thanks for your help! :mrgreen: ops:作者: Sharon Brian 時間: 2004-4-9 16:24:07
Paul-Y ITC
2831 8168 (Main)
remember to tell them "aul Y Interior" wo 作者: Mansion 時間: 2004-4-9 23:44:02
I have received my flat and just contacted 保華 about the 安排安裝 of my ordered 888 間牆櫃 安排 are as follows:
(1) After 收樓
(2) Awaiting 攪晒 "執漏"之後 (I think they need about two weeks for 執漏)
(3)then 保華 will 安排上門 (度位 & 裝櫃)
Contact Person: Thomas Wong
Tel: 28318338.
Hoping that the above infomation can help you.作者: FanStar 時間: 2004-4-10 08:42:29
[quote:a20cbf8a75="Mansion"]I have received my flat and just contacted 保華 about the 安排安裝 of my ordered 888 間牆櫃 安排 are as follows:
(1) After 收樓
(2) Awaiting 攪晒 "執漏"之後 (I think they need about two weeks for 執漏)
(3)then 保華 will 安排上門 (度位 & 裝櫃)
Contact Person: Thomas Wong
Tel: 28318338.
Hoping that the above infomation can help you.[/quote]
The whole installation needs about 2 ~ 3 days
同埋佢係唔係會將 TV位同埋電掣位加埋落個間牆櫃度0架?
the workers will
1) 將掣位加埋落個間牆櫃度0架 (but he did not clearly explain 是否所有掣位)
2) also the cables/cords will be installed inside the wall.