
標題: 有冇人個廁所會有畏味! [打印本頁]

作者: sjacky    時間: 2009-9-14 17:45:13     標題: 有冇人個廁所會有畏味!

搬入來之前 已經發覺個廁所會有d水洰味,但問人話只要倒水入去就會冇事。
但係我發現加水入去都會有洰味出來,之後我用膠紙封左浴缸邊的去水位試下仲有冇味,發覺好少少,但係仲會有味,只後發現味原來不單只浴缸邊的去水位,連浴缸個去水位都有味出來,想問有冇人都係咁架?有冇方法解決?我試過晒倒漂白水,滴露,通洰水.... 但都係有味有冇計計,請指教!
作者: cantonawing    時間: 2009-9-14 22:15:13

我都有同樣情況, 請指教.
作者: 海翹    時間: 2009-9-14 22:54:20

我覺得客厠的味, 好似勁過套厠. 唔知大家是唔是呢.
作者: chong    時間: 2009-9-16 10:12:59

The stink comes from the edge between toilet and floor. Especially, the back of the toilet.
You may buy some SILICONE SEALANT (玻璃膠) to seal the edge by your hand.
作者: sjacky    時間: 2009-9-16 14:00:42

The stink comes from the edge between toilet and floor. Especially, the back of the toilet.
You may buy some SILICONE SEALANT (玻璃膠) to seal the edge by your hand.
chong 發表於 2009-9-16 10:12

真的嗎?邊個位置? 係咪指個廁盤後面個面牆同floor 個個位?
作者: chong    時間: 2009-9-16 16:42:53

本帖最後由 chong 於 2009-9-16 16:44 編輯
真的嗎?邊個位置? 係咪指個廁盤後面個面牆同floor 個個位?
sjacky 發表於 2009-9-16 14:00

Yes. So that I instruct you must seal the edge by hand.
I had used this method to fix three toilets before.
作者: sjacky    時間: 2009-9-16 17:25:33

Yes. So that I instruct you must seal the edge by hand.
I had used this method to fix three toilets before.
chong 發表於 2009-9-16 16:42

good thx 等我回家試下先,煩左我成個星期希望解決到啦
作者: 濠仔    時間: 2009-9-16 21:03:06

Yes. So that I instruct you must seal the edge by hand.
I had used this method to fix three toilets before.
chong 發表於 2009-9-16 16:42

作者: chong    時間: 2009-9-17 11:29:11

濠仔 發表於 2009-9-16 21:03

廁盤後面同floor 個位
作者: sjacky    時間: 2009-9-21 10:17:37

本帖最後由 sjacky 於 2009-9-21 10:19 編輯

YEAH 問題解決,真係廁盤後面同地板位有事,如果你地屋個廁所都有異味,可以用電筒照照廁盤後面同地板位有冇玻璃膠,一手嗰d業主吾駛諗一定冇,因為新樓係冇用到玻璃膠圍背位,因為嗰個位好難用膠槍圍,所以d工人就冇整到的,我都係用手慢慢上返d 玻璃膠,掂晒冇晒味了!
作者: chong    時間: 2009-9-21 12:19:44

YEAH 問題解決,真係廁盤後面同地板位有事,如果你地屋個廁所都有異味,可以用電筒照照廁盤後面同地板位有冇玻璃膠,一手嗰d業主吾駛諗一定冇,因為新樓係冇用到玻璃膠圍背位,因為嗰個位好難用膠槍圍,所以d工人就 ...
sjacky 發表於 2009-9-21 10:17

Well done.
作者: cantonawing    時間: 2009-9-23 02:23:18

Would you post the photo to indicate exact location.
作者: sjacky    時間: 2009-9-23 18:07:08

Would you post the photo to indicate exact location.
cantonawing 發表於 2009-9-23 02:23

作者: 濠仔    時間: 2009-9-25 07:31:03

個位置好易搵架咋,係廁盤咪有d白色玻璃膠連住個地板,你沿住d白色玻璃膠一路睇,去到廁盤背你用電筒照你會發覺d白色玻璃膠係冇再封入去,就係個度,本來d白色玻璃膠係要好似圍邊咁將成個廁盤封晒,但係因為背面難 ...
sjacky 發表於 2009-9-23 18:07

作者: chong    時間: 2009-9-25 10:14:02

濠仔 發表於 2009-9-25 07:31

Yes, Yes.
作者: 濠仔    時間: 2009-9-25 13:00:03

Yes, Yes.
chong 發表於 2009-9-25 10:14

作者: cantonawing    時間: 2009-9-26 12:42:42

Thanks a lot.

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