
標題: 有關揀傢俬的事 [打印本頁]

作者: ddericli    時間: 2003-11-18 20:38:01     標題: 有關揀傢俬的事

8) 各位....小弟同沁藍去左約揀傢俬了其實係唔洗輪住揀嘅....




     :twisted:  :evil:  :twisted:  :evil:
作者: 小yen    時間: 2003-11-18 21:13:06     標題: Re: 有關揀傢俬的事

[quote:dd3eeec921="ddericli"]8) 各位....小弟同沁藍去左約揀傢俬了其實係唔洗輪住揀嘅....




     :twisted:  :evil:  :twisted:  :evil:[/quote]

ddericli聽倒你噤講好替其他人開心呀   (雖然我冇買個package :roll: )maybe我會在恒昌喥買sofa &櫃呀 你知唔知在2樓張紅色sofa會唔會有第2種顏色架 :?: 係呢佢地有冇同你講會大約幾時送貨呀 :?: (我指係入伙之後幾耐)

作者: FireFire    時間: 2003-11-18 21:14:57     標題: Re: 有關揀傢俬的事

[quote:27a05ec551="ddericli"]8) 各位....小弟同沁藍去左約揀傢俬了其實係唔洗輪住揀嘅....




     :twisted:  :evil:  :twisted:  :evil:[/quote]
ddericli 咁你有冇改到d野..... :?:
作者: P女    時間: 2003-11-18 21:23:40

作者: 小yen    時間: 2003-11-18 21:30:45

P女恭喜妳呀 我好 "鄧"妳開心呀 希望妳可以簡倒心頭好la :mrgreen:
作者: P女    時間: 2003-11-18 21:37:52

[quote:d42b7f98db="小yen"]P女恭喜妳呀 我好 "鄧"妳開心呀 希望妳可以簡倒心頭好la :mrgreen:[/quote]

Sure la....揀完之後話你知揀左d乜....ok?...............
(頭先pm左你呀 但我發覺經常pm唔到人)..... :evil:  :twisted:
作者: ddericli    時間: 2003-11-19 03:26:48     標題: Re: 有關揀傢俬的事

ddericli 咁你有冇改到d野..... :?:[/quote]



唉.....都知要加錢....但都唔洗加得咁過份啦....... :evil:  :evil:  :evil:
作者: 貓貓仔 貓貓女    時間: 2003-11-19 11:20:24

4呎床咁奇 乜唔係雙人床咩??
作者: Amy Poon    時間: 2003-11-20 00:46:10

4呎床咁奇 乜唔係雙人床咩??[/quote]

4" is the size of standard double bed.
I would like to have a 5" bed.
作者: wychan    時間: 2003-11-20 01:08:33

[quote:330c2e9957="Amy Poon"][quote:330c2e9957="貓貓仔&貓貓女"]喵~
4呎床咁奇 乜唔係雙人床咩??[/quote]

4" is the size of standard double bed.
I would like to have a 5" bed. [/quote]

do you like to play boxing in your bed?
作者: Cal and Cel    時間: 2003-11-20 12:00:24     標題: Re: 有關揀傢俬的事

[quote:5aa852711c="ddericli"]ddericli 咁你有冇改到d野..... :?:[/quote]



唉.....都知要加錢....但都唔洗加得咁過份啦....... :evil:  :evil:  :evil:[/quote]

請問有冇人會轉張床做油壓床呢?? :?: 加$1000是否合理??
作者: turbowing    時間: 2003-11-20 12:40:59

:em01:  :em01:  :em01:
:cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

借問恆昌個預約電話係???? :em14:

作者: H and H    時間: 2003-11-20 12:58:51

我打算轉張床做油壓床 但加$1000就有點兒那個!
其實當初佢地話唔駛加錢 我地先join...(我向唔同時間唔同日子問過幾次都話唔駛加錢架)
Anyway 如果你地去揀傢俬時幫我地問多D野等我地都有心理準備
作者: win2000k    時間: 2003-11-20 13:23:52     標題: furniture pacakge

Yesterday I visited the Hang Cheong in Wanchai. They said if we changed
the bed to oil pressue style it will add $1000. However the agent told me not need to add any additional charges on China Buliding.  Who lies? :?:

Not too much style to choice on Wanchai office for package.
If you go to Tusen Office there have some new items  however you need to add a huge difference price.
作者: H and H    時間: 2003-11-20 13:44:30

[quote:e6800ca73e="turbowing"]:em01:  :em01:  :em01:
:cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

借問恆昌個預約電話係???? :em14:

