
標題: 各位要change windows 街坊. very bad news [打印本頁]

作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-4-28 11:11:47     標題: 各位要change windows 街坊. very bad news

我頭先打電話比黃和問change window重要幾多時間.
佢地話冇貨. 要等成個幾兩個月  :em05:
作者: Simon Michelle    時間: 2004-4-28 11:14:18

唔係掛.........too bad
作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-4-28 11:17:42

工程部講. 相信係真..
作者: dick queenie    時間: 2004-4-28 11:55:01

作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-4-28 12:02:09

sorry . you need to pay management fee whenever you got the key..
that why 我都起火 話佢地如果的野未ok . 就唔好比key la .
anyone knows 和記contact (email / phone) ar . really need to complaint
作者: H and H    時間: 2004-4-28 12:07:11

照計可以入左伙之後 到佢有貨先安排師傅上黎裝ge bor 不過到時要搬開D傢俬比佢裝就麻烦D 係咪咁呢? defect list 簽剩呢個item???
作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-4-28 12:17:57

[quote:0596e02275="H&H"]照計可以入左伙之後 到佢有貨先安排師傅上黎裝ge bor 不過到時要搬開D傢俬比佢裝就麻烦D 係咪咁呢? defect list 簽剩呢個item???[/quote]

係. 佢地都suggest比反間屋先 遲下先裝window .
但係如果到時有傢俬  到時make defeats . 邊個take respond .
我問佢地啦.. 佢地答唔到.
作者: Wynne and Paul    時間: 2004-4-28 12:20:09

I think the next item will be toilet and kitchen bricks.  It will soon out of stock because everyone need to change it.

How about 空心 wall any one has fixed it ???  Quite worry how they fix it ?

作者: Wynne and Paul    時間: 2004-4-28 12:21:30

also the warranty period start when we receive the key.  It seems not fair to us if they delay the repair.  Should we request to extend the warranty period ???
作者: H and H    時間: 2004-4-28 12:32:44

[quote:97adae95e3="Stephen@RC"][quote:97adae95e3="H&H"]照計可以入左伙之後 到佢有貨先安排師傅上黎裝ge bor 不過到時要搬開D傢俬比佢裝就麻烦D 係咪咁呢? defect list 簽剩呢個item???[/quote]

係. 佢地都suggest比反間屋先 遲下先裝window .
但係如果到時有傢俬  到時make defeats . 邊個take respond .
我問佢地啦.. 佢地答唔到.[/quote]都係盡量搬開D傢俬 睇住佢地整會好D掛! 唔係冇可能等佢幾個月架!
作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-4-28 12:41:08

[quote:40b9d69bdd="H&H"][quote:40b9d69bdd="Stephen@RC"][quote:40b9d69bdd="H&H"]照計可以入左伙之後 到佢有貨先安排師傅上黎裝ge bor 不過到時要搬開D傢俬比佢裝就麻烦D 係咪咁呢? defect list 簽剩呢個item???[/quote]

係. 佢地都suggest比反間屋先 遲下先裝window .
但係如果到時有傢俬  到時make defeats . 邊個take respond .
我問佢地啦.. 佢地答唔到.[/quote]都係盡量搬開D傢俬 睇住佢地整會好D掛! 唔係冇可能等佢幾個月架![/quote]

唉. 都要盡量push them.
作者: H and H    時間: 2004-4-28 12:43:46

[quote:26e940ad60="Stephen@RC"][quote:26e940ad60="H&H"][quote:26e940ad60="Stephen@RC"][quote:26e940ad60="H&H"]照計可以入左伙之後 到佢有貨先安排師傅上黎裝ge bor 不過到時要搬開D傢俬比佢裝就麻烦D 係咪咁呢? defect list 簽剩呢個item???[/quote]

係. 佢地都suggest比反間屋先 遲下先裝window .
但係如果到時有傢俬  到時make defeats . 邊個take respond .
我問佢地啦.. 佢地答唔到.[/quote]都係盡量搬開D傢俬 睇住佢地整會好D掛! 唔係冇可能等佢幾個月架![/quote]

