
標題: 有線電視 - 樓盤傳真 (藍澄編) [打印本頁]

作者: cliff    時間: 2004-4-17 01:00:34     標題: 有線電視 - 樓盤傳真 (藍澄編)

今晚記得睇有線電視 - 樓盤傳真 或Click以下的網址呀 唔睇就走寶啦 !!      


* 真係好長氣 hehe  
作者: ANGELA    時間: 2004-4-17 01:05:09     標題: Re: 有線電視 - 樓盤傳真 (藍澄編)

[quote:bb02390508="cliff"]今晚記得睇有線電視 - 樓盤傳真 或Click以下的網址呀 唔睇就走寶啦 !!      


* 真係好長氣 hehe  [/quote]

作者: saml    時間: 2004-4-17 12:03:50

作者: FireFire    時間: 2004-4-17 12:08:09

作者: Simon Michelle    時間: 2004-4-17 12:13:28

唔係喎.. 我都唔係用緊有線既寬頻架喎...
但係我都睇到架喎... 都係去番上面個條link o者..... :!:
作者: cliff    時間: 2004-4-17 13:17:06

我的意思係今晚 則係17/4晚上 宜家CableTV係唔會Release 遲D大約晚間十時左右就有得睇架啦.
作者: Simon Michelle    時間: 2004-4-17 13:41:29

好心急呀 :em06:
作者: lamlam    時間: 2004-4-17 19:46:41

作者: summer    時間: 2004-4-17 20:07:46

未做ga.. 等下先啦~~~~
作者: 45B    時間: 2004-4-17 22:01:28

佢話好noisy wor但我預左ga la我宜家都係住係貨櫃碼頭對面牌慣左lu。
作者: FireFire    時間: 2004-4-17 22:04:38

[quote:e4a608340a="45B"]佢話好noisy wor但我預左ga la我宜家都係住係貨櫃碼頭對面牌慣左lu。
另外玻璃窗個(交)位都要留意................ :|
作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-4-17 22:10:17

e. what's the problem of 玻璃窗個(交)位??
作者: dracula    時間: 2004-4-17 22:13:08

作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-4-17 22:15:13

作者: dracula    時間: 2004-4-17 22:18:11

呢個問題又真係可以好危險 我咁黑仔.. 個天隨時送多隻窗比我就真係.....
作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-4-17 22:22:02

佢唔係得window低有交 window 邊都有. 唔會禁easy "luck" ar  :shock:
作者: Simon Michelle    時間: 2004-4-17 22:38:46     標題: Re: 有線電視 - 樓盤傳真 (藍澄編)

[quote="ANGELA"][quote:092d78cb2b="cliff"]今晚記得睇有線電視 - 樓盤傳真 或Click以下的網址呀 唔睇就走寶啦 !!      



睇到喇 :em12:
作者: summer    時間: 2004-4-17 22:39:42


如果想只係睇藍澄灣 就睇呢個:
作者: gp    時間: 2004-4-17 23:19:18

只得57點幾分......  :cry:
作者: ttchan    時間: 2004-4-17 23:25:25

can not expect too much la
作者: Simon Michelle    時間: 2004-4-17 23:35:24

作者: machine    時間: 2004-4-17 23:49:17

睇完有線 有少少失望添.   
作者: LO LO    時間: 2004-4-17 23:50:03

nei 個節目一直對RC 的報導都係比較負面,在當初開售時,都是說RC nei 樣唔好果樣又唔好架啦。
作者: LO LO    時間: 2004-4-17 23:58:20

各位有冇睇埋設計廊果一part ,我個人應為個設計好古怪。
作者: Simon Michelle    時間: 2004-4-18 00:08:32

[quote:be54390b40="LO LO"]各位有冇睇埋設計廊果一part ,我個人應為個設計好古怪。[/quote]

電視又遮住個窗阻住的景....你話有無高層客會buy呢個design...... :em16:
作者: LO LO    時間: 2004-4-18 00:28:02