謝謝!![/quote]恆昌吳小姐係manager 她的電話是: 9559-1788
作者: wicyh    時間: 2003-11-20 16:02:31     標題: Re: furniture pacakge

[quote:543a11d024="win2000k"]Yesterday I visited the Hang Cheong in Wanchai. They said if we changed
the bed to oil pressue style it will add $1000. However the agent told me not need to add any additional charges on China Buliding.  Who lies? :?:

Not too much style to choice on Wanchai office for package.
If you go to Tusen Office there have some new items  however you need to add a huge difference price.[/quote]

never trust agents.
作者: devin and fanta    時間: 2003-11-20 16:36:51

恆昌吳小姐 tell lie too as she sell me to join the package
she said no need to charge additional money if u  改傢俬
and she said there will be a lot of new 傢俬 let u to choose
all of them tell lie~~~~ :cry:
作者: dick queenie    時間: 2003-11-20 17:06:55

作者: gp    時間: 2003-11-20 18:25:26

請問油壓床有何好處 點解要加成$1000去換?
作者: FireFire    時間: 2003-11-20 18:36:46

[quote:42d6affcb0="gp"]請問油壓床有何好處 點解要加成$1000去換?[/quote]
作者: Hotcake    時間: 2003-11-20 19:48:34

我想請問 其實所謂加錢 是否可以於package的銀碼內扣取 而無需自己真的出錢? 如果可以 咁要加錢都唔係咁大問題啫 最多係其他傢俬度遷就.... :|
作者: FD    時間: 2003-11-21 00:01:07

[quote:45fc130140="gp"]請問油壓床有何好處 點解要加成$1000去換?[/quote]

貴d 喎…加咁多錢,多個"跤"咋喎。出面一般係加450 到。
哎...我雖然無join 個package,但我記得好清楚恆昌個姐姐話過,廳個牆柜頂位係可以加柜筒唔洗加錢,隨你喜歡,鏡又得,柜筒又得,最衰無錄音機...而家就隨佢開價。不如叫佢退錢啦.... :em10:
作者: AT    時間: 2003-11-21 02:55:08

我join 皇室家居 package  $88 per ft  15 %off (展銷價) 638ft  aroung 47k
請大家參考參考...........有油壓床 free sofa  free 餐桌free 捲簾(全屋)
冇cushions 冇牆飾做電視柜間房要加$$
作者: turbowing    時間: 2003-11-21 11:07:59

Thanks H&H
作者: 貓貓仔 貓貓女    時間: 2003-11-21 11:27:41

[quote:2294a0ec11="AT"]我join 皇室家居 package  $88 per ft  15 %off (展銷價) 638ft  aroung 47k
請大家參考參考...........有油壓床 free sofa  free 餐桌free 捲簾(全屋)
冇cushions 冇牆飾做電視柜間房要加$$[/quote]
皇室家居d野都幾靚 尢期手工 有taste!!  :em11:
作者: dick queenie    時間: 2003-11-21 11:41:32

作者: dick queenie    時間: 2003-11-21 11:46:08

作者: Kiliyan    時間: 2003-11-21 12:07:36

Yup Yup!! We think so!!!!!   
作者: 貓貓仔 貓貓女    時間: 2003-11-21 12:22:01

作者: Ho and Serene    時間: 2003-11-21 13:14:26

睇o黎遲d入伙哥時一定要搞番個藍澄之友家居設計比賽嗃!!  [/quote]

作者: qualcomm    時間: 2003-11-21 22:50:38


What if it is a gift?

I only paid $1.....
作者: mouse    時間: 2003-11-21 23:13:29

I have chosen the furniture yesterday... Addition $9xxx is required and paid immediately. Let me list out what I have been changed for your reference

Master room
1. Bed change to 油壓床
2. Bed change from 4尺 to 4.5尺
3. 衣櫃 change from 4尺 to 4.5尺
4. Add wall furniture without the light ( +$6000). If we need the lighte addition $2000 is required. so expensive : (

Another bedroom
1. Bed move to up to window
2. Cabinet make taller which meet the cylinder
3. Cabinet is expanded which stick at the top of desk
4. 不要床"辱" ( - $800)

Dining Room
1. 不要 sofa (-$1500)

1. 不要 Three 枱燈
作者: diedsee    時間: 2003-11-21 23:23:00

[quote:7b6d66147f="AT"]我join 皇室家居 package  $88 per ft  15 %off (展銷價) 638ft  aroung 47k
請大家參考參考...........有油壓床 free sofa  free 餐桌free 捲簾(全屋)
冇cushions 冇牆飾做電視柜間房要加$$[/quote]