唉. 都要盡量push them.[/quote]Yes must push them!!!!!!!!!!
作者: dick queenie    時間: 2004-4-28 12:51:03

作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-4-28 12:55:55

如果係small room 玻璃重pk . 到時點move張bed
作者: H and H    時間: 2004-4-28 12:57:09

鳴~~~冇人錫...[/quote]下 唔好嚇我! 不過都唔好咁唔開心啦 遲D會整好比你架喇 要錫錫更係搵你honey~queenie 啦

話時話我可唔可以去你地度see see ar dick 少?
作者: diedsee    時間: 2004-4-28 13:08:01


Queenie~~馬上行動啦!! :em21:
放心啦 我間屋整defect期間都鬼五馬六
作者: H and H    時間: 2004-4-28 13:18:44

[quote:11679cee4a="Stephen@RC"]如果係small room 玻璃重pk . 到時點move張bed[/quote]
大房張床咪又係窗邊 幾大鑊! 我仲係全部都要換添呀真唔得佢死!!!!! 都唔知係咪真係冇貨而又要訂咁耐貨 定係吹水話冇貨博你地唔想麻烦而唔換等佢地慳人力慳料!
作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-4-28 13:21:06

[quote:57e8363813="H&H"][quote:57e8363813="Stephen@RC"]如果係small room 玻璃重pk . 到時點move張bed[/quote]
大房張床咪又係窗邊 幾大鑊! 我仲係全部都要換添呀真唔得佢死!!!!! 都唔知係咪真係冇貨而又要訂咁耐貨 定係吹水話冇貨博你地唔想麻烦而唔換等佢地慳人力慳料![/quote]

yes . i also think that ...
what can we do now ?
作者: Solskjaer    時間: 2004-4-28 14:36:44

作者: Tomato    時間: 2004-4-28 18:26:58

其實佢地d窗開頭都有d膠痴住格 點解禁早搣走晒 搞到d窗花晒呢???
作者: FireFire    時間: 2004-4-28 18:33:16

作者: Alvin and Janis    時間: 2004-4-28 22:06:52

[quote:c65792823b="H&H"][quote:c65792823b="Stephen@RC"][quote:c65792823b="H&H"]照計可以入左伙之後 到佢有貨先安排師傅上黎裝ge bor 不過到時要搬開D傢俬比佢裝就麻烦D 係咪咁呢? defect list 簽剩呢個item???[/quote]

係. 佢地都suggest比反間屋先 遲下先裝window .
但係如果到時有傢俬  到時make defeats . 邊個take respond .
我問佢地啦.. 佢地答唔到.[/quote]都係盡量搬開D傢俬 睇住佢地整會好D掛! 唔係冇可能等佢幾個月架![/quote]

因為無可能無得住又白交 mgt fee 嘛~~~~
作者: Qoo    時間: 2004-4-28 22:14:44

鳴~~~冇人錫...[/quote]下 唔好嚇我! 不過都唔好咁唔開心啦 遲D會整好比你架喇 要錫錫更係搵你honey~queenie 啦

話時話我可唔可以去你地度see see ar dick 少?[/quote]

你們好我今日先登入唔知係唔係真係好遲 我見倒你地都講了好多野 而家我真係好擔手今日已經交了表好驚呀 :em18: 我就俾80分間屋雖然有成3幅牆有少少空心&個廳1大細窗有花孔為安全一定要換 其他可以的話我都不用佢地換最多自己整 dick&queenie而家睇完你地話好似整完重差過之前 真係好擔心 :em01:
作者: Qoo    時間: 2004-4-28 22:19:53


