[quote:7b3a6c6180="wychan"]剛剛同fanstar通電話,佢話同paul y 通過電話,paul y 話rc已經起得八八九九,而大約11月完成並會俾政府驗樓。預計農曆新年前後可以交樓...
So fast. But please check photo which was took at last Sunday. Tower 6 or 5 stills has many windows not install yet (the side face to Hotel).作者: wicyh 時間: 2003-10-7 23:36:34
Is it true or not?
If yes then it's 5 months after.
Actually I feel confuse as somebody once said at June then now some other said at Feb. Which one is true?作者: kitty Raymond 時間: 2003-10-8 12:48:20
Is it true or not?
If yes then it's 5 months after.
Actually I feel confuse as somebody once said at June then now some other said at Feb. Which one is true? Is Paul Y reliable?作者: Agnes Henry 時間: 2003-10-8 13:12:40
estimated date is April...
june is the deadline...... ( 佢地遲過 我地有權選擇唔要rc 和黃會好大獲所以基本上係唔會六月嫁....)
Yup you are right. However honestly speaking I am renting a flat for self living. I would stop the current flat and save $$ if the RC rdy for live. ....作者: coco110 時間: 2003-10-28 15:11:17
We have similar idea but will use the 木櫃 as all of the partitions. Just worry the unti-noise ability. May be we can change to the below link for further discussion..
[quote:4bc728bcc3="Suzuki"]We have similar idea but will use the 木櫃 as all of the partitions. Just worry the unti-noise ability. May be we can change to the below link for further discussion..
Please check this link..http://www.ramblercrest.net/viewtopic.php?t=1054[/quote]
等我聴日去影吓先有無人一齊去呀?不過我只會短時間逗留 :|作者: gp 時間: 2003-11-1 22:56:38
剛剛搭車望到二至六座既天台及低層棚都好似拆埋 麻煩你影多d靚相啦! :em11:
By the way 唔知係唔係我睇錯 A室單位比H室高一層 係唔係複式單位呢? :?:作者: 27a 時間: 2003-11-3 01:01:42
我地住得好近,日日返工都經過,最近RC真係進展得唔錯。唔知會唔會已經做緊商場同埋大堂呢,新年左右可以收樓都唔奇喎 :!: 。同埋,出面個政府公園亦已經進行中,觀乎工人勸勞工作的情況,相信可以配合收樓,如果係咁就好囉,唔駛望到一堆堆泥沙,有礙觀瞻。有最新發展再同大家報導。 :作者: H and H 時間: 2003-11-3 11:43:45