工人投訴“有汗出冇糧出”唉!正衰人拖薪 :em13:

唔怪得d執漏又差又慢 :em01:
作者: H and H    時間: 2004-5-13 16:24:48

D工人被拖薪 仲邊有心機幫我地執!

拖薪!!!! 正衰人!!!
作者: 我是誰    時間: 2004-5-13 16:28:05

any picture?
作者: candy-cheung    時間: 2004-5-13 16:48:07

[quote:dd30d8b480="我是誰"]any picture?[/quote]

作者: piglet    時間: 2004-5-13 16:50:24

唔怪得d工人咁"拿西" 原來冇人工
俾著我 我諗我都冇心機~ :em20:
作者: manhk167    時間: 2004-5-13 17:00:38

支持d工人 不過我個爛橙幾時先可以住得人?
作者: mmmmmm    時間: 2004-5-13 17:11:21

又是Paul Y,他們真的不知所謂,
作者: JNA    時間: 2004-5-13 17:14:35

作者: mmmmmm    時間: 2004-5-13 17:20:58

自從收樓後,大量defect 及樓宇質素問題,加上網友在網上民恕沸騰!!!
作者: Ha and Kui    時間: 2004-5-13 17:29:29

[quote:2dba0d6a18="mmmmmm"]又是Paul Y,他們真的不知所謂,

PY 最叻係財技 起樓?..... 可能係非核心業務 不過佢老細同李生咁好關係 都唔憂無生意啦.
作者: hales    時間: 2004-5-13 17:34:09

不過未必係關paul Y 事喎....
Paul Y只不過係大判,有可能係二判唔出糧都唔奇咖
作者: boyboy    時間: 2004-5-13 17:34:38

死啦未有排都無人會幫我執漏 :em03:  :em03:  :em08:  :em08:
作者: JNA    時間: 2004-5-13 17:53:47

千祈唔好鑽牛角尖呀 :em16:  :em16:
作者: ye    時間: 2004-5-13 18:15:02

Oh so cannot find anybody in the 管理 centre today
作者: Emil and Jeff    時間: 2004-5-13 18:47:22

[quote:30d006d831="ye"]Oh so cannot find anybody in the 管理 centre today[/quote]
作者: jokenhk    時間: 2004-5-13 21:36:25

Me too. I 'm so worry as I have move some essential item in the flat. before the Hang Cheong installation of the furniture. What can I do?
作者: Alvin and Janis    時間: 2004-5-13 22:10:03

最終受害者就係我們呢班 rc 業主呀
作者: cshenryhk    時間: 2004-5-13 22:48:41

Always without salary and reduce salary is not a good feeling....

I'm IT and we are always defrauded by contract agent. So I sympathize with the workers.
作者: Qoo    時間: 2004-5-13 23:03:51

[quote:b977dd5e93="Emil and Jeff"][quote:b977dd5e93="ye"]Oh so cannot find anybody in the 管理 centre today[/quote]

Emil and Jeff你地好吾洗太擔心呀可能太忙姐 : 希望系羅 基本上我好同情班工人的欠薪問題不過我地亦系受傷者羅又會有邊個體諒我地呀 :cry: 真系希望二判又好大判又好盡快處理好件事等工人可以袋袋平安我地又可以快d收屋 :em11:
作者: kenykl    時間: 2004-5-14 17:56:06

This topic is quite sensitive if you take a look on those Mr. Li's project quite a number of them have such "issue".
Tactic? Mgt. Problem? Contractor Problem?
Guess la....
But only one point GOD BLESS US!
作者: Suzuki    時間: 2004-5-14 20:40:39

I think all of you guys is too sensitive and post negative message too much. Please cool down and stuy this issue before post your message!! This is our RC! And many outside peoples is watching......
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2004-5-15 09:25:09

作者: Agnes Henry    時間: 2004-5-15 09:49:54

我唔明有乜野咁驚喎..... 呢d事十個地盤九個有.....

你地成日都你一言我一語無風起浪東拉西扯....... 無事化小事 小事化大事大事化到要絶食靜坐遊行抗議....唉...唔驚到變驚啦...
作者: matthewlee    時間: 2004-5-15 10:32:47

[quote:84602ab3dd="Agnes&Henry"]我唔明有乜野咁驚喎..... 呢d事十個地盤九個有.....

你地成日都你一言我一語無風起浪東拉西扯....... 無事化小事 小事化大事大事化到要絶食靜坐遊行抗議....唉...唔驚到變驚啦...[/quote]

agree! 問題出在制度本身 不是個別地盤 其實早幾年前問題更嚴重 (好像以前有個地盤 d工人還到過勞工處 有人企圖自殺etc 所以政府好像要做野) 只是大家沒有留意 層層分包 大判/ 發展商就更難控制承建商了 (同樣問題也出現於清潔等外判工作)

我們一日不滿意執漏 承建商一日也收不到錢  只要發展商還在 他都要執手尾 唔通承建商清盤就唔使交樓呀!

我們倒不如花精神在新居之上 善待已經很慘的工人仲好啦!
作者: patty and jimmy    時間: 2004-5-15 10:54:29

工人收唔到錢 係會直接影響到樓宇質素 同埋執漏進度同質素喎
作者: Suzuki    時間: 2004-5-15 11:08:17

But how do you know the that workers is handling what kind of job. All of the picture is come from all of yourself. It is too subjective. Please don't make the picture become worst!! Thanks you for all. Also even we talking this topic in here. Do you think we can help them. If you guys really want to help them. You can go there to support them. Please don't post too much negative message in here. Then the name of RC will become better.
作者: Emil and Jeff    時間: 2004-5-15 15:37:32

[quote:6e35702c0a="Suzuki"]But how do you know the that workers is handling what kind of job. All of the picture is come from all of yourself. It is too subjective. Please don't make the picture become worst!! Thanks you for all. Also even we talking this topic in here. Do you think we can help them. If you guys really want to help them. You can go there to support them. Please don't post too much negative message in here. Then the name of RC will become better.[/quote]

講乜都假 想樓價升 quality 最緊要....
作者: Wynne and Paul    時間: 2004-5-15 22:52:57

I think the developer should spend more effort on the quality rather than the quantity.  Imagine that when the price of house drops a lot (just like 2-3 years) ago the quality is better than today.  Do you know the reason ?  It's because if you don't provide good quality then no one will buy it.  However since many people now buy flat because of investment not caring too much about the quality.  That's why the developer also not caring too much about the quality.  They just concern when and how to sell at higher price (but remember higher price doesn't mean better quality) it's actually the same material.  Is it worth to buy at such higher price ?  I don't think so.
作者: 半伯    時間: 2004-5-15 23:11:10

今午見到個執漏老總 順便問下佢單野點睇 佢話班友係酒店那邊的 同住宅這便無關................


作者: Emil and Jeff    時間: 2004-5-16 01:21:44

[quote:b00b50dc0d="半伯"]今午見到個執漏老總 順便問下佢單野點睇 佢話班友係酒店那邊的 同住宅這便無關................


今日諗住返去睇下執成點啦...查實在下同內子已經妥協 叫佢地唔駛執d 空心磚架啦 而家淨係叫佢地油返幾忽牆咁大把o者

仲有一個禮拜就到四個禮拜啦.... 我就 :shock: 放長雙眼 :shock: 睇下佢地點算.... 我實剷到佢地上天花板架....

在此奉勸大家千祈唔好讓步...本人就係驚佢地做唔切...點知佢地三分顏色上大紅......................可惡................. :em13:  :em13:  :em13:  :em13:

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