Queenie~~馬上行動啦!! :em21:
放心啦 我間屋整defect期間都鬼五馬六

diedsee你們好 真的嗎 你地係唔係已全部整好 :?: 我尋日收樓今日交表佢地話要大約2-4個禮拜真係好耐而家唔知點安排裝修 :| 請問要幾耐先整好交間屋俾你地呢 :?: 同埋我發覺間屋好多白色塵/灰 :?: 唔知阿姐姐會唔會掃埋呢 :?:
作者: Alvin and Janis    時間: 2004-4-28 22:26:15


作者: diedsee    時間: 2004-4-28 22:30:44


diedsee你們好 真的嗎 你地係唔係已全部整好 :?: 我尋日收樓今日交表佢地話要大約2-4個禮拜真係好耐而家唔知點安排裝修 :| 請問要幾耐先整好交間屋俾你地呢 :?: 同埋我發覺間屋好多白色塵/灰 :?: 唔知阿姐姐會唔會掃埋呢 :?:[/quote]

Hi Qoo!!

I had submitted three times of the defect list on 14/4 18/4 & 23/4.
But they are so efficient nearly 80% completed.

The windows which I had listed at defect list and submitted on 18/4 had replaced to me on 22/4.
Another windows which I had listed at defect list and submitted on 23/4 had replaced to me on 25/4.
作者: dick queenie    時間: 2004-4-28 22:34:08

[quote:133a336dfe="Qoo"] dick&queenie而家睇完你地話好似整完重差過之前 真係好擔心 :em01:[/quote]

心痛矣 :em18:
作者: Agnes Henry    時間: 2004-4-28 22:35:52

呢d defeat係day1己經發生既事唔係warranty period範圍之內所以唔會話過左一年就唔幫我地整.... 如果係真 咁佢地係breach contract..可以告佢... warranty period係另一樣野...

...advised by mr.jim...
作者: JNA    時間: 2004-4-28 22:44:35

hi  大家好, 我是new member,想問diedsee 前後有幾多defects?
同埋有無"醒" d 師傅,快d幫你攪掂?
作者: diedsee    時間: 2004-4-28 22:50:12

[quote:8bbbebee12="JNA"]hi  大家好, 我是new member,想問diedsee 前後有幾多defects?
同埋有無"醒" d 師傅,快d幫你攪掂?[/quote]

total (around) 65 defects but I giveup to repair the wall and the wooden floor. I hanvn't told them 快d幫攪掂 ar but they still have high efficiency.
作者: Qoo    時間: 2004-4-28 22:54:53


diedsee你們好 真的嗎 你地係唔係已全部整好 :?: 我尋日收樓今日交表佢地話要大約2-4個禮拜真係好耐而家唔知點安排裝修 :| 請問要幾耐先整好交間屋俾你地呢 :?: 同埋我發覺間屋好多白色塵/灰 :?: 唔知阿姐姐會唔會掃埋呢 :?:[/quote]

Hi Qoo!!

I had submitted three times of the defect list on 14/4 18/4 & 23/4.
But they are so efficient nearly 80% completed.

The windows which I had listed at defect list and submitted on 18/4 had replaced to me on 22/4.
Another windows which I had listed at defect list and submitted on 23/4 had replaced to me on 25/4.[/quote]

都好快喎 :em11: 希望我都可以快d 多謝你的回覆好詳細呀 :em11:
作者: Qoo    時間: 2004-4-28 22:57:36

[quote:776028378b="dick&queenie"][quote:776028378b="Qoo"] dick&queenie而家睇完你地話好似整完重差過之前 真係好擔心 :em01:[/quote]

心痛矣 :em18:[/quote]

dick&queenie你們好 唔好唔開心 :wink: 放心你地好快就會見間屋靚靚架 :mrgreen: 不如你地上去同師傅叔叔打聲招呼 會唔會好d呢
作者: Qoo    時間: 2004-4-28 22:59:50

[quote:c93fefdf03="diedsee"][quote:c93fefdf03="JNA"]hi  大家好, 我是new member,想問diedsee 前後有幾多defects?
同埋有無"醒" d 師傅,快d幫你攪掂?[/quote]

total (around) 65 defects but I giveup to repair the wall and the wooden floor. I hanvn't told them 快d幫攪掂 ar but they still have high efficiency.[/quote]