:?:    :?:
作者: saga    時間: 2003-11-21 23:30:26

[quote:64c7a4f0e3="FD"][quote:64c7a4f0e3="gp"]請問油壓床有何好處 點解要加成$1000去換?[/quote]

貴d 喎…加咁多錢,多個"跤"咋喎。出面一般係加450 到。
哎...我雖然無join 個package,但我記得好清楚恆昌個姐姐話過,廳個牆柜頂位係可以加柜筒唔洗加錢,隨你喜歡,鏡又得,柜筒又得,最衰無錄音機...而家就隨佢開價。不如叫佢退錢啦.... :em10:[/quote]

口頭承諾有無法律效用? 個個都聽到佢咁講 大把人證
問下師爺 睇下有無計
作者: littleghost    時間: 2003-11-21 23:31:47

the agent told me that we can exchange to other item with those we don't need.  i don't need the small rooms funiture. but now if i need to exchange item a lot of $ need to 補....
i think we should report to the 消委員會
作者: mouse    時間: 2003-11-21 23:44:06

係呀!!係呀!! 當初又話雅闌 床辱!!! 而家就恆昌 床辱
作者: H and H    時間: 2003-11-21 23:53:44

[quote:d4394d0f6d="mouse"]Master room
1. Bed change to 油壓床
2. Bed change from 4尺 to 4.5尺
3. 衣櫃 change from 4尺 to 4.5尺[/quote]

These exactly what I want to change I think about $3000 wor
作者: gp    時間: 2003-11-23 00:11:04

今晚到恆昌簡完傢俬 辛苦到嘔 :em15:  同買樓時一樣好大壓力. 我仲見到好多左鄰右里 好熱鬧呀! 以下本人簡傢俬後心得:

i) 要有充足精神 因為好傷腦筋
ii) 早一兩日去恆昌睇定 唔駛到時煩同浪費時間

以下提供扣除傢俬價格(只係大約數 因為當時思緒混亂唔係記得好清楚):

方塊地毯一塊 - 扣$200
茶几一張 - 扣$600
特色牆鏡飾板一件 - 扣$200
梳妝台連鏡一套及梳妝椅一張 - 扣$800
(細房)上下格床或單人床一套 - 扣$1000
(細房)床褥兩張 - 扣$300
(細房)座椅一張 - 扣$200

p.s. 尋人: 唔該當晚有個好心人借尺俾 唔知係邊位呢?
作者: wychan    時間: 2003-11-23 00:22:09

D野轉款就加$加到 :em15: ,而扣除的話回$就少到:em15:,謂如果有期他街坊像你一樣唔要咁多野的話,不如益下小弟... 用扣除價買到以上物品就好了....
作者: gp    時間: 2003-11-23 00:38:10

我扣除以上傢俬後 張d錢補係加大衣櫃及加大書台 無蝕到!
作者: wychan    時間: 2003-11-23 01:11:06

[quote:f41a6824c2="gp"]我扣除以上傢俬後 張d錢補係加大衣櫃及加大書台 無蝕到![/quote]

作者: H and H    時間: 2003-11-23 01:34:56

作者: gp    時間: 2003-11-23 16:45:00

我無將張書台放向窗台上 只係將張書台改為五呎長......你話幾壯觀呢......he he!!
作者: 小yen    時間: 2003-11-23 20:48:23

[quote:9b4a2d9090="gp"]我無將張書台放向窗台上 只係將張書台改為五呎長......你話幾壯觀呢......he he!![/quote]

wa...too long r...i wish this long desk r :roll: but i think i can't la because i prepare put a double bed to stay close to the windowsill r :em11:  :em02:
作者: P女    時間: 2003-11-23 21:04:36

我星期六都有去揀呀 真係好頭痛 係咁短0既時間揀晒全屋傢俬
我全部野都要晒 但係都加左$2900改野...........
作者: kk and hiromi    時間: 2003-11-23 21:11:12

[quote:573cee93c1="女"]我星期六都有去揀呀 真係好頭痛 係咁短0既時間揀晒全屋傢俬
我全部野都要晒 但係都加左$2900改野........... [/quote]
What have u changed ar? I went to have a look on Friday but I found the display items are much much different from the one I saw from the model house in Central. I guess it is really hard to create a very moody room from the furniture they provided.
I went to Sai Kung on weekend and found a modern chinese style furniture shop is now on sale. The name of the shop is "The Gallery"...And the quality they made the furniture are much much better than the normal furniture shop ga...PM me if u want the contacts la... :em05:  :em05:  :em05:
作者: 小yen    時間: 2003-11-23 21:15:10

P女 congratulations r :em11: u can less a main problem la :em02:
作者: P女    時間: 2003-11-23 21:32:47

I have the same problem too I found out the display items in Hang Cheong are different from the show room.  

