我唔識安慰人 我怕我會講錯嘢添.....
不過我都知失戀真係好唔開心 嘗試寄情去其他地方啦...
亞dick講得"arm" ga 你一定要知道:天下間最錫你的人是你自己,自己唔錫自己,就冇人錫你。
我都係女仔 女仔係會多心少少 (特別係有得選擇時)
既然佢選擇離開 咪當係佢損失 天下間比佢好既女仔仲有好多.作者: H and H 時間: 2003-12-25 12:49:27
may be you're so angry with her.. or u hate her so much...
but please not to think how she hurts you try to remember all happy things u2 together. Keep them in your memory. Some day u will find that they're all beautiful.
i know nothing about her.. but she is the girl who go with u..
if u still wanna her back why force yrself to hate her?
if it's over already why remember all her bad things who u have deeply love?
May be it's hard for you to do it now.. pls. try.作者: matthewlee 時間: 2003-12-30 22:58:43
一個連人格都不要的人絕對沒有機會作者: CJ 時間: 2004-1-1 23:20:00
人格和機會has no relation though I would not judge.
寧欺白鬚公 莫欺少年寡. 有心事敢講出來的男人 has EQ 死不了 才有機會呢!
But I cannot say I could have agreed on your term 無恥. I dare say no one get hurts from his whatever words here. It is just a very sad story no one win but both losers. Also no one here knew what real names involved. Please give him a chance...
I would not feel sorry if my words couldn't strengthen him yet I do if he hurted himself because of any cursing words.作者: 咩咩豬 時間: 2004-1-2 02:40:48
Agree with Saga... We have speaking too much on this matter. :em16: The root casue of this result only they know...作者: dick queenie 時間: 2004-1-5 14:45:13