65真係好多喎 :x 請問最多在邊度呢 :?: 佢地都算快喎 :!:
作者: Qoo    時間: 2004-4-28 23:02:03

[quote:a82066411c="JNA"]hi  大家好, 我是new member,想問diedsee 前後有幾多defects?
同埋有無"醒" d 師傅,快d幫你攪掂?[/quote]

JNA你好 我都係新人多多指教 我係2座你呢 :?: 想問你點醒師傅叔叔呢 :?: 唔係要用$ 用$好似唔係太好喎 :!:
作者: diedsee    時間: 2004-4-28 23:09:18

65真係好多喎 :x 請問最多在邊度呢 :?: 佢地都算快喎 :!:[/quote]

mainly at 大門 廚房及廁所
U better refer to other RC owner's defects whch showed/discussed in this forum before u start ur checking!!
作者: JNA    時間: 2004-4-28 23:10:58

嘩!! 65defects 都可以80%complete(within 10 days)  都算有效率,咁都放心d  :em12:  再想問你why3次交form ? mud唔係收key後3day要交咩? :?:
作者: diedsee    時間: 2004-4-28 23:17:18

[quote:875949f8c2="JNA"]嘩!! 65defects 都可以80%complete(within 10 days)  都算有效率,咁都放心d  :em12:  再想問你why3次交form ? mud唔係收key後3day要交咩? :?:[/quote]

於是搵多三十幾個defects出現........ :em06:

交完可以再交!!  :em12:
作者: Qoo    時間: 2004-4-28 23:22:35

[quote:c3aa30110c="diedsee"][quote:c3aa30110c="JNA"]嘩!! 65defects 都可以80%complete(within 10 days)  都算有效率,咁都放心d  :em12:  再想問你why3次交form ? mud唔係收key後3day要交咩? :?:[/quote]

於是搵多三十幾個defects出現........ :em06:[/quote]

diedsee多謝你提點 :em11: 唔好唔開心而家都整好80%要慶祝就真 不過我都驗得好指細 成個愛豬事家族出動喎
作者: JNA    時間: 2004-4-28 23:45:34

hi Qoo, 你好! 大家都是新仔,都是block 2,我是G你呢?我話醒師傅是指-吃喝咋,not relate to $$$$ 因我之前有experience 同裝修/執漏哥哥打好關係 係會順暢d :mrgreen: 你已收樓 congulation : defect多唔多? 
作者: dracula    時間: 2004-4-28 23:56:35

頭先入去睇話... 仲有一個窗o既玻璃崩o左 :|
望真 d... 廚房地台磚有好多菊花....
再望上天..... 個假天花有一年唔夠長..... 仲係有燈果一件..... :em18:
作者: yautin1    時間: 2004-5-1 17:09:24

[quote:50718e3c9a="Tomato"]其實佢地d窗開頭都有d膠痴住格 點解禁早搣走晒 搞到d窗花晒呢???[/quote]

今日幫我執漏的師傅話發展商為了安裝省時間 所以一早搣走晒佢地 最後俾沙石整花!  :em18:  :em18:  :em18:
作者: Qoo    時間: 2004-5-1 18:48:01

[quote:ad2ba0f7f8="JNA"]hi Qoo, 你好! 大家都是新仔,都是block 2,我是G你呢?我話醒師傅是指-吃喝咋,not relate to $$$$ 因我之前有experience 同裝修/執漏哥哥打好關係 係會順暢d :mrgreen: 你已收樓 congulation : defect多唔多? [/quote]