[quote:c0a7e326a6="Simon&Michelle"][quote:c0a7e326a6="LO LO"]各位有冇睇埋設計廊果一part ,我個人應為個設計好古怪。[/quote]

電視又遮住個窗阻住的景....你話有無高層客會buy呢個design...... :em16:[/quote]
高層一定唔會,低層都可能有小小人buy 啩。
作者: Shearer9    時間: 2004-4-18 00:53:47

作者: Dennis Candy    時間: 2004-4-18 01:14:34

設計師 need to have design different than the developer's book...
So must have "Special" design :shock:
作者: saml    時間: 2004-4-18 01:39:22

作者: H and H    時間: 2004-4-18 01:41:06

[quote:035e0cb952="machine"]睇完有線 有少少失望添.   [/quote]其實呢個節目並非同藍澄灣賣廣告 只係講左少少負面事實出黎 而冇講到一d正面既事實 只係extract左某d負面野比人睇 等大家留意下 大家唔需太介懷!  
作者: kcwong    時間: 2004-4-18 03:06:13     標題: 收樓後感

今日我收樓,詹生驗完樓後,都發現有不少小瑕疵,但綜觀各方面,如景觀、間隔設計、洗手間以至光線等等都算不錯,大家不要因為一些負面消息而感到失望啊﹗大家一齊執靚間屋啦﹗ :
作者: ac    時間: 2004-4-18 04:05:10

I don't understand their standard. In the inspection there are no major defects; comparing to other estates they have inspected before. Maybe they are a bit bias.

I watch that program before. It is first time they use a dB meter to mearsure noise. Average 60dB and around 70dB at peak is not very bad. If he does the same test in other estates in the city he will get the similar measurement.
作者: Patrick Cherry    時間: 2004-4-18 10:17:45

但系有冇人發覺 個窗臼位唔系用鋼或鋁做 而系用普通鐵做 好容易會生锈 各位一定要定期用d油潤滑佢 記住千其唔好用wd40喎 因為此產品有腐蝕性 :!:  :!:
作者: Y and T    時間: 2004-4-18 11:20:12

[quote:225e6f76c7="ac"]I don't understand their standard. In the inspection there are no major defects; comparing to other estates they have inspected before. Maybe they are a bit bias.

I watch that program before. It is first time they use a dB meter to mearsure noise. Average 60dB and around 70dB at peak is not very bad. If he does the same test in other estates in the city he will get the similar measurement.[/quote]

Exactly!!  呢d咪叫跟紅頂白囉 Mr Tsim is not so PRO as expected lo he even hasn't measured the floor level for my house (as he done in the program) and he only inspect part of the flats others are by his assistants.  Why i pay so much for assistant's level inspection lar! 呃錢 !  

When he inspected my house he said RC's 交樓quality is good better than many many other houses.  No big defect....However he said RC is not good in the program.  真唔知點解.
作者: P女    時間: 2004-4-18 11:33:44

佢都係依佢個標準講 標準話人要係40分貝至可以訓著
我晚晚都開住radio訓覺(我諗都有70分貝) 其實呢d係慣唔慣0既問題
作者: LO LO    時間: 2004-4-18 11:47:58

作者: P女    時間: 2004-4-18 11:56:51

[quote:844fe5c765="LO LO"]P女,你係高層人士,咁你個單位噪唔噪吖?

高層????? 我都想..............   
有線話要要用厚d0既窗簾 如果可以望到夜景 用厚窗簾都唔係一個問題啦
作者: GM386    時間: 2004-4-18 13:05:49

[quote:30a9ceaba9="Y&T"][quote:30a9ceaba9="ac"]I don't understand their standard. In the inspection there are no major defects; comparing to other estates they have inspected before. Maybe they are a bit bias.

I watch that program before. It is first time they use a dB meter to mearsure noise. Average 60dB and around 70dB at peak is not very bad. If he does the same test in other estates in the city he will get the similar measurement.[/quote]

Exactly!!  呢d咪叫跟紅頂白囉 Mr Tsim is not so PRO as expected lo he even hasn't measured the floor level for my house (as he done in the program) and he only inspect part of the flats others are by his assistants.  Why i pay so much for assistant's level inspection lar! 呃錢 !  

