The hole of the 面盆 should be used to pass excessive water to avoid overflow. When water pass through the hole the underneath 櫃/pipe should not be wet.作者: H and H 時間: 2004-4-27 12:47:30
面盆個隆好似話係個面盆本身既design係咁 所以自己封左佢啦![/quote]
The hole of the 面盆 should be used to pass excessive water to avoid overflow. When water pass through the hole the underneath 櫃/pipe should not be wet.[/quote]
我所指'面盆個隆"係向面盆後下面兩邊而唔係面盆上去水果個呀大家留意下check下oY.作者: Tomato 時間: 2004-4-27 14:11:34