JNA你好 你又係2座 :em12: 高中低邊種呀 :?: 我係F 我都有放野飲在雪櫃呀 :mrgreen: 我都好同意你講法打好關係對大家都好 :em11: 真係希望可以順暢今早打問過管理處話我個單位唔多問題應該兩個禮拜整好 :roll: 對我講算順利呀 :em11: 我間屋舖磚連浴室廚房都只是廳有一塊磚有兩條痕管理處話會幫我換 :roll: 我大約計劃可以今個月最尾至下個月頭可以入伙 :?: 希望真係可以唔想只交管理費 :em16:
作者: Qoo    時間: 2004-5-1 18:49:21

[quote:8223496bea="dracula"]頭先入去睇話... 仲有一個窗o既玻璃崩o左 :|
望真 d... 廚房地台磚有好多菊花....
再望上天..... 個假天花有一年唔夠長..... 仲係有燈果一件..... :em18:[/quote]

dracula你好 請問 (再望上天..... 個假天花有一年唔夠長..... 仲係有燈果一件..... )意思是 :?:
作者: Qoo    時間: 2004-5-1 18:50:13

[quote:f6f0bec581="yautin1"][quote:f6f0bec581="Tomato"]其實佢地d窗開頭都有d膠痴住格 點解禁早搣走晒 搞到d窗花晒呢???[/quote]

今日幫我執漏的師傅話發展商為了安裝省時間 所以一早搣走晒佢地 最後俾沙石整花!  :em18:  :em18:  :em18:[/quote]

華好唔負責姐 :em16:
作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-5-1 19:03:32

其實都唔知重要等how long .
佢話1-2 months . after 1 -2 months  they will say other 1 month
i think we should ask them the exact date ..
they should know that .. except they just want to delay and delay
作者: Qoo    時間: 2004-5-1 19:15:54

[quote:d415280d0d="Stephen@RC"]其實都唔知重要等how long .
佢話1-2 months . after 1 -2 months  they will say other 1 month
i think we should ask them the exact date ..
they should know that .. except they just want to delay and delay[/quote]

Stephen@RC你好 請問間屋你多不多問題 :?: 裝修師傅話要定時追下管理處呀 :?:
作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-5-1 19:41:13

[quote:15aa979c5a="Qoo"][quote:15aa979c5a="Stephen@RC"]其實都唔知重要等how long .
佢話1-2 months . after 1 -2 months  they will say other 1 month
i think we should ask them the exact date ..
they should know that .. except they just want to delay and delay[/quote]

Stephen@RC你好 請問間屋你多不多問題 :?: 裝修師傅話要定時追下管理處呀 :?:[/quote]

hi Qoo

係呀 you need to follow up yourself.
我個單位最大問題係窗花 (<== 我都冇叫佢裝  :em01: )
and 雲石有銹
作者: Qoo    時間: 2004-5-1 19:44:04

[quote:f497ab915c="Stephen@RC"][quote:f497ab915c="Qoo"][quote:f497ab915c="Stephen@RC"]其實都唔知重要等how long .
佢話1-2 months . after 1 -2 months  they will say other 1 month
i think we should ask them the exact date ..
they should know that .. except they just want to delay and delay[/quote]

Stephen@RC你好 請問間屋你多不多問題 :?: 裝修師傅話要定時追下管理處呀 :?:[/quote]

hi Qoo

係呀 you need to follow up yourself.
我個單位最大問題係窗花 (<== 我都冇叫佢裝  :em01: )
and 雲石有銹[/quote]

Stephen@RC hi too 下 (我個單位最大問題係窗花 (<== 我都冇叫佢裝  :em01: ))是指有兩塊木夾著玻璃或是鋁質窗花呀 :?:
作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-5-1 19:46:33

的窗玻璃呀  i mean
作者: Alvin and Janis    時間: 2004-5-1 19:50:39

[quote:1a6cbbafba="Stephen@RC"]其實都唔知重要等how long .
佢話1-2 months . after 1 -2 months  they will say other 1 month
i think we should ask them the exact date ..
they should know that .. except they just want to delay and delay[/quote]

3 個weeks 又3個weeks
3 個weeks 又3個weeks
都唔知幾時入到去住 唉~~~~~~~
:em06:  :em06:
作者: Qoo    時間: 2004-5-1 19:50:49

