FireFire 發表於 2006-1-31 17:04:48



Suzuki 發表於 2006-1-31 20:06:13

Hay you can use the "Andrew Bocelli - Con Te Partiro (for opening) and Time to Say Goodbye for (ending)"  That's good!!  If you want to the disc pls pm me la!!

FireFire 發表於 2006-1-31 21:34:14

Hay you can use the "Andrew Bocelli - Con Te Partiro (for opening) and Time to Say Goodbye for (ending)"  That's good!!  If you want to the disc pls pm me la!!

you mean you have those CD? or link for my reference? thanks anyway... :)

stephenyeong 發表於 2006-2-1 04:15:40

Hay you can use the "Andrew Bocelli - Con Te Partiro (for opening) and Time to Say Goodbye for (ending)"  That's good!!  If you want to the disc pls pm me la!!

you mean you have those CD? or link for my reference? thanks anyway... :)

?? 兩隻都好似是Time to Say Goodbye  ??

Suzuki 發表於 2006-2-2 21:22:09

I have the CD  the same melody for two song but different content !!  The first one is say Wellcome  and the last one is say goodbye !!

kyu 發表於 2006-2-2 21:41:41


用貝九-快樂頌 唔知得唔得呢?

FireFire 發表於 2006-2-2 22:29:03

I have the CD  the same melody for two song but different content !!  The first one is say Wellcome  and the last one is say goodbye !!

:em04: ~~~~


用貝九-快樂頌 唔知得唔得呢?

試下都好~~ :detective

kyu 發表於 2006-2-3 03:19:02



FireFire 發表於 2006-2-3 07:51:46



呢個就唔識啦~~~ :oh:

kyu 發表於 2006-2-3 11:51:12



呢個就唔識啦~~~ :oh:


"仲夏夜之夢"係德國音樂大師"Felix Mendelssonhn Bartholdy - 費利克斯、孟德爾頌、巴托迪"之作品. 此曲為莎士比亞名劇"仲夏夜之夢"的配樂 其中第五幕的前奏音樂 就係無人不知的"結婚進行曲"啦!
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