How about sole them all and divide the money back to each owner even the amount is small.... so that we don't have further burden on that...作者: Agnes Henry 時間: 2004-1-26 22:36:41
[quote:c0bc5e9f25="H&H"]我反而覺得d車會幾多人用 分分鐘book唔到黎用呀! 成1500伙 幾千人喎! 點解成日要諗住賣? d maintenance 好貴架咩? 我都唔想個屋苑乜都冇! 只要佢d 管理費用得恰當 唔係成日要加咪得lor right?[/quote]agree. i have car license but I don't own any car. i will rent the car if the fee is acceptable.作者: manhk167 時間: 2004-1-27 17:26:39