
標題: when to get key [打印本頁]

作者: ttchan    時間: 2004-3-10 11:36:55     標題: when to get key

Called RC hotline 21287738 this morning the letter will be issued to owner in mid of March the order of letter issuing will according to different floors not the date of purchasing. :|
作者: dick queenie    時間: 2004-3-10 12:45:58

thanks your report.....
作者: P女    時間: 2004-3-10 13:17:44

Start from the high floor to low floor?
作者: Teresa and Fai    時間: 2004-3-10 13:34:44

作者: P女    時間: 2004-3-10 13:37:08


作者: Crystal    時間: 2004-3-10 14:48:02

咁即係三月中 還是四月頭呢?? :?:
作者: dragon    時間: 2004-3-10 15:24:55

I just call to RC half hour beforethe girl said end of april or frist of may can move in ar! :?:  :?:  :?:
作者: 2R    時間: 2004-3-10 15:44:07

次次都回答有d 唔同 有些出入  但總括都大約4月初.
作者: FireFire    時間: 2004-3-10 16:22:24

[quote:412c5ca3c0="dragon"]I just call to RC half hour beforethe girl said end of april or frist of may can move in ar! :?:  :?:  :?:[/quote]
作者: Crystal    時間: 2004-3-10 17:10:22

唉... 咁真係唔知正確既答案 那些發展商既人係唔係玩野先  :twisted:
作者: kevinkristy    時間: 2004-3-10 17:38:04

仲開放D乜??開放佢條...命? 我昨日到中環...取電機圖見到D示範單位已拆淨 683..連樓梯都封了!! 我又問他們發了收樓信未? 他說還未!大約月中la....
通常有現樓示範  就開始收樓了...... (外面的屋苑也是....)而消息是來自賣RC賣到得獎的XX地產的X生....他和發展商的高層收D料.....不會是...留.掛 :em15:  :em07: 如果20號前 RC 真的可以睇現樓.... 那大家就準備 4月了...
應該也是4 月了...希望la...............................
作者: 45B    時間: 2004-3-10 18:00:04

move in的意思是完成執漏嗎?if 4月尾可move in咁3月尾收樓就差不多了好開心真係好開心!!!!
作者: ttchan    時間: 2004-3-10 19:59:21

45B I am lower floor :em01:
作者: dragon    時間: 2004-3-10 20:30:53

sorry 我英文差個小姐話四月尾開始入伙所以我打move in.
作者: wychan    時間: 2004-3-10 20:42:29

咁係唔係指4月尾可以住得人 所以3月尾取key 而用一個月時間裝修同執漏呢?
作者: 小yen    時間: 2004-3-10 20:49:00

[quote:f62ffdf5d9="kevinkristy"]仲開放D乜??開放佢條...命? 我昨日到中環...取電機圖見到D示範單位已拆淨 683..連樓梯都封了!! 我又問他們發了收樓信未? 他說還未!大約月中la....
通常有現樓示範  就開始收樓了...... (外面的屋苑也是....)而消息是來自賣RC賣到得獎的XX地產的X生....他和發展商的高層收D料.....不會是...留.掛 :em15:  :em07: 如果20號前 RC 真的可以睇現樓.... 那大家就準備 4月了...
應該也是4 月了...希望la...............................[/quote]

哎呀 噤咪即係話if想個 "機電圖"就要快d去central喥law :  (唔知到今個saturday重有冇得呢 :?: )
作者: kevinkristy    時間: 2004-3-10 21:19:09

各位! 告大家知我巳查過通勝四月份沒有較好的移居入伙好日子.我想不如疊埋心水選五月份才入伙啦橫掂四月份收得樓來計埋裝修和訂做傢俬都差不多要五月份才入住得除非你是閒日放假啦!(即係放星期一至五內的日子). :roll:  
作者: CJ    時間: 2004-3-10 22:49:49

That is if you are the first group to collect the letter and your solicitor can complete the legal mortgage in few days and you wake up early to queue up for 收樓 while you are not picky to ask for 執漏 as well as no decoration it is not impossible to move in in late March. Otherwise... ;p

A recommendation for 執漏 really don't be too picky for small defects if you are going to refurbish the flat. Otherwise you may need to wait for long time and even more執 more 漏 (I have this exp . It would be even more efficient to ask your 裝修 to fix it!

However also note that the developer may not indemnify for some defects after 裝修. Be careful to ensure no structural defects like window/toilet/kitchen are ok before passing to 裝修.
作者: Crystal    時間: 2004-3-11 22:49:18

5月未必入到伙4月收樓聽講執漏要5星期再加裝修需時我諗要到6月才入到伙.... :wink:  :wink:

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