但由於只有極之少量現貨,大家仍要繼續努力。。唔係我朋友就訂完貨後會摘住好多貨啦。。 :em16:作者: E and M 時間: 2004-5-11 22:37:10
would you mind please let mw know how much of the new lock and what is the advantage作者: Eric and Mandy 時間: 2004-5-11 22:49:36
[quote:34790c4825="E & M"]would you mind please let mw know how much of the new lock and what is the advantage[/quote]其實個鎖基本上係一樣,只係換個鎖膽"隉C。如果要成個鎖換,要多好多錢。。我朋友依家收$200 1個原裝Bonco鎖膽,100%唔會同人一樣及收$50安裝費...total: $250
你可以考慮。。作者: dracula 時間: 2004-5-11 23:00:52
我呢個星期六入伙... 如果可以 & 方便的話.. 可否換先呢?
不過如果太急 or 唔方便就唔好麻煩到你 & 你朋友... thx thx~作者: Eric and Mandy 時間: 2004-5-11 23:36:31