我唔會貼...怕唔耐用......... :?作者: Y and T 時間: 2004-4-8 00:25:08
After visited RC 示範單位 i am consider to stick wallpaper now coz the wall received is really 唔掂. but my father said it needs more than $10000 for wallpaper (638') so thinking the budget. my father 's new house (near sea) also stick wallpaper he said it has no problem woo.作者: 貓貓仔 貓貓女 時間: 2004-4-8 00:39:35
我都想貼牆紙 問過裝修的人 貼牆紙同油漆一樣價錢 不過牆紙要自己買
唔知d牆紙貴唔貴呢?? :?:作者: CJ 時間: 2004-4-8 11:47:59
Recently checked per roll price...
cheap plastic or old cake style <$100
medium range ~$100-150
Italian style ~180 or more
In general can negotiate for discount on the price or return paper if excess...
pattern-matching paper need to prepare ~15-20% more number of rolls...作者: qualcomm 時間: 2004-4-8 17:32:43
牆紙 price for a flat of 6xx sq ft. is around $5000 la作者: yo and lok 時間: 2004-4-10 01:47:02