But it's really not worth to change or cross out those items.... :roll:
作者: kk and hiromi    時間: 2003-11-23 21:53:35

[quote:1821a7708d="女"]I have the same problem too I found out the display items in Hang Cheong are different from the show room.  

But it's really not worth to change or cross out those items.... :roll:[/quote]

Since I expected i won't decorate my house and change the furniture again for the coming 15 yrs therefore i need to make it comfortable and presentable....of cos have to balance my financial  :em10: budget as well la.....
作者: gp    時間: 2003-11-23 22:14:19

:em05: 用15年 得唔得呀?
作者: kk and hiromi    時間: 2003-11-23 22:25:10

the good quality furniture can do ga....expecially the real wood items.
作者: P女    時間: 2003-11-23 22:47:45

15 Years???? It's too long la....
but of course we need to think about the budget la
作者: H and H    時間: 2003-11-23 23:13:57

[quote:c04dd67a2e="女"]我星期六都有去揀呀 真係好頭痛 係咁短0既時間揀晒全屋傢俬
我全部野都要晒 但係都加左$2900改野........... [/quote]改好少野?
作者: 沁藍    時間: 2003-11-24 07:37:57     標題: 隔廳的組合櫃應怎樣設計~~~

我買咗的單位是683呎的那間,即主人房和客廳睡沒有牆間隔的,但我打算買一部座地的後投電視機,我那天到恆昌看佢現有的傢俬,發現佢陳列出來的那個隔廳的組合櫃的厚度很窄,就算唔擺後投電視,放個大少少的電視,個電視都會突晒出嚟,好肉酸。 :?
我想問下大家,你地又會買怎樣的電視和怎樣處理那個組合櫃? :?:
希望大家俾啲意見我啦! :idea:
作者: win2000k    時間: 2003-11-24 09:51:41     標題: furniture pacakge

All things changed plus additional charges. too expensive.
Not too much style to chose also old style.
Time to chose is limited and must pay the difference immediately.
non-refunded.  The magic-package is not good to use in small flat
as the book desk too long. The oil-pressure bed higher than other company. :em20:
作者: kk and hiromi    時間: 2003-11-24 17:28:39

do u think they will provide some more new design furniture later on? if ppl keep complain about the current choices they should do something about that la....hope they will be enlightened sometimes..... :em12:
作者: anson    時間: 2003-11-24 18:01:26

[quote:9788eb9cc0="kk&hiromi"]do u think they will provide some more new design furniture later on? if ppl keep complain about the current choices they should do something about that la....hope they will be enlightened sometimes..... :em12:[/quote]

I go to choose funiture last Saturday. I meet one neighbout in RC so we talk about the choice was too little. The sales heard what we talk about and feel very angry. He looks crazy and want to kill us.  :em10:
That's terrible!!!! :em01: Then I just like the mouse escape from the shop................... :em01: Poor I am............. :em01:  :em01:  :em01:
作者: kk and hiromi    時間: 2003-11-24 18:16:13

今時今日 咁既服務係唔得嫁....唔洗怕佢....只要有道理 可以直話直說.. 8)
作者: FireFire    時間: 2003-11-24 19:05:57

[quote:cb83ba4826="anson"][quote:cb83ba4826="kk&hiromi"]do u think they will provide some more new design furniture later on? if ppl keep complain about the current choices they should do something about that la....hope they will be enlightened sometimes..... :em12:[/quote]

I go to choose funiture last Saturday. I meet one neighbout in RC so we talk about the choice was too little. The sales heard what we talk about and feel very angry. He looks crazy and want to kill us.  :em10:
That's terrible!!!! :em01: Then I just like the mouse escape from the shop................... :em01: Poor I am............. :em01:  :em01:  :em01: [/quote]
嘩............. :shock:  
咁你有冇鬧番佢呀........ :x
點講我地都係客.... :em05:
作者: P女    時間: 2003-11-24 20:48:05

[quote:001f18ae5d="H&H"][quote:001f18ae5d="女"]我星期六都有去揀呀 真係好頭痛 係咁短0既時間揀晒全屋傢俬
我全部野都要晒 但係都加左$2900改野........... [/quote]改好少野?[/quote]

