Agree may be discuss it at the coming meeting on Jan/Feb...but don't know how much affect on the mgt free..作者: Tomato 時間: 2004-1-9 12:29:33
真係要爭取一下 尤其rc附近又有酒店 又有碼頭 第日又有商廈 閒雜人一定會較多 保安唔嚴密點得呢?????作者: Ha and Kui 時間: 2004-1-9 14:01:16
係就好啦!作者: 我是誰 時間: 2004-1-9 19:22:56
but .. need to prepaid more ?作者: CJ 時間: 2004-1-9 20:08:56
supposingly no need for your octopus and need not be personal octopus. but not sure cost (installation/maintenance) overhead to mgt fee作者: FanStar 時間: 2004-1-10 20:48:37