When he inspected my house he said RC's 交樓quality is good better than many many other houses.  No big defect....However he said RC is not good in the program.  真唔知點解.[/quote]

又是別一本動畫"壹周刊" :em13:  :em13:  :em13:
主持人把一小部分問題無限放大作為主題 嘩眾取寵 傳媒良心何在??
作者: Y and T    時間: 2004-4-18 13:33:43

[quote:fbd22d5c29="LO LO"]P女,你係高層人士,咁你個單位噪唔噪吖?

Sound -  You can hear the little sound as the program if you NOT switch on TV/Radio and NOT speak....it is not harmful to me as we all the times turn on TV.  Also the sound level is really acceptable.  In HK many flats are built near road their sound pollution is much serious than us ar.

Light - It is really a bonus to us.  We haven't expected that the night view of the pier is so beautiful.  We love the scene not a problem totally.
作者: Crystal    時間: 2004-4-18 17:13:14

全所有單位不多不少都問題佢只講到外圍環境內籠也只是有瑕疵冇乜問題! 不過今集佢特別提到有29個瑕疵有d針對.... :em16:
作者: Crystal    時間: 2004-4-18 17:18:14

下集到星濤灣我個friend買預告話有嚴重漏水情況仲不知來源zw佢咪仲擔心? :|
作者: diedsee    時間: 2004-4-18 19:05:59

作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2004-4-18 19:57:59

大家都唔使咁勞氣~ 佢都係依書直說姐. 佢只係話有70分貝. 而一般人就要40分貝先可以訓覺...咁你地可能真係可以70分貝都訓到呢~~~無問題架~而且你地買時都已經知會比較嘈架啦~ 唔通佢唔講 咁你地又唔嘈啦咩?
:!: 而佢都有話內園境的單位好靜丫. 只有40-45分貝. 真係好靜喎.

其實都唔可以expect 咁多 因為呢個節目唔係賣廣告~
作者: Tomato    時間: 2004-4-18 20:29:48

唔知借比佢拍0個位業主 係唔係我地0既一份子呢???
如果唔係 佢一定要加入啦!! 比人講到好似乜都唔知0禁!
又唔知近貨櫃碼頭 又唔知交通 (呢d問題我地都有討論過0麻!!)
作者: Tomato    時間: 2004-4-18 20:47:38

[quote:a816e4644e="Dennis & Candy"]設計師 need to have design different than the developer's book...
So must have "Special" design :shock:[/quote]

個設計師話房門對住飯廳有d尷尬 有幾尷尬呀??
映灣園廁所對住飯廳同客廳默仲尷尬 :em05:
作者: saml    時間: 2004-4-18 21:14:10

作者: dracula    時間: 2004-4-18 21:23:04


2房 單位設計比 2個人住~ 鬼都識啦~ 仲要又拆牆改房門 一 d 都唔合乎經濟效益 直頭搵o黎攪~
作者: handsomekwok    時間: 2004-4-18 21:30:19

作者: FireFire    時間: 2004-4-18 22:56:19

:em20: 豈有此理............. :em20:
作者: matthewlee    時間: 2004-4-18 23:52:27

如果有人用這種設計 我想看一看 付入場費都可以!
至於噪音 不如去酒店那邊售樓處自己聽 那邊沒有阻擋 應該是最嘈的了
現在是現樓 不用靠估 也不用道聽途說用自己的耳朵 感受
作者: Teresa and Fai    時間: 2004-4-19 00:59:51

[quote:87f549df99="LO LO"]P女,你係高層人士,咁你個單位噪唔噪吖?

我頭先都有click入樓盤傳真入面睇...........個night view真係幾正.........