因為我覺得如果你唔要佢d野 係好好好.........唔著數
如果你唔改野而又唔要佢d野 我諗多數唔會退$$$
同埋如果你唔要佢d野 又要使$$$再買......... :cry:
我諗收樓之後會有好多諗唔到0既開支 所以都係而家慳d好........ :mrgreen:
作者: 小yen    時間: 2003-11-24 20:57:42

[quote:0bb09b4d53="女"][quote:0bb09b4d53="H&H"][quote:0bb09b4d53="女"]我星期六都有去揀呀 真係好頭痛 係咁短0既時間揀晒全屋傢俬
我全部野都要晒 但係都加左$2900改野........... [/quote]改好少野?[/quote]

因為我覺得如果你唔要佢d野 係好好好.........唔著數
如果你唔改野而又唔要佢d野 我諗多數唔會退$$$
同埋如果你唔要佢d野 又要使$$$再買......... :cry:
我諗收樓之後會有好多諗唔到0既開支 所以都係而家慳d好........ :mrgreen:[/quote]

clever girl wo :em11: P女 i agree u talking about because i think same 試範單位display furniture must be very beneficial & suitable to change for yourself must very good la :em11:  :em02: (i want continute to exercise)
作者: Cal and Cel    時間: 2003-11-24 21:28:58

我星期六都有去恆昌 仲影咗d相同大家分享吓!!


作者: FireFire    時間: 2003-11-24 22:23:18

[quote:6ea7ce4b94="Cal & Cel"]我星期六都有去恆昌 仲影咗d相同大家分享吓!!

作者: Solskjaer    時間: 2003-11-25 00:15:20

[quote:d19e32416d="Cal & Cel"]我星期六都有去恆昌 仲影咗d相同大家分享吓!!

作者: KK and J    時間: 2003-11-25 11:20:48

我加o左$3680 改o野,最主要是用於加大衣櫃2呎,衣櫃一呎加$1200,已經無o左一大舊錢:wink: 。 改選自己喜歡的燈式加$300(獨立一支計算)。最難是選餐桌,恆昌餐桌全是外購,物料顏色全部規定無自由選配。
作者: manhk167    時間: 2003-11-25 13:12:49

作者: Teresa and Fai    時間: 2003-11-25 14:15:51

我記得當日我同成家去中環個傢俬示範單位(早期未改style之前)睇傢俬 o個位吳小姐話呢個係標準$39000 plan 既傢俬(除了拍近餐抬那塊裝飾鏡及窗台那個小櫃) 即是話可以執到同佢個傢俬示範單位一模一樣都唔駛加錢 佢當時仲話床係油壓床 又或者可以升高同窗台平排都係唔駛加錢..........

事隔都冇半年就咁快反口 有冇攪錯.............

死la我仲諗住最多用一萬蚊將間客房張床變做可收埋的雙人床 咁而家咁實唔得.............
作者: anson    時間: 2003-11-25 19:09:06

[quote:2ec3dffe4d="Mr. & Mrs. FireFire"][quote:2ec3dffe4d="anson"][quote:2ec3dffe4d="kk&hiromi"]do u think they will provide some more new design furniture later on? if ppl keep complain about the current choices they should do something about that la....hope they will be enlightened sometimes..... :em12:[/quote]

I go to choose funiture last Saturday. I meet one neighbout in RC so we talk about the choice was too little. The sales heard what we talk about and feel very angry. He looks crazy and want to kill us.  :em10:
That's terrible!!!! :em01: Then I just like the mouse escape from the shop................... :em01: Poor I am............. :em01:  :em01:  :em01: [/quote]
嘩............. :shock:  
咁你有冇鬧番佢呀........ :x
點講我地都係客.... :em05:[/quote]
我冇鬧番佢呀 :em01:
I'm just a little potato ops:
I afraid them ............because they are very terrible!!!
:em01:  :em01:  :em01:
作者: ddericli    時間: 2003-11-25 23:02:47

:evil:  :evil:  :evil:


火都埋~~~~ :em13:

作者: gp    時間: 2003-11-26 12:39:13

作者: manhk167    時間: 2003-11-26 17:24:04

如大家都有感受騙 就應該投訴.
作者: anson    時間: 2003-11-26 18:19:28

[quote:749911c933="ddericli"]:evil:  :evil:  :evil:


火都埋~~~~ :em13:

:em20: [/quote]
Maybe we can complain to Miss Ng first.
作者: anson    時間: 2003-11-26 18:46:29

Look at there! There are many good idea!

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