
標題: 請問......有關窗台 [打印本頁]

作者: chris    時間: 2004-1-11 15:08:15     標題: 請問......有關窗台

我買藍澄o既時候 個agent話40/ F以上單位冇窗台 請問係唔係真架 :?:
作者: Patrick    時間: 2004-1-11 16:16:08

作者: chris    時間: 2004-1-11 16:32:55

我係買A單位o既 我個Agent話個廳冇窗台 所以同683尺o既單位差唔多太
我好似俾人呃啦 :em01:
作者: Maggie Johny    時間: 2004-1-11 20:03:19

[quote:dde3d290f3="chris"]我係買A單位o既 我個Agent話個廳冇窗台 所以同683尺o既單位差唔多太
我好似俾人呃啦 :em01:[/quote]

但係樓書平面圖好似冇提到呢個point wor.......
作者: 我是誰    時間: 2004-1-11 21:17:07

trust Floor Plan rather than your agent
作者: KS    時間: 2004-1-11 21:32:10

[quote:15c3fa26b1="我是誰"]trust Floor Plan rather than your agent[/quote]


作者: Patrick    時間: 2004-1-12 11:54:47

作者: Teresa and Fai    時間: 2004-1-12 13:28:03

從南橋望向藍澄灣全部A & H單位都係有窗台...............
作者: wicyh    時間: 2004-1-12 13:55:02

作者: kc    時間: 2004-1-12 14:12:37

I also think 全部單位都有窗台  :mrgreen:
作者: chris    時間: 2004-1-12 22:58:17

:evil: 我找那個agent理論 問佢資料來源 佢回覆我話一般單位有18吋高窗台 但高層會矮9吋 你地有冇人聽過 :em12:
作者: CJ    時間: 2004-1-12 23:12:16

[quote:f388ae8bca="chris"]:evil: 我找那個agent理論 問佢資料來源 佢回覆我話一般單位有18吋高窗台 但高層會矮9吋 你地有冇人聽過 :em12:[/quote]
冇o番 不過唔使唔高興啦; 其實住咁高有落地玻璃好驚架...
作者: fkf    時間: 2004-1-16 00:34:30

wanna ask a question about the bay windows it seems that objects could be dropped outside the windows easily as the bottom of the windows are on the same level as the bay window.

any idea why this is so?

作者: Suzuki    時間: 2004-1-16 09:50:33

We have a extra glass at the bottom of windows to prevent drop out something from the window carelessly. No need to worry FKF!!

We have discussed about this in previous post but I can't rememeber which post. May be tell you if I found it.
作者: fkf    時間: 2004-1-16 10:50:58

I tried searching for old post but couldn't find it thanks Suzuki !

but according to the picture attached (sorry to the owner of http://rcrest.in-point.com for borrowing your photos ) it seems that there is no extra glass not yet installed? any idea?  :roll:
作者: Hotcake    時間: 2004-1-16 12:01:19

I am sure that there is a extra-glass for every bay window.  However there is also a gap (about 2 -3 inches)  from the bottom of the extra-glass to the bottom of the bay window.   So there is still a big chance for everyone to drop somethings outside through the gap carelessly! :em07:

Pls go to the following website to have a look!

作者: fkf    時間: 2004-1-16 14:09:48

wow...thanks for the pictures!   i know what you mean now but i just wonder why there is still a gap. strange~~ :shock:
作者: manhk167    時間: 2004-1-16 14:48:13

作者: kc    時間: 2004-2-2 17:24:46

To Chris
Which brand of property agent told you ka??? :em12:
作者: kc    時間: 2004-2-2 17:25:59

To Chris
Which brand of property agent told you ka??
作者: 45B    時間: 2004-2-2 19:14:40

都係唔明.可否explain下what's extra glass?
作者: chris    時間: 2004-2-2 19:27:44

To: kc
美聯 :em15:
作者: saga    時間: 2004-2-5 01:16:12

[quote:96077ff779="45B"]都係唔明.可否explain下what's extra glass?[/quote]

開得既窗 會有一塊透明  膠?/玻璃?  用意係開窗之後有d野隔下等d人無咁易碌落街 用來代替窗花既功能 ...

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