paul.y 你們至今的態度,實在令到很多人失望,要知道你們已在燃眉之急。
點解有一份要去新鴻基地產架... :?:作者: Wynne and Paul 時間: 2004-5-8 23:37:10
I think to let their enemy knows.作者: CJ 時間: 2004-5-9 00:17:39
I think to let their enemy knows.
their enemy knows well already la; why do you think SHK anouce 0 defect cases in TKO Centre
... Ah! Ding! Dick you are genius! They still have some joint investments like Pacifica phrase II... and west kowloon project... SHK may not like the noise...
But it is a fire game be vigilant...作者: dick queenie 時間: 2004-5-9 00:27:04 標題: Re: 決定找消費者委員會
自己屋苑整返好咪OK law.
唔駛揚到去樞密院人大呀!!!作者: Tako and Sukie 時間: 2004-5-14 16:04:43
而家就係整唔好嘛作者: GM386 時間: 2004-5-14 16:37:27
一齊做阿"Q".作者: Alvin and Janis 時間: 2004-5-14 23:03:52
其實而家 d 野整番好
遲些 d 人都唔記得原來 rc 曾經有過咁多問題
所以對 樓市方面未必會有太大影響
遲d 咪重死~~~~作者: Tako and Sukie 時間: 2004-5-14 23:12:34
果d先真係對樓市有影響啦.作者: Wynne and Paul 時間: 2004-5-15 00:36:07
I agree to keep calm and step by step to do. Actually the situation is not so worse now. We can still have "talking" with them. If situation becomes worse we can't "talk" with them any more and everything may be stopped.作者: Cora Kwong 時間: 2004-5-15 04:49:31
[quote:0f27ce718e="Wynne & Paul"]I agree to keep calm and step by step to do. Actually the situation is not so worse now. We can still have "talking" with them. If situation becomes worse we can't "talk" with them any more and everything may be stopped.[/quote]
DEAR ALL STAY CLAM AND GO TO SEE LA! :|作者: Eddy Lam 時間: 2004-5-15 09:05:17
[quote:b8a43df0a0="Alvin & Janis"]其實而家 d 野整番好
遲些 d 人都唔記得原來 rc 曾經有過咁多問題
所以對 樓市方面未必會有太大影響
遲d 咪重死~~~~[/quote]
I also agreed with U action. Machine said is right - "係同和黃買樓 所以要炳就要炳和黃 "作者: window 時間: 2004-5-19 23:19:20
Agreed we should join together to complaint the developer & Po Wah作者: cchome 時間: 2004-5-21 10:14:35
listen from the Mgt. Office. the developer and Po Wah hold a meeting and they agreed a period of defect rectification with a month.
Developer :em13: Po Wah .......ha...ha作者: Stephen@RC 時間: 2004-5-21 10:50:48
[quote:c93fc2e774="cchome"]listen from the Mgt. Office. the developer and Po Wah hold a meeting and they agreed a period of defect rectification with a month.
Developer :em13: Po Wah .......ha...ha[/quote]
does it mean Po Wah need to finish within a month ??
however it is not improvement since one month is the current rectfication period :em06:作者: Jess and Burns 時間: 2004-5-21 13:49:52
yeah yeah........ join together to complain :em13:
make an appointment and have a meeting.
any suggestion???? 作者: cchome 時間: 2004-5-22 17:11:29
reply Stephen@RC
the situation is that one month rectification peiod is starting from the submission date of defect form which was listen from the staff of MO and the staff also said that it is the 和黃's requests.作者: Stephen@RC 時間: 2004-5-22 17:26:06
[quote:0d084173b7="cchome"]reply Stephen@RC
the situation is that one month rectification peiod is starting from the submission date of defect form which was listen from the staff of MO and the staff also said that it is the 和黃's requests.[/quote]
ic .作者: E and M 時間: 2004-5-23 00:59:07
We agreed to complaint. Our flat submitted the form at the beginning of April still do not finish. Also no body can help. The management always said we will follow......over ten times. In deed no body will follow we complaint to 和黃 said Management will follow. But until one week our flat still like the same. useless and rubbish. Go to defect list office only have 3 tables to serve us. But there is over 30 people to wait. Need us to wait for over 2 hours we are not beg them like social welfare department to give us money. We need our house back. we are paying their wages....Rubbish company