岩岩同個客睇左用料一般質素都係一般啦不過等電梯的走廊就幾好.方向計就一定係B/C單位最好40樓以上望去香港同貨櫃碼頭就真係好靚可以講係全青衣最靚的海景. 8) 不過如唔想望貨櫃既就未必岩心水.而我個人就覺得A/H個景觀會舒服D但係呢2個單位個廚房就好細大件頭D都唔岩用.所以基本上都只終係B/C最好.如以呢個方向的高層貨尾約要230萬仲有D貨揀下.而最平的貨尾就係F/G約20X萬.
補充...二手約180餘萬就可買到高層F/G最平望酒店就係160餘萬......作者: Y and T 時間: 2004-4-4 19:06:24
yes ya my sister visited RC Seaview Falt A 單位 and also said 未見過um靚的景 with so wide seaview ...very comforable ar.作者: gp 時間: 2004-4-4 19:09:51
個view靚唔靚就見仁見智 我o尋就聽到個女人話唔鍾意"nei"個海喎...... :em18:作者: Y and T 時間: 2004-4-4 19:27:25
講view 我好鍾意凱凡軒個view 可惜想買時 自己層樓放唔出 到放出lar 凱凡軒已升到買唔落手. RC's view is okay ar around $2.1-2.2M ja bo.作者: 45B 時間: 2004-4-4 20:03:22
actually I think my flat's seaview is out of my expectation it's really very very beautifuil with very wide seaview.I like it.
我會明晚上去睇一睇個night view 我諗仲靚呀。作者: Y and T 時間: 2004-4-4 20:21:42
45B i have the same thought as you!! ha!
so I am considering how to KEEP this wide shot will you built wall then?
Btw I have seen the night view of Block 6-48A on this Fri it is also unexpectedly good ar esp when the day's 能見度 is high.作者: 45B 時間: 2004-4-4 21:21:39
I will still build the wall because it is unable to have no master room.作者: Y and T 時間: 2004-4-5 00:11:20
好矛盾.i still not yet make up my mind. :!:作者: Tomato 時間: 2004-4-5 00:27:29