
標題: 屯門恒昌揀傢俬?? [打印本頁]

作者: Tomato    時間: 2003-12-2 20:12:36     標題: 屯門恒昌揀傢俬??

今日我男朋友收到恒昌電話 話叫我地去屯門揀傢俬...
作者: gp    時間: 2003-12-2 20:17:55

我諗灣仔o既職員做唔曬咁多客 所以將部份客轉去屯門. :roll:
作者: H and H    時間: 2003-12-2 20:53:58     標題: Re: 屯門恒昌揀傢俬??

[quote:1d3deb0354="Tomato"]今日我男朋友收到恒昌電話 話叫我地去屯門揀傢俬...
有無五座朋友同我一樣呀??[/quote]唔係掛 咁遠? 我都係5座 仲記得好似同你差唔多時間買咁咪好快到我? 你約幾時呀如果咁岩約埋差唔多時間都好喎! 唔介意既pm 我話我知吖
作者: kk and hiromi    時間: 2003-12-2 21:15:47

wow...so far away...can I choose in Shatin ar? :em18:
作者: Tomato    時間: 2003-12-2 22:08:32     標題: Re: 屯門恒昌揀傢俬??

[quote:6350e2c09d="H&H"][quote:6350e2c09d="Tomato"]今日我男朋友收到恒昌電話 話叫我地去屯門揀傢俬...
有無五座朋友同我一樣呀??[/quote]唔係掛 咁遠? 我都係5座 仲記得好似同你差唔多時間買咁咪好快到我? 你約幾時呀如果咁岩約埋差唔多時間都好喎! 唔介意既pm 我話我知吖[/quote]

我未confirm時間呀!因為原本恒昌係約我地聽日3:00 但要返工嘛!今晚打比吳小姐 又叫我地聽日office hours打去屯門再約時間! 睇下佢星期日得唔得先 confirm左再pm你啦!
作者: kk and hiromi    時間: 2003-12-2 22:13:01

I live at Block 6 when do u think that I can choose the furniture..?
作者: H and H    時間: 2003-12-2 23:51:54

其實我唔想咁快揀 但本身又好心急想睇下有乜揀.....矛盾!!!!

Thanks Tomato!! 我地最好就一齊揀 話晒有乜野要鬧都多幾把口 bargain 下都好呀!
作者: calvin and mei    時間: 2003-12-3 03:34:59

ME TOO! BLOCK 5BUT THEY NOT CALL ME LA!!!!!!! :em05:  :roll:  :roll:
作者: calvin and mei    時間: 2003-12-3 03:42:03

作者: Teresa and Fai    時間: 2003-12-3 13:56:06

[quote:5f345d35d1="kk&hiromi"]I live at Block 6 when do u think that I can choose the furniture..?[/quote]


作者: Teresa and Fai    時間: 2003-12-3 13:57:24

作者: candy-cheung    時間: 2003-12-3 16:24:07


所以不要特登去黃埔啦!   屯門又實在唔太方便 :x 唔知有冇人去着屯門揀好想知.

作者: diedsee    時間: 2003-12-3 16:54:59

我去過睇屯門恒昌 ~ 因為我住屯門...hehe
作者: leebrian    時間: 2003-12-3 17:20:17

Dear Tomato H&H

A staff of 恒昌 called Mr. Ma call me today.  I have made an appointment to select the furniture on 14 December 2003 at 11:00am at their Tuen Mun shop also.  How about you both?  

However I have a very bad BAD news to tell you.  He told me that they have changed the rules of this furniture plan SUBSEQUENTLY due to too many buyers in RC.  He said that we could only select those models from their available items only and could not change the design according to our own wills....... :em07: WHY?????????????????

I felt very angry  :evil:  becasue Ms. Ng told me that this plan allow us to change any design whatever we like when she persuade me to join this furniture plans.

I told him that if I could not select any items from their catalogs I would request to refund all deposit otherwise I will complain to the Consumer Council.  

Tomato & H&H when will you go to select.  Should we go together to fight for our RIGHT....... :em13: ........ :em10:

Any one who to join me to fight for our RIGHT.
作者: H and H    時間: 2003-12-3 17:32:21

Oh dear! So Bad! They tell us "many many items can be selected" "can change according to our idea" "no extra charge on changing design" etc. but now none of the above have presented......

can we still change for example 4 fts bed to 4.5 fts bed? = change design or not?????

