問過喇 佢地話唔得喎! 因為怕佢地會有沖突 當然最緊要若果屋內有咩損傷 佢地會互相推潟責任! :?作者: Y and T 時間: 2004-4-25 03:05:40
好無理 因為toilet & kitchen don"t need decoration wall defect in living room will be fixed by 裝修師傅. Hutchison has helped me to fix the defect haven't any excuse to me so far.作者: kenykl 時間: 2004-4-25 03:14:05
safeguard our flat and the not put too much burden onto our appointed decoration workers I prefer to start decoratrion work after devloper completed their tasks first. Otherwise the liabilities is so difficult to clear up in case any problem. "Hope No la...:作者: saml 時間: 2004-4-25 07:20:53
咁可唔可以問和記攞建材讓自己的裝修師傅做?一來我唔想等,二來我都唔多相信和記D工人。作者: Y and T 時間: 2004-4-25 11:54:13