[quote:5b07268388="Stephen@RC"]的窗玻璃呀  i mean[/quote]

我記得同我們一齊上去收樓的靚靚姐姐話這類窗花發展商一定要裝因為怕坐於窗台時一失平衡會跌落街   :?:
作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-5-1 19:57:48

[quote:32f9cd53c1="Qoo"][quote:32f9cd53c1="Stephen@RC"]的窗玻璃呀  i mean[/quote]

我記得同我們一齊上去收樓的靚靚姐姐話這類窗花發展商一定要裝因為怕坐於窗台時一失平衡會跌落街   :?:[/quote]

Qoo. you misunderstand la . i mean 個窗好花呀  :em08:
作者: Qoo    時間: 2004-5-1 20:01:32

[quote:2996968012="Stephen@RC"][quote:2996968012="Qoo"][quote:2996968012="Stephen@RC"]的窗玻璃呀  i mean[/quote]

我記得同我們一齊上去收樓的靚靚姐姐話這類窗花發展商一定要裝因為怕坐於窗台時一失平衡會跌落街   :?:[/quote]

Qoo. you misunderstand la . i mean 個窗好花呀  :em08:[/quote]

呀傻lee呀 :em14: 耳一定要換呀 :x 個窗要八掛架哽要靚靚 :mrgreen:
作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-5-1 20:03:06

[quote:2790f73d20="Qoo"][quote:2790f73d20="Stephen@RC"][quote:2790f73d20="Qoo"][quote:2790f73d20="Stephen@RC"]的窗玻璃呀  i mean[/quote]

我記得同我們一齊上去收樓的靚靚姐姐話這類窗花發展商一定要裝因為怕坐於窗台時一失平衡會跌落街   :?:[/quote]

Qoo. you misunderstand la . i mean 個窗好花呀  :em08:[/quote]

呀傻lee呀 :em14: 耳一定要換呀 :x 個窗要八掛架哽要靚靚 :mrgreen:[/quote]

唉 . 佢地話要成一二個月.. i am so worry they will delay again .
i will ask them to give me the exact day tml
作者: Qoo    時間: 2004-5-1 20:39:44

[quote:ad12d906e5="Stephen@RC"][quote:ad12d906e5="Qoo"][quote:ad12d906e5="Stephen@RC"][quote:ad12d906e5="Qoo"][quote:ad12d906e5="Stephen@RC"]的窗玻璃呀  i mean[/quote]

我記得同我們一齊上去收樓的靚靚姐姐話這類窗花發展商一定要裝因為怕坐於窗台時一失平衡會跌落街   :?:[/quote]

Qoo. you misunderstand la . i mean 個窗好花呀  :em08:[/quote]

呀傻lee呀 :em14: 耳一定要換呀 :x 個窗要八掛架哽要靚靚 :mrgreen:[/quote]

唉 . 佢地話要成一二個月.. i am so worry they will delay again .
i will ask them to give me the exact day tml[/quote]

下一二個月會不會太長呀 :em16:
作者: JNA    時間: 2004-5-1 23:20:37

Qoo 我是4x/F 景觀和你差不多
都算開揚(山.樓景) 冇NOISE PROBLEM,
作者: saml    時間: 2004-5-1 23:59:25

作者: june and Fai    時間: 2004-5-2 00:14:31

作者: Tomato    時間: 2004-5-2 00:18:08

我隻隻窗d較位都有生銹 唔記得報defect tim :shock:
作者: june and Fai    時間: 2004-5-2 00:27:23

我隻隻窗d較位都有生銹 唔記得報defect tim :shock:[/quote]
作者: Ice    時間: 2004-5-2 11:00:01

[quote:8916df9882="june & Fai"]我就慘有八只玻璃花&崩…鉸位就仲勁、全部生銹…[/quote]

你講既鉸位係咪每隻窗都有 特別銅銹色果舊呀? 個執漏師傅話係銅黎架喎.....

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