I still haven't received their call if they call me i may also select on Dec 14
作者: leebrian    時間: 2003-12-3 17:36:52

OK I hope we can go together.  remembrer 11:00am on 14 Dec
作者: gp    時間: 2003-12-3 20:53:14

有無打電話搵吳小姐傾 問佢點解馬生所講o既o野有出入? :em16:
作者: Tomato    時間: 2003-12-3 21:40:55

我今日打左去喇 原本佢約我下個星期五 (次次都約我平日 唔駛做咩!唔做邊有錢比佢當水魚呀 :twisted: )

H&H leebrian
我而家都約左佢下個星期日呀!不過我唔記得約時間 :em18: 等我聽日再打去問問先 希望約到11:00同你地一齊啦!我會約埋我家姐同姐夫去 因為我姐夫可以幫我同佢地理論........ :em13:


唔該晒你話比我地知最新消息 :em11: 唔知新條例之下 我唔要細房張床 改做個書櫃得唔得呢??

作者: H and H    時間: 2003-12-3 22:57:44

作者: kk and hiromi    時間: 2003-12-3 23:42:20

[quote:c10c6a03a3="leebrian"]Dear Tomato H&H

A staff of 恒昌 called Mr. Ma call me today.  I have made an appointment to select the furniture on 14 December 2003 at 11:00am at their Tuen Mun shop also.  How about you both?  

However I have a very bad BAD news to tell you.  He told me that they have changed the rules of this furniture plan SUBSEQUENTLY due to too many buyers in RC.  He said that we could only select those models from their available items only and could not change the design according to our own wills....... :em07: WHY?????????????????

I felt very angry  :evil:  becasue Ms. Ng told me that this plan allow us to change any design whatever we like when she persuade me to join this furniture plans.

I told him that if I could not select any items from their catalogs I would request to refund all deposit otherwise I will complain to the Consumer Council.  

Tomato & H&H when will you go to select.  Should we go together to fight for our RIGHT....... :em13: ........ :em10:

Any one who to join me to fight for our RIGHT.[/quote]

here is the media to complain ar..plz forward and peers influence is the greatest weapon to fight with the money cheater.
if they receive more than 20 or 30 complains Hang Cheong will improve their service alot supposingly.    :em10:   :em10:  :em13:
作者: leebrian    時間: 2003-12-4 00:12:47

Tomato & H&H  you both try to make the appointment on 14 Dec at 11:00.  Then we meet at 10:45am at Tuen Mun Centre.  You can get my mobile in my personal details.  Do you have any mobile in your personal details of this site.

Futhermore I will try to contact Ms. Ng tomorrow to ask her the reasons of the discrepancies.
作者: H and H    時間: 2003-12-4 00:18:37

其實我係想明天打去問可否向灣仔揀 屯門對於一個住港島既人實在太遠 冇理由要d客就佢地 佢唔可以安排d人出黎咩 我比錢佢賺唔係仲要我就佢呀
作者: H and H    時間: 2003-12-4 14:53:19

Tomato & leebrian

我男友剛剛打左電話比吳小姐 已經約左星期一晚向灣仔恒昌揀 sorry 呀 tung mum 對我黎講實在太遠喇 同埋我覺得理應恒昌就我羅所以冇辦法同你地會面喇sorry sorry

其實如唔想去咁遠打去再約向灣仔揀呀 佢其實好似冇所謂咁隨我揀地點架(事實都應該如此)
作者: manhk167    時間: 2003-12-4 18:07:13

作者: Tomato    時間: 2003-12-4 19:18:10

我今日打左電話喇!但佢話14號得返6:00 被迫接受lor!所以同唔到你去.....對唔住呀 :em14:

唔緊要啦!去邊度一樣啫!因為我男朋友住上水 佢prefer屯門 所以無改到!
到時大家睇完 仲可以分享下唔同區域 會唔會有唔同0既野! :

作者: H and H    時間: 2003-12-4 20:29:42

[quote:2de44cd088="manhk167"]據聞有人成功拎返d錢(約80成)...係真唔係?[/quote]真唔真呀 不過如果佢比唔到d咩我揀 又或者有d咩唔合理既 我都會request refund架!
作者: 小華俠    時間: 2003-12-4 22:08:25

揀傢俬尺吋.款式實甪就得了.設計的野都是信恒昌.唔洗頭痛.佢地始終是專業.套餐應有此服務.你地話係唔係呀!我就唔會為此事去煩惱.多d時間去找錢錢錢錢錢錢錢錢錢錢錢錢錢錢...... :em04:
作者: saga    時間: 2003-12-5 23:57:32

[quote:cf844e079d="H&H"]Oh dear! So Bad! They tell us "many many items can be selected" "can change according to our idea" "no extra charge on changing design" etc. but now none of the above have presented......

can we still change for example 4 fts bed to 4.5 fts bed? = change design or not?????

I still haven't received their call if they call me i may also select on Dec 14[/quote]

I got the call too they asked about 11 Thu but I will try to change it to 14 as well ~
If I can change it to 14 let's choose together! Wanna meet you all too!
So many of us heard the promise from the staff of 恆昌 that we can change and add money according to our lead.
They use this to attract us to join their plan now if they don't give what they had promised we need to take some actions ..
At least block 1-3 can have that. It is not a matter of joining their plan first or later. If they said they changed the plan and those join after they announced the change we might not appeal. However they changed after all of us join the plan they can do this.
作者: leebrian    時間: 2003-12-6 01:47:15


I hope you can change the appointment to 14 Dec 2003.  I think 11:00am is the best.  Try to change it!!! :em12:

I have bought an AK48.......... :em13: ........to shoot them....
Saga I think you should bought a 倚天劍 along with you to fight with them..... :em20:
作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2003-12-6 11:14:00

Hi all

i received their calls yesterday as well . However i have already chosen mine at whanchai few week ago and it seems that they know nothing about it ! I really think their arrangement is too bad and i am worry they didnt send my orders to mainland lor .

Also they asked me to drip hole in 廳櫃 to hide the tv and electric cables and i rejected it since it need extra $1000 to do so . so expensive ~~~

作者: saga    時間: 2003-12-8 00:22:58

[quote:acd8f9ebb6="Stephen@RC"]Hi all

i received their calls yesterday as well . However i have already chosen mine at whanchai few week ago and it seems that they know nothing about it ! I really think their arrangement is too bad and i am worry they didnt send my orders to mainland lor .

Also they asked me to drip hole in 廳櫃 to hide the tv and electric cables and i rejected it since it need extra $1000 to do so . so expensive ~~~


自己拎個鑽鑽 ...  :em05:
作者: win2000k    時間: 2003-12-8 12:26:30     標題: furniture pacakge

作者: Teresa and Fai    時間: 2003-12-8 13:50:02


作者: leebrian    時間: 2003-12-11 00:41:49

All of you I have drafted a complaint letter to Hutchison and I have uploaded to:


Please check if there any missing points. I hope the letter can be send out this week.

I have also contact the staff of Hutchison they promise to follow up the case.

Saga  have you made an appointment with Hang Cheong on 14 Dec at 11:00am Sunday.  If so we can go together to start the war. :em10:  :em10:  :em10:
作者: saga    時間: 2003-12-12 14:38:37

[quote:21df47f8b9="leebrian"]All of you I have drafted a complaint letter to Hutchison and I have uploaded to:


Please check if there any missing points. I hope the letter can be send out this week.

I have also contact the staff of Hutchison they promise to follow up the case.

Saga  have you made an appointment with Hang Cheong on 14 Dec at 11:00am Sunday.  If so we can go together to start the war. :em10:  :em10:  :em10:[/quote]

Ar .. my family change the booking to 13 Dec 10:00 am  at wanchai :shock:
作者: Emily    時間: 2003-12-13 20:06:57

各位好耐冇同大家傾偈啦: :wink:

唔好意思早輪部電腦壞咗 8) ,頭先恆昌打俾我約時間,但佢話時間.地點自己話事,於是我問佢,邊到最大,佢話屯門最大,其實對不對??
作者: saga    時間: 2003-12-13 20:48:31

[quote:5fe26c74d2="Emily"]各位好耐冇同大家傾偈啦: :wink:

唔好意思早輪部電腦壞 8) ,頭先恆昌打俾我約時間,但佢話時間.地點自己話事,於是我問佢,邊到最大,佢話屯門最大,其實對不對??[/quote]

應該似 點計租都平好多啦  
但因為d 款唔係個個揀得
大只等於佢放好多唔係 for RC 既傢俬 但你合心水當然可以補錢換 8)

唔果屯門對你黎講唔會唔就腳 咁去間大d既會好d 補錢就補錢 最緊要合心水  
作者: diedsee    時間: 2003-12-14 01:23:34

作者: Emily    時間: 2003-12-14 03:58:34

唔該晒saga & diedsee !! thx thx !!
其實幾間分店d貨.會唔會一樣 i mean 會唔會有一間較齊RC啲款 ?
作者: saga    時間: 2003-12-14 13:41:13

[quote:11a1552629="Emily"]唔該晒saga & diedsee !! thx thx !!
其實幾間分店d貨.會唔會一樣 i mean 會唔會有一間較齊RC款 ?[/quote]

所謂 RC 款 係佢地係佢地本身d 設計度執一 set 細細地放入示範單位
你去邊一度都應該有 "RC" o個一款
差唔多價錢既就可以唔使錢換款 差太遠就補水
但想睇下有無其他款 大細間應該有d分別

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