如果有舖頭開大多數都係裝修 電器等等既短期約比較多作者: Patrick 時間: 2004-1-18 11:49:52
thank you kc :em11:
i hope that will come true
maybe not all the facilities will be available when we receive the flat
but it is our own choice to move in or not :em12:作者: Roscoe 時間: 2004-1-18 13:30:27
then.. let me host a voting ....作者: kc 時間: 2004-1-20 10:41:23
really?? :em03:作者: cliff 時間: 2004-1-20 11:18:24
Really ?? sure happy if it is true.作者: Suzuki 時間: 2004-1-20 15:15:54
What is your meaning of ready? ready for us to check the flat or ready for make the demo flat? And where do you get this information? if the tower has demo flat it will have many strange peoples to entrance. It will have more or less disturb the owner in that tower...作者: Ha and Kui 時間: 2004-1-20 17:52:42