我覺得好多時都係同一人所為....... :?作者: kk and hiromi 時間: 2003-11-27 13:24:28
wei....is it only RC has a fan club net ga...will all the other estate has their own intra net club? Or there are there IT (young) ppl going to live in RC? I don't have much contribution on the net cos I'm computer idiot. Hope can contribute on other field la..... :作者: Teresa and Fai 時間: 2003-11-27 13:59:04
不過RC都差唔多可以成為本年十大是非樓盤之一......哈~作者: H and H 時間: 2003-11-27 23:26:22
所以咪話羅對hotel都只不過係樓景之一 都唔明有乜出奇 介意d乜???作者: kk and hiromi 時間: 2003-11-28 00:03:22
Wait until u really move in la...u will know how great the view would be. I remember there is a very nice poster at the Demo house showing the sunset view of the flat facing the swimming pool ga...very moody wor...作者: hales 時間: 2003-11-28 00:08:26
係囉..."除左高層可以望到海景之外" 其它最多只係山景 內園景 樓景
o依? 好多屋苑都係喎.....海景 山景 樓景 內園景 仲未講齊哂咩??? :?:
阿~仲有馬場境 河景 馬路景 商場景.....作者: H and H 時間: 2003-11-28 00:14:45
仲有工廠景 學校景....作者: dick queenie 時間: 2003-11-28 00:16:42
各位觀眾...........................................................................冇景!!!!!!!!!!!作者: kk and hiromi 時間: 2003-11-28 00:53:42
actually I don't exactly know how's the view of my flat hope can see a little bit of Rambler sea la....作者: 中原 時間: 2003-11-28 01:02:27
下? 自己間屋望乜都唔知?
點算呀?作者: 99 時間: 2003-11-28 01:18:30
:em01: :em01: :em01: :em01:作者: kk and hiromi 時間: 2003-11-28 11:13:33
[quote:98d9033178="中原"]下? 自己間屋望乜都唔知?
Pls polish your english before criticize the others..."exactly" in that case means the real view. If I can't be in the flat how can i have a glance to a real view?
i won't blame u if u are just an empty minded sales...poor u. ops: ops: ops: :em06: :em06:作者: 貓貓仔 貓貓女 時間: 2003-11-28 11:25:37