仲有樓底得8呎11吋.售樓書話有9呎6吋,果7吋 去o左邊??
....你睇番售樓書,上面係寫明floor to floor計架,7"咪去左你樓上同樓下lor :em17: 。我睇過人地 "弘景臺"都係咁。 [/quote]
woo!! haven't noted this tim being cheated!!! so BAD!! :twisted:作者: H and H 時間: 2004-4-5 18:49:53
[quote:9fe2b6ec2b="kk&hiromi"]1. really? let me check...
2. Park island's 樓底 really got 9.5"...which look much grand la..[/quote]唔知有冇記錯果度好似係sell 10"幾既樓底作者: Ha and Kui 時間: 2004-4-5 20:52:44
Stay calm. 9'6" is floor to floor. Another example for your ref: