Since agent trends to decorate the wordings I believe it could be
極高層 - 40-50
高層 - 30-39
高中層 - 20-29
低中層 - 10-19
低層 <10作者: 我是誰 時間: 2004-4-7 14:16:11
interested!! later it will have 極極極高層作者: saga 時間: 2004-4-7 14:18:03
[quote:a351a15b01="CJ"]Since agent trends to decorate the wordings I believe it could be
極高層 - 40-50
高層 - 30-39
高中層 - 20-29
低中層 - 10-19
低層 <10[/quote]
o岩o岩五個 range ...作者: 我是誰 時間: 2004-4-7 14:22:38
after the 'real' show room launch the market price has increased to $26xx per feet or above作者: CJ 時間: 2004-4-10 00:45:24
請留心 這些成交價有滯後(估計大妁1 TO 1/2個月 而且是在入伙示範單位開放前 所以參考價值很低.
今日再去睇現樓 嘩 好多人睇. 上次黎得架細睇樓車載D人; 今次要加架大車!
而且D人好似好多人睇完都買左 佢地話呢度係全青衣最好的維港煙花海景呀!
我見到d agent 張紙好似剩餘2x個單位 聽售樓處講明天又要加價.作者: J and P 時間: 2004-4-10 12:13:21
D AGENT.. 開售o既時候就講 rc 點好點好...
可惡!! 無涼心!..[/quote]
You should try to think on their side...
They need to have transaction to earn $$
So they must use any method to "encourage" you to sell your flat using a low low low price !!! :em13: :em13:作者: Y and T 時間: 2004-4-12 00:52:54
我就認為要 封盤唔賣 law 搬屋裝修及傢俱...花費不少 又煩. 而且現在樓宇正於調整期 除了有突發野大市應向上 至少不會下趺.作為用家的我 賣貴俾人 又會貴買人地間屋...或者要租屋(變相幫人供屋)..所以 除非升到crazy (earn 50-60萬 ar) 現在我地大部份單位升20萬 實在唔attractive for selling to me.
以上是小妹之愚見. hehe作者: ANGELA 時間: 2004-4-13 00:10:52
[quote:112d1b6d47="A&W"]大家千萬不要中agent計而平賣....而家連映灣園都賣成$3100尺0拉 藍澄灣論地點起碼貴佢一成件0拉...所以我覺得只要稍後一手沽清 藍澄尺價起碼上$3500 or above....
同意 車費(青衣比東涌平一半)同時間都慳唔少.作者: CJ 時間: 2004-4-14 13:20:45
But note the rental effect. Tung Chung targetted airport and airline staff whose rents are paid by the company.
If RC can prove rental return as attractive or more than TC the price accordingly should be higher.
In general I felt that the price is undermined by the misconcept of noise level reported by Next Magazine. As facts will tell I believe the prices should climb up soon. (esp for those with central seaview...)作者: saga 時間: 2004-4-14 17:30:53