不過我覺得個節目有d"奇離"........佢拍個night view 時伸個鏡頭係窗台度影.......跟住節目主持人旁白時話如果唔慣d強光就要加厚窗簾...........不過當時個鏡頭係由單位向窗影............從o個個角度望窗只見一片黑暗..............完全未受T9強光影響...............
作者: manhk167    時間: 2004-4-19 10:26:39

作者: Tomato    時間: 2004-4-19 10:44:54

[quote:43c5d5421f="Teresa&Fai"][quote:43c5d5421f="LO LO"]P女,你係高層人士,咁你個單位噪唔噪吖?

我頭先都有click入樓盤傳真入面睇...........個night view真係幾正.........

不過我覺得個節目有d"奇離"........佢拍個night view 時伸個鏡頭係窗台度影.......跟住節目主持人旁白時話如果唔慣d強光就要加厚窗簾...........不過當時個鏡頭係由單位向窗影............從o個個角度望窗只見一片黑暗..............完全未受T9強光影響...............[/quote]

我一路睇 一路感受唔到佢話0個d強光有幾強??點解佢唔絕d 熄晒屋裏面燈 等我地感受0下呢!
作者: CJ    時間: 2004-4-19 11:16:55

唔唔 原來強光同噪音問題影響咁嚴重架 咁好彩啦 等我重諗住幫狗瘡買番間擎天半柱
但我又唔慣維港+公路d強光海風+ship+隧道車流+高速公路d噪音... 慳番!

至於景觀 我朋友話 佢都唔知原來逼堤2奇咁近 又遮住左個海景 條渠又臭 又要將售樓部搬去6座4x樓 嘩 d人集到...

講起趣圖'車'重把幾火 賣唔去冇人住不特止 收埋咁多滾你 但居然唔多句security!

記住提醒多d朋友呢d 問題 最好登埋ad...
作者: manhk167    時間: 2004-4-19 15:13:18


噪 只不過係因為有人話9號仔唔好所以特別做一做.  如果佢係果三寶做 我保證比我地差.
地磚花 大家都見 亦係事實.

只不過點解得5x分 我就唔係幾明.

最後就係點解我地比錢佢驗 好似冇咁詳細?  好似有d呃錢
作者: CJ    時間: 2004-4-19 15:50:27

只不過點解得5x分 我就唔係幾明.

this rating is black box. Even not sure if it is refering to overall environment interior works quality design material quality or even cost-value quality.
最後就係點解我地比錢佢驗 好似冇咁詳細? 好似有d呃錢

hmm... if one think he paid and thus he were the boss get lost. Look who pays more! one is just another water fish for his show.
作者: rstfung    時間: 2004-4-19 16:43:37

照睇我個建築師Friend驗得仲Pro佢驗個厠所驗咗成個幾鐘 佢話驗樓厠所最重要 厠所基本上任何小孔也不可放過! 我個厠所總共有2X個小孔要補但它說很小事 只要開D掃口粉一掃便OK D工人唔會覺煩的 但就保證厠所唔會漏水!  佢話 藍澄灣响長江及和黃D樓來說質量算數一數二! 以前佢幫Friend驗盈翠D問題大獲好多!!

作者: CJ    時間: 2004-4-19 16:57:29

haven't your 建築師Friend tried playing balance by jumping onto the toilet sink?
it's so funny when I saw this professional monkey show by old Tsim!
作者: piglet    時間: 2004-4-19 16:59:14

作者: manhk167    時間: 2004-4-19 17:02:34

作者: rstfung    時間: 2004-4-19 18:10:56

[quote:b97ab3d796="CJ"]haven't your 建築師Friend tried playing balance by jumping onto the toilet sink?
it's so funny when I saw this professional monkey show by old Tsim![/quote]

I saw that but the toilet sink seems OK I havn't move!
作者: Solskjaer    時間: 2004-4-23 20:16:25

1.)地板的牌子是全屋"卡樂D波浪" :shock: :em03:  
2.)有四幅牆是空心範圍係大約3M X 3M(每幅)
:|  :x 其他小問題我都費事講這兩個問題都夠死. :em13:  :em13:  :em20:
作者: manhk167    時間: 2004-4-29 10:31:15

如果太差 應可要求賠償

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